League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

30 Aug


Originally posted by PunCala

Just so you know: Nocturne has been bugged since 13.16. His W spellshield doesn't block dragon's attacks anymore, which makes taking dragons slower and unhealthier. I reported this bug yet it wasn't fixed according to patch notes.

Dragon autos not interacting with spellshields was an intended change.


I sent you the Rp, pls buy him he's so lonely :'(


Originally posted by Myozthirirn

Each skin is coded as a completly new champion. They also have another set of champions for ARAM, Arena and such. Elementalist Lux just loads each game with 19 champions (One for each player +10 Luxs), thats why they had a lot of problems with crashes in OFA, the game had to load up to 100 instances of lux for the mirror.

And then on top of that all the damage values have to be placed in the tooltip, extended tooltip, actual damage formula etc. Each time they change one skill to deal 5 extra damage they have to change the number in like 2000 places. I'm sure they have some tools to automte the bulk of it by this point but its a miracle this doesnt happen we dont notice this happening more often.

This is not true in any real sense - I imagine this line of thinking probably originates from people talking about Elementalist Lux requiring the loading of a large number of different models (which is true), but from a gameplay perspective things like different skins, a champion in different modes, etc., are all the same, as it should be. There are of course some minor exceptions (e.g. in the past there was a logic fork for Zz'rot that would modify its functionality if the gamemode was Urf to prevent people from spamming infinite portals and pushing), but for the case that's being discussed here it's simply not true - if you want to modify, say, a champion's base damage on a spell, that's literally just changing a number in one file. All the tooltips will pull from that value, and you change it in one place and you're good to go (there are exceptions of course, some calculations are hard to show for tooltips for example so in some cases it will be two values you need to change, bu...

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Originally posted by HepABC123

If I'm reading it correctly, though, champions will now be susceptible to AoE damage?

Untargetable champions don't take AoE damage (e.g. Crowstrom)


Originally posted by gumayusiL9

are the shieldbow changes intended to make it viable as a first item rush for champions like samira, nilah, draven ? u/PhreakRiot

I don't expect it to be very good on them early. There's a large damage tradeoff for buying this. If it actually takes off as first item, then we add back the early-level scaling to nerf low-level purchases.

29 Aug


Originally posted by Javonetor

Regarding the Draktharr changes

But still Slippery: Now destroys incoming non-tower projectiles when triggered.

Does this mean that if i throw, let's say, a Ezreal Q into an asassin, now it won't hit him (same as before), but instead of impacting the champ behind it will get destroyed?

Is like Braum E?

No, this is for targeted spells (e.g. Annie Q)


Originally posted by MazrimReddit

the thing that really annoys me is

"Kha’Zix, like Kayn, has been an overperforming jungler for the last couple months."

Why have we had to put up with months of it

FWIW there's a difference between overperforming and you-must-nerf-this-now. By definition, 50% of the roster performs better than the other 50%.


Originally posted by warpenguin55

So that's why Renekton bot would randomly afk?

That is why Renekton would do it without the other bots doing it, yep yep!


Originally posted by Kaillens

I mean, isn't there any possibility it goes south and everything burn of the ground trting to fight a drake ?

Oh yes, just like a normal game of League :D


Originally posted by Gwennifer

Are there any plans for an advanced bot tier?

Yep yep! When we do our full launch, we will replace Intro / Beginner / Advanced Bots when we do a full launch to ensure there is a smoother feeling ramp up into PVP


Originally posted by kerthard

I wonder if I'll find these more interesting for me to do my 1v5 bots rampage challenge than the Current intermediate bots.

I would be curious! My gut says not for our intro-level bots, but only you can let us know!

I do think you will prefer our advanced bots when we release & iterate on them though since we want to ramp up the bots quickly :D


Originally posted by Tormentula

Well they kinda deliberately f**ked us there.

You're going to want to play through 'preseason' for a victorious skin still... and even if you do placements and stop (pretty sure the split points system requires more than that), you're at a significantly lower rank than the previous season.... so then you do placements for the 2nd split and now you're 2 whole tiers below where you got to for not making an effort during one of them.

Ex: end masters split 2 2023, get put diamond 3 for skin in 'fake preseason' 2024, stop playing after placements... next split happens, do placements now you're emerald 3 having to climb back up to masters..

its just exhausting to even think about.

I think folks are assuming that splits = the exact same ranked system as without splits x3.

This is a reasonable assumption to make, since the announcement didn’t get into any details beyond that. They only had so much film in the camera after all.

The reality is that we are adjusting both the cadence of your climb as well as how we reset. With 2 splits we: - increased LP gains - reduced placement matches - did a softer reset between than we normally would do between seasons

And we plan to use a similar set of tactics for 3.


Congrats on the accomplishment!


Originally posted by Domasis

So there are some preexisting issues with bot aggro being easily manipulated, I imagine that as this first trial run comes to PBE, some of that behavior will still be evident, right?

Is there anything already known that we should keep an eye out for? I have a friend who will be on PBE trying the bots, and she's completely new, so I'm trying to take stock of anything that might be a major issue.

Yay! I would love her feedback especially then on what she liked/did not like.

I do not want to flag anything, as ideally you can give a fairly unbiased opinion and I would recommend going in with a mindset of being a newbie and just giving all feedback/pain points/recommendations you have.


Originally posted by bondsmatthew

Ah I see that is unfortunate in terms of the tool on the PBE but being able to iterate upon them come live is something I'm looking forward. I'm looking forward to the bots in general

Yep yep! Hopefully, the bot test goes well when we hit PBE so we can ramp quickly into making the Beginner/Advanced bots :D


Originally posted by Clbull

Have you thought about adding an actual incentive to test patches on the PBE? i.e. rewards for your main League account?

For PBE, we do not really want to do that as PBE is located within NA, so offering an incentive might get a bunch of players from other regions to download and be a downgraded experience for all players testing since ping would be pretty bad.

But we are talking with other teams about some rewards for testing out the bots when we hit live servers to encourage a bunch of peeps to try it out!


Originally posted by throawayjhu5251

Are you guys using machine learning or agent based modeling to train these bots? I've wanted to do something like that for so long, but bots are against Riot's TOS sadge.

Currently, we are using Behavior Trees as a starting point but we want to investigate supervised learning longer-term as we can supplement or replace our Behavior Trees with parts of ML where it makes sense in a tree. (Ex: something that changes every 2 weeks is probably a good candidate for ML due to it frequently changing.)


Originally posted by AobaSona

I'm a bit disappointed that it's only intro bots. I feel like the easy bots are actually more important. You'll only be playing on intro a few times, and then easy for most of your practice time. I remember me and my friend played mostly easy bots (and then a bit of intermediate) until level 30.

Is the plan for all difficulties to be shipped on live together at least?

I feel you homie, I also want advanced bots so I can play a more even match, and I agree with you that beginner/advanced queues are more important for players.

From a dev perspective and a tech perspective though, ensuring that our bots have the fundamentals in place and testing them at scale will make Beginner/Advanced queues fundamentally easier as both are built on the backbone of intro. :D

When we do launch these bots to players on Live though, we 100% plan to replace all 3 at once. It would be a very weird experience as a new player to go from Intro (where jungling and taking objectives exists) back to the old bots where there is no jungle and no objective taking.


Originally posted by Magerune

Hey cool! I’ve never talked to anyone from Riot before.

Yes the new player experience has always been rough, last year I even made a post before you guys announced better bots.

It’s been difficult saying

“K the game is like this except with Junglers, also top is supposed to be solo, also you have more summoners including flash which is… necessary… also we usually fight for Dragons and objectives”

Yea, when I was a player, I was always super hyped when Rioters would respond so I try to pay it forward (especially since I joined the League dev team! Prior I was on Wild Rift and Player Support, so not a lot of relevant information for this group!).

Please do try to test the bots out on PBE! We do expect everyone to crush them, but our hope is our bots feel a lot more like true players (albeit true newbie players!)


Originally posted by skamenov

maybe use those bots for when a person is afk in a real game, like heroes of the storm used to do it!!!!!!

This is something we are talking about internally, but we have to wait to see how good the bots are, and we need to have a Bot available for each champion.

Once these are available, then it would be a discussion on what would be a good implementation, as many games handle this differently so we would want to be thoughtful on if/how we go about implementing it :)