Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

13 Sep


I couldn’t find anything in the player log.

From the video provided it’s clear the damage numbers don’t show sometimes. I am really not sure why.

Thanks for the report.


I could not reproduce this. It might be a rounding error. The attack speed is definitely being applied correctly.


This is a known issue with using abilities out of warpath. We are correctly investigating this bug.

Thank you for the report.


I investigated this internally and found that it is fully functional. The damage is being applied correctly.

Thanks for the report.


We are aware of this issue. It has to do with some of the enemy models being little finicky with ragdoll effect. We made some notes about it.

Thanks of the report.


Thank you for the feedback.

We are revising the tool tips of these nodes to mention they don’t function with these each.

12 Sep


Originally posted by buffinita

Hoard them just in case you need it later

This will soon be the even more correct answer. =)


Hey everyone,

Just wanted to take a moment to address some concerns that a few of our community members have brought up in regards to poor behavior in Last Epoch’s in-game chat.

First, we sincerely apologize that there are some messages coming through that have no place in any chat, let alone our community that is generally very positive and helpful. We have quite a few moderators and staff working over the weekend to monitor chat and are actively warning, giving temporary chat mutes, and even banning players in some extreme cases in accordance with our Code of Conduct. We are working on better tooling and reporting functions for chat as well. In general we have an awesome community facilitating good discussion about the game and we’re trying to make sure that a few bad actors aren...

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Hey everyone,

Just wanted to take a moment to address some concerns that a few of our community members have brought up in regards to poor behavior in Last Epoch’s in-game chat.

First, we sincerely apologize that there are some messages coming through that have no place in any chat, let alone our community that is generally very positive and helpful. We have quite a few moderators and staff working over the weekend to monitor chat and are actively warning, giving temporary chat mutes, and even banning players in some extreme cases in accordance with our Code of Conduct. We are working on better tooling and reporting functions for chat as well. In general we have an awesome community facilitating good discussion about the game and we’re trying to make sure that a few bad actors ...

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11 Sep


I just confirmed this. Thanks.

    Trasochi on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not sure if there are currently ways to make it viable at its current power level, but it definitely seems underpowered in most cases right now and will be buffed in a hotfix.

It would also be good to know people’s opinions on whether we should make changes to the tree that would cause a respec (i.e. anything that makes any existing tree layouts invalid), and how disruptive that would feel mid patch cycle. It’s normally something we avoid where possible in hotfixes, but it would allow more flexibility for tree changes that might otherwise need to wait for 0.8.4. We would still buff the base skill either way.


If you are specialized in a skill to grant it a new tag like adding poison, it will grant that skill a +level as though it always had that tag. If you can find an example of this not being the case in game, please create a bug report.


When you beat Majasa and progressed the quest did you get a pop up to confirm a passive point reward?


I would try to explode more nodes closer to the center to reveal a negative corruption shade.

    Trasochi on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the detailed write up. Before reading this we already had changes planned for a hotfix for Consecrated Ground and healing effectiveness scaling DoT paladin in general.

These mostly stemmed from Holy Trail scaling with added spell damage. This was a result of a miscommunication late in the skill’s development and was not intentional. The healing effectiveness scaling from the Path of Judgement node is meant to act as a replacement for added damage scaling, like it does for Consecrated Ground. The fact you can scale it with both, and they’re multiplicative means you can extremely high damage. If you have 100 adaptive spell damage that’s a 6x damage multiplier, which is fine on its own. If you have 500% increased healing effectiveness, that’s also a 6x damage multiplier which is fine on its own. However if you have both that’s a 36x damage multiplier, which is not fine.

Despite this being a mistake it has meant that healing effectiveness scaling damage over tim...

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10 Sep


Go with whatever you think is best.


While I agree that arguing on the forums isn’t productive, this is the perfect place to provide feedback.

We have read the suggestions on this thread and have taken it into consideration. We do not plan on removing the abomination at this time. We appreciate that it is not a perfect skill and are open to suggestions to improve it.


Have you tried talking to the Forgotten Knight again? That re-opened the portal for me when I tried.

    Trasochi on Forums - Thread - Direct

The issue wasn’t so much with the core power of Wandering Spirits. It was strong, but not necessarily over the top. However it did have several issues that prompted us to rework it.

  1. The number of spirits it kept up on average caused a lot of visual noise, especially in multiplayer, and especially with the spirits all casting Spectral Putrescence. This was particularly concerning in a class that also had other visually noisy options that could be used at the same time, such as large numbers of minions. We have to take edge cases like that into consideration, even if they’re not necessarily popular.

  2. Because it could keep generating spirits constantly if used whenever it came off cooldown, it was often best to use it just press the button whenever it came off cooldown, or auto cast it. We prefer active abilities that go on the ability bar to either have an active component where there’s some decision making that goes into when or where to use it. Othe...

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The screenshots help a lot, I’ll pass this on.