League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 Sep


Originally posted by _thebills

Wait wtf Caden joined Riot? Miss him from Blizzard as he was the only CM for WoW who gave a shit

Yep I joined last year! Riot sweet talked me into joining the League team and tbh I've loved it here!

<3 seeing people pop up and say nice things about my past work. Loved getting to work on WoW for a few years and that people enjoyed anything I did or tried to do. Will always love the WoW community.


We haven't dropped this at all and we've actually still been working on implementing it. Currently it's planned for sometime in the next patch or two and the way it will work is pretty straightforward.

If you catch a suspension from the game or get to the point where you're getting more severe chat restrictions, you'll receive a ranked queue ban until you re-earn the ability to queue into ranked again. So hypothetically if you leave too many games to the point where you finally catch a 24 hour queue suspension, when that suspension is up you'll be required to play 5 normal games before you can step foot into ranked again. For right now we're keeping it at 5 games regardless of severity or history, but we could adjust that in the future after we've observed how it works on live. The important thing to mention is that if you're hitting this point you've possibly caught a few infractions, and have already encountered a few queue delays or honor impacts before you hit this poin...

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Originally posted by AobaSona

I wanted to know: Though intro bots are coming first on PBE, is the plan for all difficulties to ship together on live?

Cause I feel like easy bots are probably the most important, you only play a few games on intro but then you need to practice a lot against easy bots before moving to medium and/or normals. It's also the best place to test champions.

Yea, the goal right now is to ensure intro has no major bugs/systematic pain points (especially at scale) given we are using fairly new tech.

Once that is confirmed, the intro bots feel good, we will go heads down for a bit to build out beginner/advanced queues.

Then when all 3 are in a polished-ish state, we would want to roll all 3 queues out to live environments and iterate afterwards to make them more dynamic/improved to higher skill levels/expanded feature sets.


Originally posted by hey-peachy


jumping in on that point because I've seen that behavior so often though they do it around wolves too most of the times. Any plan to also have the bots seek the Akshan out in the jungle as well or maybe just straight up have them be flagged for using e over X amount of time and if they repeat the offense the account is automatically suspended since that technique is only ever used continuously by smurfs/account sellers?

Potentially! I think we would want to see how the bots react first with the current system, and if we continue to see issues with Akshan in particular, we would probably flag this to the appropriate teams who own those systems to see what we can do.

Push comes to shove, we can make Akshan inaccessible to Co-op versus AI, and might do so for Intro bots especially, but I feel like there might be a better solution available that we can explore post launching these new bots to live. (Like being able to vote kick and replace with an Akshan Riot bot.)


Originally posted by NicknameMy

Wouldn't it be easier to have a script detect if an Akshan swings longer than 1 Minute and flag them for a ban?It is more common tho for them to swing around Wolves.

Even easier would be to actually decide on that Akshan's swing shouldn't go longer like 30 seconds.

I could not talk to how easy or hard it is due to that being a different product space, services stack, and systems that I am not the owner of, so even if it were easier to implement, it would take time to become SMEs in that area and understand all the knock-on effects that change could have.

Regardless, we do want the bots to react similarly to humans in even strange or off-meta situations, so this Akshan behavior gives us a way to target off-meta gameplay styles for our bots.


Originally posted by gaenakyrivi

will rakan ever see nerfs?

Honestly I don't find it pressing. His win rate is kinda high, his pick rate is high (that's a good thing) and his ban rate is relatively low.

For comparison, Rell has less pick rate and more ban rate. That's generally a pretty cursed combo.

In general, players ban things that they actually see and are (picking a word out of a hat here) upset about. Players see Rell less than they see Rakan and yet ban Rell more. In general, this tells me that Rakan is pretty acceptable in his current state, at least in comparison to other engage supports.

The short of it is that some champions have win rates above 50%. This will just always be true. Rakan is a pretty good champion for that honor for many reasons, some of which I wrote above.

05 Sep


Originally posted by Laernu423

Dashi if you guys do this right (the upper tier of AI at the end of your plan)….the coop vs AI que could end up being better bigger and harder than the pvp que 😂.

Few of us only hope that the ML AI are available in custom matches. A lot of us roam there instead of with randoms, even if just duo!

Late to the party I know, but this is insanely interesting, cannot wait for your pbe test!

That would be amazing to be honest! I would love to play against difficult bots.

I will say, one of our goals is to deprecate and replace all current bot features with our bots (so at some point we want to enable our new bots on customs!) but we need to get the bots to feel great first and then those areas are easier to extend to.

Please do try them out when we hit PBE and let us know how we can further improve them! Also, let us know of any bugs or weird behaviors!


Originally posted by Gwennifer

Thanks for the fast response!

Are there any plans on punishing players who permanently Akshan E in base? They ruin the game for everyone else and it's impossible to tell if they're an account farmer or just toxic. My group of friends and I have seen the same players multiple days in a row with the entire lobby reporting them every time, so it seems like either reports are disabled in the mode or given the same weight as normal games, which may not be triggering the proper thresholds on punishments. 4/5 reports is the same 80% of players present as in a normal game, so if the weights weren't increased, then it'd be virtually impossible to get the system to punish players.

It may be easier to just temporarily disable Akshan in Bots while a better solution is found.

Okay, gonna take off my dev voice and say...

BRO I HATE THIS sh*t. After I played with a player who did this the first time, I told my team we need to make people who do this have a bad time against our bots as this is unacceptable for anyone in our game. I could not imagine the pain a new player would experience running into this kind of behavior.

Okay Game Dev voice back on -- we made it so our bots will recall and kill any player who tries to enter their base prior to 5 minutes. Given this strategy is primarily intended to farm account levels (from what I am personally guessing -- if players know other motivations, please let me know!), we want to make sure our bots can adapt to these new strategies anyways.

If we still see consistent behaviors like this, we would just want to adapt the bots to be flexible enough to handle countering them over reducing the player's autonomy.

In regards to smurfs/player-made bots, I do think this is on top of mi...

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Originally posted by BADxW0LF1

Did all work you do make it into the patch notes so we can see where stuff like this might get bugged? Or just so we know what work is actually getting done? Not just champion numbers.

This is related to the Quickplay work, so it will show up in patch notes when that is released.


Originally posted by __nickelbackfan__


Like, I'm not even shitting you or anything, but how f**king broken is the client's code? How is that even possible?

Like memes aside, this is something I've seen happen in almost every codebase I have ever worked in. You make a rational change and it has side effects elsewhere. You can avoid it with some level of rad architecture, but people generally do not spend time on that. Small teams and small products can avoid. Larger teams hope to find it in a code review or quality pass.


Originally posted by MontyAtWork

It really feels like Riot got new managers in who all asked "But why are we doing that?" at every level of producing League, and when given an answer that didn't outline how that effort made the company more DIRECTLY profitable, they cut it.

Reminds me of every time I was at a company that got bought out and brought in new managers who didn't understand the product, culture, or customers and only understood the bottom line.

Cinematic? How's that profitable? Cut.

Lore? How's that profitable? Cut.

Season changes? How's that profitable? Cut.

Gentle reminder that a lot of decisions are almost made a year in advance, because it takes time to do work. 2023 is a result of 2022 etc


This was a bug introduced due to some work we were doing in champion select. It should be fixed in the next patch.

04 Sep


Originally posted by L4rkes

Reading that would have tilted me off the face of the Earth even if I wasn't so sleep deprived. It's like not knowing a neighboring country exists because you've never been there. Kudos to you for being content to live with 0 curiosity for something that has been a hobby for 14 YEARS of your life, actually apalling. I don't know how you manage to keep up that level of ignorance, but I honestly find it impressive.



Originally posted by L4rkes

How, how do you play the game all these years and not be aware that the jungle item exists, I actually refuse to believe that

Patch notes? Pressing tab? Opening the shop? Talking about the game with someone? Just any kind of interaction with the game with a single brain cell in operation

And those are the only things you get recommended in the shop when you are jungle, you actually went out of your way to purchase a Dorans item

Are you also not aware support items exist and play Dorans Ring Lux and Dorans Shield Nautilus as support?

And no less sporting a Riot tag, guess reading comprehension is not a necessary skill in modern hiring

And seeing wtf was actually in the jungle would only require you to move out of the lane???? What, am I having a stroke induced by 30+ hours of wakefulness or is this some kind of an elaborate troll...(but if you're part of the balance or game design team, it would explain some things for sure)

WAIT! Now I know why. I didn’t take smite, so the items didn’t pop up in the shop (a prerequisite to buying them is to have smite). Thanks for jogging my memory.


Originally posted by L4rkes

How, how do you play the game all these years and not be aware that the jungle item exists, I actually refuse to believe that

Patch notes? Pressing tab? Opening the shop? Talking about the game with someone? Just any kind of interaction with the game with a single brain cell in operation

And those are the only things you get recommended in the shop when you are jungle, you actually went out of your way to purchase a Dorans item

Are you also not aware support items exist and play Dorans Ring Lux and Dorans Shield Nautilus as support?

And no less sporting a Riot tag, guess reading comprehension is not a necessary skill in modern hiring

And seeing wtf was actually in the jungle would only require you to move out of the lane???? What, am I having a stroke induced by 30+ hours of wakefulness or is this some kind of an elaborate troll...(but if you're part of the balance or game design team, it would explain some things for sure)

Dunno what to tell you, I just clicked on the first item that popped into my head for survivability. My runes and shop items were coming from some saved presets I had and I just picked my tanky presets.

As for the “what’s in the jungle”, I guess a better way to describe that would have been “wanted to see how jungle pathing/routing worked”.

Not quite sure why this post seems to have aggravated you so much, but I hope your day gets better.


Story time. I have been playing league since it was in beta. I have played every role except jungle. I have never played jungle outside of a game with bots where I just wanted to see wtf was actually in the jungle (this was like, season 5 maybe?). Well, a year or so ago I was playing a ranked game and ended up filled as jungle. I told the entire team that I have literally no experience in jungle and I’d trade for any role. No one wanted to trade and I don’t like to dodge, so I stayed and asked if folks would be patient with me. I committed to trying my best if they’d commit to only flaming me in their heads. This is like, high silver maybe.

I pick Rammus because I figured if you’re a jungle you need to be smart or be fast and I sure as sh*t wasn’t bringing jungle smarts to the table. Well, I didn’t even realize that jungle specific items existed so I bought Doran’s and a potion.

I gave up trying to jungle the actual jungle after like 5 min and started rotating throu...

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Originally posted by Cyril__Figgis

ask the reality denial friend lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_i8CciOuP0

Any time anyone builds Sheen it's legally required to say, "This kid's c*cky as f*ck."

01 Sep



Come at me on main >:)

31 Aug


I poked the designer for this and they say it should have been fixed via micropatch earlier today.

30 Aug


We're investigating this one, thanks for the report.