Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

10 Sep


Originally posted by Asteroth555

Have you guys thought about turning chapter 1 into a prologue and lower chapter counts accordingly? It always felt out of place how short it was compared to the rest

Funny enough the game used to start in Chapter 2 but we didn't like how you were immediately thrown in to the Ruined Era in a dark cave so we made the start of the game the Divine Era. Internally we call it the prologue or "Chapter Z" since internally we call them Chapter A, B, C, etc. "Chapter A" is Chapter 2.


Are these being spammed with just the base skills being used or do certain nodes seem to cause it?


Thanks for the report! We’ll take a look at this on our end.


We are going to expand the character sheet in the future with a lot more specific info.


We took a look at this. It just looks like you have ground dots and a lot of damage you are killing it instantly as it emerged.



These are indeed meant to be additive. Thanks for the report!


This is a known issue.

Thanks for the report.


Could be saved in prevplayer.log as well.


It indeed doesn’t pick up Sacrifices multipliers. I understand that sub abilities inheriting stats from the skill tree they are in is sometimes inconsistent and confusing. I wrote a note about this and we will see if we can come some changes to address this issue in the future to make it more consistent for players.

Till then, this is working as intended.

Thank you for the report.


This looks to be functioning on our end though it can be a little difficult to see the difference as the ability occurs quickly.


Thanks for the reports! We’re investigating this issue internally.


This is known issue.

Thanks for the report.


Thanks for the report!


Oh yeah. I must have read this like 30 times yesterday. It was a long day haha. Yah, then it is bugged.

I’ll make a note of it.



I think commenting on the cycle is pretty close to participating in it :wink:

In any case, yes, there are definitely points that get brought up again and again, but no, we don’t really mind. As long as people are being pleasant.

09 Sep


Do you also have a node or item which restricts you to a single companion?


This node does functionally work, it reduces the enemies cold resist per point when casting Snap Freeze. It doesn’t however, give you the cold resist you “steal” therefore there would be no character sheet change.

I do agree that this node is a slightly confusing and I can understand why a player would think it would give you the resist you steal.

Thanks for the report.


I’m actually not sure about this interaction. You are right, it is little difficult to know based on the wording. I’ll make a note of this, if it isn’t an interaction isn’t internal, we will make sure to update the Legion tooltip.

Thanks for the report.


Yes. Definitely looks like something weird is going on. I made a note of this.

Thanks for the report.