League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

21 Sep


Originally posted by CrossXhunteR

Would you be able to say if this might have been causing issues with Legends of Runeterra this past week or so?

From the incident report 7 days ago for Runeterra: "Due to the occurrence of a Database Deadlock, The game kicked players out of Games and The Client."

That does look suspiciously similar. We can see if there is a connection. Nice catch!


Originally posted by Boobjobless

Can i ping myself as alive? I use that all the time to show i am there to a teamfight or that i’m dead and won’t be there.



Originally posted by ChiefTiggems

What about pinging my ult, and my teammate's ults to coordinate a team fight? Often I will ping that my teammate and I have flash ready to coordinate a gank. I will ping that I'm about to respawn when I died and I'm hoping my team lets me get baron/elder buff. I will often ping that my teammate is about to be up- so there's a chance they can stall long enough for us all to respawn- "don't give up yet!"

So I'm going to be locked out of using the pings as intended because people don't know they can mute unhelpful players? Sure.

The only pings that are changing this patch are the ones on teammates. Self, neutral, and enemy pings are unchanged.


Originally posted by FreckledShrike

u/PhreakRiot will allies still be able to see when we ping our own abilities and items? I use this constantly to remind teammates that the range on Nocturne ult is much smaller than they think from 6-10

Yes. Pinging your stuff is unchanged.


Originally posted by Whodoesntlovetwob

But isn't Lee Sin balanced around that winrate,similar to Akali,Azir,Aphelios,etc?

Lee Sin doesn't have the pro presence of Azir. So the best players in the world with hundreds of games of experience on him indicate that they don't think he's very good, either.


Originally posted by Voidz918

Do none of these issues appear outside of euw?

We have not rolled out the change everywhere but its occured in multiple places we did such as Taiwan and Oceania


Originally posted by iwanofski

MySQL still or was that only for account data? Did Riot issue a bug report that I can view?

MySQL 8 update is the suspected catalyst, the current version is hitting end of life this year which forced our hand. As we do not know the root cause it could be a bad code pattern that has existed for years on our side.

Sorry, I haven't seen a bug report outside of ticker status.


This is the same issue as occurred 12 hours ago which we have not found the root cause of. A full platform restart returns to service which we will do once existing games have ended.

After an update to the database software in a few regions it has a small chance to perma lock a table. If you cannot read a game ID you cannot start the game


Originally posted by XBruceXD

Wish you could say the same about Tryndamere's attack range.

That isn't changing.


Originally posted by Remaetanju

May i ask why the game server needs to retrieve his id from the database ?

couldnt he generate it and try to send it to database? so when game start you don't need to get information from db, and if she drops the write it, the server can continue starting the game or prevent it to start depending of the type of match ?

i may oversimplify and extrapolate a lot from the comment

tldr: does the game server have to read from db ?

Good question. tl;dr I believe its due to needing persistent knowledge of what's happening in case of failures and needing to guarantee a unique ID everything agrees on.

I assume from your gender pronouns you are Spanish, French, maybe Italian? I lived in Montreal for a while :)

Starting a game relies on a bunch of services. Parties (friends). Team Builder (matchmaking + other things), Content Access (what you own), Game service manager (delivers your game), Local service manager (launches a game on a physical machine) and more. When something fails (which it will) you need to fall back on known state which means putting it somewhere safe


Originally posted by spyborg3

Can we still ping enemy death timers for teammates to see? I'd argue that's the most important part of the death ping function.

Yes you can


There is a team actively working on this and likely solved by now. This is similar to a recent OC incident where creating new games are unable to progress.

We suspect but have not confirmed, its related to a recent database update which under specific circumstances causes table rows to lock and cannot be read. aka "We want to start your game, what is the ID? ... No"


Originally posted by Bilore

Also the ult ping is super useful for letting teammates on the other side of the map know when your opponent ults

That isn't changing.

20 Sep


Originally posted by VayneBot_NA

Server: ALL

Type of Bug: Vayne's New Icons

Description: Vayne got her new icons updated, but why are her passive and ult icons swapped? I'm reading Vayne's direct statements from her abilities and those 2 icons don't make sense..

Vayne's passive: Vayne gains 45 bonus movement speed while FACING a nearby visible enemy champion.

Hence why her "face" should be the passive icon....

Vayne's ultimate: Active: Vayne equips her CROSSBOW, gaining bonus attack damage and doubling Night Hunter's bonus for a duration.Hence why her "crossbow" should be the ultimate icon....

Video / Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/mJrKoQJ

This was an intentional change!


Originally posted by FrostguardThrall

does this mean I can't even ping my own ult to let others know when it's ready? I do that several times every game lol

You can still do this, you can still ping anything relating to your own character and it'll be sent to your team.


Originally posted by hachiko2692

Absolutely what the f**k.

I main jungle, and it's gonna be quite the task tracking down flashes and ults of champs. Knowing these would've been great for my decision making if ganking x lane or going for x objective is a good idea or not.

And you can't f**king say to me that "do what pro players do 1150mid bullshit" buddy no one's arsed in f**king Emerald to type that shit.

What the f**k is this.

You can still ping enemy summoners / items / characters and they'll show to your team, this shouldn't be changed.


Originally posted by Zodiwacts123

It happens ALL the time in higher elo's. People will ping back/danger 2 times and then spam ping enemy jungler. Then the laners will actually react and avoid getting collapsed on because information was clearly and concisely communicated.

Riot is letting toxic people take away a tool because people are too lazy to mute when their feelings get hurt. Yes people who spam ping alive for 20 minutes until a FF are cringe and it should come up on a toxicity chart in the report algorithm. But to take away the tool entirely is stupid.

You can still do that, enemies are pingable.


Originally posted by lemonrabbits

How tf do you chant for this team

Using their team name or initials I imagine.

I'm very helpful.


Originally posted by Asaz12

Even if its not proplay related how does it fix him in soloq? He is one of worst midlaners

and -20sec on ult that you never use off cd is useless

Even +2 armor or -10 mana cost on q would be more impactful

I dont think there was any worse buff than what he got now from possible ones

I saw many complains on twitter so hope there will be some change to that like please it won't impact him at all pretty much and he is struggling

Q cd from 12-10 to 12-8 would be so great..

Every change has impact. It's not like Galio is trash. He's a little bit weak on average. A champion can be bad at 1v1 and good at a strategic niche. I don't have really strong opinions on Galio but in general I think playing up a strategic niche is a way to ensure League of Legends has significant variance from game to game.