Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

10 Feb


Originally posted by imnophey

They gave some details here:

Seems like they want to shift the majority of enemy power from modifiers and into corruption. They are changing how the damage and healing corruption increases scales as you increase it, giving it a higher scaling when you reach the breakpoints of 100, 200, 300 etc.

It's not actually a breakpoint system, those thresholds were given as an example to show the differences at that point because comparing formula together isn't very intuitive.


Originally posted by calmlestat6666

Old thread. But I’m just curious if there will be further improvements to controller support for the official launch 1.0?

Oh yes. Lots of updates for gamepad

09 Feb


I understand the concerns surrounding bug fixing. The patch notes will include a massive list of all the fixes we have included in 1.0. We have spent a lot of time fixing as many bugs as we can. Did we get them all? No. Will we keep fixing them as fast as we can based on severity and complexity? Yes. I think you'll find that when we aren't pushing towards 1.0, we can get the truly urgent fixes out quite quickly.

I suspect that a few of the more incendiary comments found in the wild may have been taken at face value and caused this to be a little more passionate than necessary.


Originally posted by The92Ghost

I have to agree with most players here. We are living in 21st century and we are 2024 now, initially deciding to not add an option for movement functionality is unprofessional. It is a choice, so those who want to play with point-and-click mouse, they can do that, but those of us who want to play with WASD + mouse, can do that too. So I don't get where the issue is here, and it is a choice that is entirely pickable by the player.

Intentionally not adding it, sounds extremely bad for such highly anticipated game like Last Epoch that is coming in 2024 basically and uses outdated movement system because of a few classic, old-school players that don't get the advantage in the WASD and the A in aRPG. Literally you are losing moneys because of a simple movement system and disappoint ARPG's fans that are used to more modern movement systems.

Thanks for the feedback. I take very strong issue with your accusation of unprofessionalism.


Originally posted by Tetsucubra

I have this game for 3+ years, played ~200 hours and didn’t know this. Thanks!

To be fair this wasn't a thing for most of the time you've had the game.


Originally posted by Racthoh

I've got one with 4LP, but the spammy nature of wraith reminded me of what I didn't like about the original, uncapped build way way back.

There's a new unique coming in 1.0 that might help you with that.


Originally posted by Akhevan

Actually, it has nothing.

Ironically, it has nothing because there are no dual wield mechanics in this game. Or weapon mechanics in general.

  • Do you always alternate between the weapons when attacking, or not?

This game doesn't have auto attack and your weapons are just stat sticks, same as your helmet, or idols, or that passive in your tree. They just happen to always have flat melee attack stats (or spell damage, or both).

  • What is your real attack speed when dual wielding?

Average between the two weapons' implicits * your attack speed modifiers.

  • Just flat out equipping a white weapon improves your DPS, so what actual stat(s) are you gaining from dual wielding?

All the stats of both of your weapons combined. There are no odd hidden penalties like you only get 2...

Read more

Average between the two weapons' implicits * your attack speed modifiers.

This is correct and it's specifically the arithmetic mean, not the geometric mean, which is what you'd get if you considered the attack rates as two independent multipliers. We do it this way round because it works out slightly in the player's favour and it's easier for people to calculate.

08 Feb


The skills panel has an issue where whenever you mouse over a skill the scroll bars show up and everything shifts to auto adjust for a frame or two. So as you're moving your mouse cursor around the screen, it's stuttering all over the place. I suspect that this is because of the positioning of the tooltip getting set to something that requires the scroll bars to expand and react to the new size. Once the tooltip gets moved into position though, it can go back to normal.


Originally posted by Wagrram

Wait, what?

In a monolith echo if you create a portal and it's blue that means you haven't completed the echo yet and taking it will fail the echo. If it's green then you've completed the objective and you can safely go through it without failing the echo. After you've completed the objective the portal you create with the normal portal key will be green, just like the one you get if you click the button that appears on the right of the screen.


Yea this is a frustrating bug that we do have fixed for 1.0, OP. Apologies - in 13 days you'll feel like a sharpshooter


Originally posted by Pandarandrist1

Well damn, I didn't mention any of that at all!

I may never have said all that before, I can't remember what comes out of my mouth these days.


Originally posted by Pandarandrist1

Devs have responded to this suggestion before. IIRC, they basically said, "This is an interesting idea but one we generally scrapped because it dilutes the affix pool far, far too much. We have other ideas for itemization down the line, and we are very excited to show them to you, when the time comes".

Just doing my best here, /u/ekimarcher

I think the reason I've given in the past was more along the lines of that we didn't want to have an affix that says "+3 to Fiery Temper" and then you're like "well, wtf is that?". You hold alt and it explains that it's a passive in the sorc tree at req 45 points or something (fully just making this node up). Then you have to go into your passive tree and look up what it does. This knowledge dependency chain is something we like to avoid as much as possible.

Then on top of that, you have to figure out if these points count towards getting to the next section of your passives, they wouldn't, but then you're adding up points and these extra points are confusing. Ugh, just a mess. Oh and also, what if you're playing as a rogue when the item drops, you can't even look up in game what it does.

It makes more sense to us to just put the effect of the node on the item as only a select few would be good to do this for anyways.

07 Feb


Originally posted by GrigorMorte

Two questions: is steam the only place to buy? That's the real size? 7gb?

You can also buy it through partner nexus stores that several Epoch streamers have set up. That does grant you a proper steam key so you do end up going through steam anyways. We know it's not everyone's favourite but switching to steam was one of the best decisions we have ever made in terms of getting more stuff done faster.


No, we have no LAN mode and don't currently have plans to add one.


Welcome to the community! Hope you enjoy it.

- Judd, game director for Epoch


Originally posted by RealIstros

I don't want to be negative but I couldn't spot any major differences or any difference at all. Maybe it is because I can look at them for half a second but still they felt very similar. What did you change?

They are largely similar. I don't know all of the details that were changed. It's going to sound silly but I do know that hand sizes got changed. I'm sure it would be easier to tell these changes with a side by side but I don't have one of those.


Originally posted by xDaveedx

His active reddit is called ekimarcher, not sure whether that is a different mike or an old account he has made for official purpose, but never started using.

I made it specifically for this but then we realized it would be better if I used my personal account for moderating.

06 Feb


Originally posted by Plus1Oresan

Oh neat. So the shot of each character are the ingame models?

Yup. These are the new in game models. (timestamp linked)


Originally posted by ZircoSan

that's nice, but to be honest i don't think we've seen any "censorship" as feedback very critical of several aspects of the game was on the first page very often.

I hope we can still see devs answering questions on reddit and that the new brave moderators will help grow the sub(which feels a bit small compared to the hype of LE).

We’ll be here.


This isn't one bug to be fixed. The functionality is actually working perfectly. The issue is that there are objects which think they are walls which aren't that find their way into the levels. We are always on the lookout for ones that shouldn't be there and fix them when they crop up. I know that many of them have been fixed but I can't guarantee that every single one has been.