Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

05 Nov


Originally posted by aSleepingPanda

It would be interesting to have a forging potential parameter in the loot filter.

We have very recently debated adding this to loot filter options and have decided not to include it.


Originally posted by darsynia

Does that mean Warlock is released with the game? I'm new so I haven't seen anything about it, my sincere apologies if you've said elsewhere and I didn't see.

Warlock and falconer at 1.0 on February 21


Originally posted by Clancreator

Is this saying that they have really high range to roll? Or that the base item applies a certain amount of FP, and you're considering other rarity drops as a reduced base item fp with additional bonuses due to its rarity and affix tiers?

White items have a small chance to drop with an exceptional amount of forging potential. Otherwise it works exactly as everyone assumes it does.


Originally posted by Chatterboxi




Soooooo sneaky feature here. White items have the highest possible forging potential of all items.


Originally posted by EBass360

Does anyone know if EHG have acknowledged the selected text visual bug? It really bums me out :(

We're aware! We'll fix it. Lots of UI polish coming for 1.0


Your minions are your allies. Minions of your allies are your allies.


The intended interaction is that you can hold it down and it keeps attacking. If you experience something else, please use the in game bug reporting tool.

04 Nov


Originally posted by Acedin

Curious, do you guys plan to support your supporters? Things like giving tool developers a heads up when APIs change or maybe even involving their input for stuff like that?

We worked closely with Dammit(LETools) and the Maxroll team to bring this API preview feature to life. They have a direct line to us.


Originally posted by I_Ild_I

Its not im having it for several days, wanted to catch up a bit with the game after month not playing buts thats kinda ruining it sadly

This issue was fixed. If you are still unable to play, please contact support.

03 Nov


Originally posted by imnophey

Love this, submitted something now!

Thank you for submitting feedback! We'll make sure to put it to good use :D


Eterra can be an unexpectedly dangerous place with cultists in every corner, and even swarms of bees going on the offensive. With all this danger abound, what are some things you wish you knew as a new player in Last Epoch? Let us know here: ...

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Originally posted by tiboromercic

Excellent to hear of the graphical updates (models could use work, primalist ugly AF).

Tune into the Twitch live stream at 3pm CT if you have time - Mikes teasing some visual updates that are pretty exciting


Originally posted by yan030

Hello Judd,

Out of curiosity, do you have plans to release more end game content on 1.0?

Some end game adjustments/small additions but the content isn’t focused on end game for 1.0. 1.x series will be heavily though


Welcome to the community, Target! I won't be biased and say you should make a Meteor Sorc, so I'll let the community respond for build suggestions ;)

We have some very nice graphics upgrades coming - shadows, lighting, animations, etc. are all being heavily worked on this dev cycle. Also replacing some of those very early-day enemies from when we were a very small team which helps a surprising amount.

Enjoy the game!
- Judd, game director for Epoch

02 Nov


We agree. We already have large Monolith expansion plans and adding more to end game will certainly be a focus right after 1.0.


Welcome to the community, OP! No current plans for raids. We want all content in the game to be completable as a solo player or in party play. Raids introduce some unique issues in this type of game as we wouldn’t want to tie top-tier loot to mandatory group play content that this type of game isn’t mechanically focused on. Raids are great in role-oriented games with tanks, healers, and DPS but we’re not strong typed like that - although you can certainly build characters that are strong in those areas. Also, can you imagine having epic raids and not tying better gear to them than other types of content… it would feel wrong.

Good question - I see a lot of new people curious about this. Hope you’re enjoying the game!