Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

14 Jan


Originally posted by Magic2424

If you go circle, you still drop non circle items at the base rate that trade has, right? And those items won’t be tagged as CoF. So you could swap over to trade just to trade those base items and swap back. Then the gold you just use on dungeon or tabs. Definitely doesn’t break the game and actually probably helps economy by having more items listed. Need to also have trade faction leveled too

When you swap to trade, you are missing a step of farming the favor to trade it while you are representing MG.

Oh and even if you did that, the only items that are eligible to be traded are those found while not representing CoF. This means that this plan doesn't work at all.


Originally posted by itsmehutters

If you like the 1 single minion style, the Falconer will be coming with 1.0 that is a new style of minion build for LE.

Forge guard can also be 1 minion playstyle, sort of.

Big time! That's actually what I'm playing right now. Doing shield throw manifest armor. Cap and Iron Man


Originally posted by alpha0meqa

This is great to hear. As a lurker it is a bit disheartening seeing all the negativity regarding rubber banding. Good luck on fixing it :)

It's frustrating to me too. Especially when I haven't experienced it myself since it went live. I do the dev streams and every once in a while I'll get someone comment on how smooth it is for me and asking what my settings are to make it not do it.


Originally posted by yazisiz

Is rubberbanding on movement skills when playing online gonna be resolved? I'd love to play with my friends on release

Improving the multiplayer experience and server performance is our primary focus.


The big game philosophy difference is that the BM is designed to get in the trenches with your minions. You get buffs for both of you by attacking and your companions will often buff you too. By contrast, the Necromancer is much more interested in using her minions as a resource. She has several active summoning skills that will have you standing back a lot more.

The big BM build right now is squirrels (it's wolves but converted with the helmet Ziz made). You get a sizable squirrel army and go to town. My favorite way to do BM is to get Raptor, Bear and Sabertooth but it isn't very good right now.

My favorite Necro build right now is zombies. I like taking the jump node and it's like having a bunch of leaping banelings.

If I had to pick between the two, I'd probably go with Necro myself.

If you like the 1 single minion style, the Falconer will be coming with 1.0 that is a new style of minion build for LE.


Originally posted by Lykotic

Figured better to ask on a related thread than make a new one.

I fully understand that "things can change" but if a console port is going to happen, what are the odds that it'd have cross-progression built into it (not as concerned about cross-play tbh)?

Thanks =)

We have much much smarter people than me working on those elements so I can't give you a first hand answer there.

However, I do spend a little time dealing with data storage and regardless of where the game is being played, we would still store all those saves in the same place. So from a technical point, I think cross-progression would be much easier to do than cross-play.

That doesn't mean it will happen, just that it's easier. I feel like that's kind of a nothing answer though.

I think the decision to have cross-progression or not will probably come down to a design decision. If the hypothetical console port doesn't have some sort of gameplay difference from the PC version, I think I'd be cautiously optimistic for it. Just like if you look at D3, the console version has a combat roll and PC doesn't.

Now, we already have controller support so the PC to console difference likely won't be that much if anything for us.

So I think it's going to...

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Originally posted by Andrew_Tilley

Ah, that makes more sense. Thanks for the clarification.



Originally posted by Daegog

Gamers always find a way to game the system, its just what they do. For some of them, its the most important part of the game.

I definitely expect some shenanigans with this system, it will be interesting to see the response.

Oh for sure. We've had the CTs breaking it apart for a few months now. It's still possible to find a way to game the system but I will be surprised if it happens any time soon.


Here is the really straight forward way to think about it.

Do you want trade? Pick MG.

Do you not want trade? Pick CoF.

Do you regret your decision? Switch.

That's all you really need to know. There isn't an efficient way to use both. Don't plan to use switching as a tactic to get ahead. The most efficient path is to pick one and stick to it.


Originally posted by Andrew_Tilley

If I join the circle faction, I would get better drops but I cannot sell those drops on the auction house?

Correct. Items dropped as a result of benefits from the Circle of Fortune will have a Rank Requirement on them and thus cannot be traded. In fact, all items dropped while in Circle of Fortune cannot be traded and this is indicated on the items.

If I join the merchants faction, I can still farm for gear but the chance for great gear is a lot lower than the circle folks?

Yes, MG players will have a lower drop chance compared to CoF players that have ranked up to at least Rank 3 or higher.

Can circle faction folks BUY from the Auction house?

No, CoF players cannot interact with the Bazaar or initiate player-to-player trades. However, CoF players, MG players or factionless players can still Gift items to other players in their party provided they were in the sam...

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Yes, MG players will have a lower drop chance compared to CoF players that have ranked up to at least Rank 3 or higher.

I think this might come from a slight miscommunication from me.

Rank 1 CoF players will have higher drop rates over MG.

Rank 3 CoF will be above the current gear upgrade rate that you have currently on live.


We want to try gold because we want people to feel they can and actually should use their crafting resources. We’ll be keeping a close eye on feedback and like all things we’ll be ready to iterate if we and the community feel it’s the right move.

13 Jan


Originally posted by jandrewhiggy

Oh my gosh I love you guys. Means a lot to have someone from the team answer questions from the community like this! You guys absolutely rock

We aren't always quite so responsive but I try and find some time every day to answer questions like this. We're just on "high alert" right now because of the big news that just went out. Anyways, thanks :)


We have polish changes coming to most of the end game but no new systems at 1.0.

We do have plans for new end game systems in the not too distant future.


Originally posted by Craigy89

Just have to buy! I think you probably just need to make an account in game

It auto does it by using your Steam account.


Originally posted by pallesaides

Your characters now will go to legacy league. We don't know if you will be able to give them factions, but if it's anything like Poe it won't really matter because only a tiny portion of the population will bother playing it.

You can select factions in legacy immediately when the patch drops.


No, we are currently unable to do this.


Originally posted by joule400

are you a member of the dev team? pretty cool of you to get involved here too

thanks for the info, i'll look up the channel

Yup, I'm one of the coders, I mostly work on skills and UI. I also do the weekly dev stream.


Very likely dropping them in advance. The community is aware of most major changes we’re making so I’m sure a decent amount of it has been or could be aggregated. They’re going to be quite lengthy patch notes


Originally posted by xDaveedx

Oh ok that makes sense. So will items you currently own be tradeable when you play the legacy cycle or will it not work retroactively?

Items that dropped before 1.0 will not be tradeable.


Originally posted by Night-Sky

I actually just saw you other post talking about the bundle deal vs getting the items you want. where you could pay 60 buck for your void items but if you want it all a bundle deal could be available. I think that is a pretty good way to go. You please the collectors and please the people who want just the one item because it looks cool and they don't have to go all in. I do think this is a great idea and also means you don't have to do the whole path of exile future packs get discounted with the price you spent on the previous packs. (Not really discounted you still spend the same but its more manageable for the people who want it over a longer period of time.)

I understand that the higher tier packs cost more because they have more practical effects and are flashier. And probably take more dev time to make as well. I Don't think the packs are over priced for the cosmetics they give but over priced for the "perceived value"

I really think for me is that the 60$ pac...

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I'll pass it on :)