It got moved. Likely lich gets something new to replace it, but we'll have to wait and see
Rumors are dangerous.
It got moved. Likely lich gets something new to replace it, but we'll have to wait and see
Rumors are dangerous.
Global means everywhere, ignite chance with fire skills doesn't give ignite chance to non-fire skills, not global.
What about animation combos and mix ups? Seeing your character do the same hand animation all the time when using a skill doesn't look good. (See warlock videos).
Yea we’re trying to add variations for each skill. We won’t get to all of them for 1.0 but a whole lot of them will have alternate animations and we’ll continue adding more
- There's a bug in online on live that is making it so that screen-shake is not playing - fixed for 1.0.
- we're overhauling nearly every player animation as we've invested time into new rigs that help them move better - I'd say that many of these have meatier swings
- we're slightly increasing hit VFX
- we're increasing the hit sounds volume in the sound mix
- we're taking time to align on-hit VFX and damage numbers to play at the exact time that the swing makes contact - some of these are misaligned on live
- we've taken the stun VFX and pushed it up a bit above enemies heads as sometimes it was getting lost in some monsters actual models
This is for 1.0. We have plans to make it so that receiving hits feel slightly more impactful and also have plans to make melee-range flinches (we currently have them for enemies moving).
So yes, and more to come.
It's the same bug as why you can walk through enemies. It's fixed for 1.0.
The damage numbers don't show every tick. It combines a few together and shows one so you don't see a constant stream of useless garbled numbers.
Oh I never played LoL. I mean, um, who is this Vladimir? Good thing it's just pool and not rip blood, I mean transfusion.
I can't speak to specific plans for post-1.0, but unless I've miscounted, we're adding 16 new non-mtx armour sets in 1.0.
Best to put a screenshot or pastebin up of your filter and link it here so we can see exactly what you have.
Damn, thanks.
Maybe if we get an expansion I'll get lucky
Void Knight has an ability that sends you back in time and another that can send enemies forward in time. There is no time slow bubble field that makes projectiles move slower.
Can somebody PLEASE answer the question as to whether or not I should start playing now or wait until 1.0?? I can't find ANY information about it.
Edit: In all seriousness, the mod team are the devs, bless their patient hearts. So I don't think anything will change around here unless they want to hire people to run it or hand it over to the community.
We're actually intending to pass over control to the community as is normal with Reddit. We haven't done this previously as we haven't had enough interest in beesfriends and reddit moderators taking it over, but we're looking to start this hand-off very soon. (It's against reddit's ToS to hire people to run a subreddit to address the other proposed option).
Every time you see a shop click on it and it will probably have between 2 to 4 shater runes
This will increase to 5 to 9 at higher levels in 1.0
Hey there! Just checked with our support team, it looks like they have sent a response when the office re-opened this morning. If you check your email inbox you should see a response from them.
As a general note, bug reports / support requests through reddit unfortunately often won't be able to be looked into as the support team will be working in support tickets. As you have done, submitting a support ticket through the in-game tool or is the best way to receive support for an issue.
I feel like I'm making negative progress on the comments that obviously are inappropriate. Sorry, gonna have to lock the comments. I think we've got plenty of constructive comments to vote on to express opinions either way on the matter.
But didn't EHG implement some kind of solution for this back last year? I could have sworn that there was a feature implemented in a patch that would allow the user to select the little feet icon on either the LM or RM buttons.
As the person who has done almost all of the implementation for that UI element in the last 6 years, not that I can remember.
1.0 won't have this. Beyond that is unknown.
I'm not sure if we have a firm age rating done yet but I do know that when we make content, we assume we are making content for an M rated game. I think the majority of the game could easily get away with a T rating but there are a few things that are a little extreme. For example, when you first make it to the ruined era very close to the start of the game, there are some people who have been killed "put on display" in a rather gruesome way. It's really easy to miss it and you actually have to zoom in to really tell what is going on but it is an example of something I wouldn't think most 11 year olds have seen before.
It's pretty low on the sexuality scale. Like, you can get your character down to basic, thematically appropriate underwear. There is some light incidental nudity that might pop up in the environment from time to time too.
So it's mostly just the violence which can be a little intense.
It's really hard to say if it would be appropriate or not a...
Read moreHeavy is right on all accounts. This is going to be a very big one and it will not be available for pre-download.
This used to be the case but has gotten better. The last updates enabled quite some more diversity for mobility skills. E.g. every mage used to run teleport, now there a few more options like focus or flame rush.
Rogue and acolyte are rn limited, but both receive a new mastery with 1.0.
Both Acolyte and Rogue are receiving multiple new traversal skill options in 1.0. However some of them are locked to their new masteries, and they'll need more added in future.