Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

03 Feb


The increase refers to what percentage of your base crit chance is raised by. The confusion comes from using a percentage increase on a percentage stat.

+10% crit chance would make your crit chance go up by 10.

+10% increased crit chance would make your crit go up by 10% of your crit chance.


Yes, we have controller support improvements for 1.0


It's been fixed internally and that fix will be included in 1.0. The problem was that before 1.0, not all the sufficient data for skill casting restrictions was synced to the client, so although the server would have let you use Lunge without a target, the client was still applying the skill's default targeting restrictions.


All hits can stun. Bigger hits have a bigger stun chance.


Originally posted by melnic1

I have to finish certain first monoliths to open empowered right?

Just the last 3.


Originally posted by Ecredes

These look great. Maybe this is answered somewhere before.

Does EHG use AI art at all? Or is everything done by an artist from start to finish?

Everything is done by an artist start to finish! We have a lot of talented artists on the team. The one who created all of the new badges is named Alejo

02 Feb


We're increasing the number that appear in each shop. It will start at the current amount and then increase based on character level, up to 5-9 around the start of endgame.


Thanks for visiting our booth in the early days - we were so stoked that anyone at all had an interest at that time, haha! The game and team have come a long way.


I think we need to re-think this graphic a touch to let the new badges be displayed larger. The new ones are definitely of a higher quality but this format (the wheel) doesn't do them justice. If you guys are seeing them for the first time you can see them at a better resolution on our post here:


It's been a journey of a lifetime for sure =)

I'll do another AMA at some point so people can ask questions on how we (hopefully) pulled this off!


Originally posted by Humeon

Pretty well known that Last Epoch began as a passion project here on reddit. This is (pretty much) the earliest post discussing what would eventually become Last Epoch:

There were a couple of exploratory polls posted prior to this one but this is the first time the core mechanics really started to get explored and it's cool to look through some of that old history

Couple months later, this post is what caught my attention:


Originally posted by pallesaides

Well yes, that is how it could play out ... My point is if they don't hand it over to somebody then potentially anyone could end up with it if they aren't modding it ... And since they can't be paid to mod it, they can't mod it.

Which is why I do this in my spare time.

Edit: which is also why I'm probably not doing a great job too.

01 Feb


I've seen a few rumors of that float around from time to time, recently a lot more than usual. It's not something we have ever done. I think a few people traded in their alpha packs for beta packs at one point but that's not really the same thing.


Originally posted by cryosurge1

Ah okay flames and global in general makes total sense. As far as grimhildes with the 4 uniques I mentioned, since the witchfire applies from ignite/damned overload proliferation and from hits, would the ones from ignite/damned overload prolif have lower damage than the ones from ghostflame, due to the ghostflame applications having the additional chance from fire skills and channeling during calculation? I thought the node was just checking what the stat in your character sheet giving the damage boost all the time.

I haven't gone to double check so I could be wrong but from the wording you put, the above guidelines work. If it only cares about global, chance for fire skills isn't global.


Originally posted by eliel77

If I remember it right they said it's more about the complexity of designing it and the resources to maintain this function than that they actually don't want. But my memory could be betraying me.

There's also the issue of actually sending all that information to the client. We currently send the local player's items, skill trees, etc. to their client, but doing that for all the other players in the zone would constitute a lot of data.

31 Jan


Originally posted by cryosurge1

Hey Eki,

I have a follow up on this as I am trying to cook up a witchfire build. I didn’t notice when asking previously that the grimhilde’s domain passive reads “more damage per global chance to ignite with fire skills” as opposed to the flames of misery passive for ghost flame that reads “a portion of global ignite chance on hit now applies as chance per second”.

My question is let’s say I have 100 global ignite on a weapon, calamity which is 150 ignite on fire hit, and soulfire which is 160% chance to ignite on hit with fire and necro skills.

When using grimhildes, would all three of those add up to 410 and then give me the corresponding damage? or does the fact that soulfire is fire and necro skills make it technically not the same stat?

And then if I understand you correctly from your previous response, for flames of misery, we only take the 100 from the weapon because flames doesn’t respect the “with fire skills” or the “with fire and necro s...

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here is a good litmus test if it's global ignite chance: Does it apply to basic attack, base fireball, basic bow attack and base hammer throw?

to see if grimhildes applies the stat to a skill use this check: Does it have the fire tag?

So since calamity and soulfire don't work on basic attack and soulfire has the fire tag then 100 global ignite chance from your weapon applies.


I don't know if we have, but we'll aim for 11am CT as usual (You can remember this by "eleventh" hour games)


Originally posted by Ohfacce

Wait so if I equip a new weapon inside one weapon catagory (one-handed swords for instance) I wont see a difference on my character? ...Why? Diablo 2 over 20 years ago had this, seems like a standard feature of the genre to me that is expected. If I equip a new helm or chestpiece, my character has to reflect that. Why even play the game if you just look the same no matter what gear you wear?
I don't want to sound like a dick, but gender locked classes, no visual character customisation/creation and gear doesn't change your look aswell... Seems like you guys made a game and forgot some of the key aspects of the genre. Kind of like making a jump and run platformer where you forgot to add in a jump mechanic to the game.

Woah there bud, you know that's a 2 year old post you're replying to there eh?

30 Jan


We're making a few changes here.

  1. making loading transition times faster in general
  2. making sure that every transition situation does have a loading "toast" notification so you have instant feedback
  3. making it so that after a brief moment... I think it's 1.5s, it takes you to the loading screen(this is instead of it waiting for some round trip information for server connections to happen before taking to the loading screen which results in what you're pointing out here - and we agree it felt awful)

Also worth noting that we'll always be working towards faster zone transition times. At 1.0 it will be better than it is now though.


Originally posted by Superb-Stuff8897

Don't suppose you can slip us a bit if info on what the Primalist changes look yeah, could ya? 🤣😉