League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Sep


Originally posted by 100Foxes

I adore Eveynn and Elise, but my jg is horrible. I used to play Eve mid right before and after her rework. Idk if now I can pull it off tho.

I was against a botlane of Yasuo + Elise, that destroyed me physically, mentally and spitirually. It might've been just the Yasuo windwall, but it gives me a glimmer of cope for Elise support.

Upvote for being a Midelynn enjoyer. I too used to enjoy going invisible and just watching the midlaner decide what to do about it.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Would you know if the bot rewrite would fix bugs like bots rage quitting and sitting in fountain

If you mean the opponent bots, those bots will AFK to try to match AFKs on the player side currently. If you see the Riot bots afk outside fo this, please let me know with a video as I am curious what to try with our bots to ensure they do not do a similar behavior!

For our new bots, for the AFK matching, we would probably not have the bot afk to match the human player, instead having a bot take over the player's character so that players can still experience a 5v5 similar to continue learning how all 5 roles in a normal League SR game interact/work together.

10 Sep


Mandatory pro changes are part of the balance framework (I think this is the most recent dev blog about it, but it's a few years old and I don't work on the Live pod so it's possible there's a more recent post or a more recent version). There are other scenarios where champions are changed for pro purposes (e.g. the framework doesn't suggest champions to buff for pro, only champs to nerf), but the must-nerfs come from there.

Using K'Sante as an example case, looking at top 5 regions, on 13.12 he was nerfed and fell to 70% presence (from 80% on the previous patch). 13.13 saw him drop again to 56% presence, and limite...

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Originally posted by Jozoz

My personal list would be:

  • Caps

  • Perkz

  • Jankos

  • Rekkles

  • Froggen

Froggen is probably the most controversial one, but I have him here because he's the only Western player ever to have a big claim of being the absolute best player in the world at a certain point.

Watching Froggen stream got me into watching eSports. Still my favorite player despite the ham incident - I chose to blame that mess we had to fix on skumbag Krepos bad influence

09 Sep


I had an absolute blast seeing Munich and working on this promo. Next year I'll get that wave. My word I sucked this time.


Originally posted by sA1atji

wow, did twitch chat/youtube really get so bad that they had to put a jacket on Ender?

its just a little chilly lol. no one's making me do anything


Originally posted by lewho

First the shirt and now he eats Laure's KitKat? THE AUDACITY!!! /s



Originally posted by FiraGhain

Struggling to see what kind of statement Ender is trying to make with that outfit. It looks pretty terrible and completely distracts from what is supposedly the biggest tournament LEC has this year.

Is it part of some protest I haven't heard about yet?

no statement. its just a shirt.

08 Sep


Originally posted by KanskiForce

It'd be fine if he has repeated it like two or three times


You can literally make compilation of that and it'd be 20 mins long

Revisionist history. I said it game 5. And yeah it was the right call.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Wild that you're attributing changes that happened in December of last year to me when I hadn't joined the team yet.

How are people upvoting you?


Originally posted by Verpz__

Any estimate as to completion time?

Tentatively the issue is resolved. We still need to dig to find and fix the root cause, until we do we wont have confidence in it relapsing.


Originally posted by J0rdian

You're right, I'm not sure why I didn't realize it worked that way. That makes much more sense. Like it should have been obvious just test what really happens in the situation. Guess I was just lazy haha.

Appreciate the explanation Phreak, love the videos.

You're welcome, and thanks :)


Launching games is failing in OCE. There is a team triaging it. We don't have an underlying cause yet


Originally posted by J0rdian

I like the idea behind the crown changes, but Phreak realizes the difference between 75% DR and 40% is insane right? Like really really insane? You take 140% more damage at 40% DR compared to 75%. And duration only goes up by 66%. And the AP changes is pretty net neutral or large nerf for artillery/burst mages.

So I don't really understand why it's getting gutted. Like those are huge nerfs.

Calculating DR that way only makes sense if you'd actually keep it the whole time before dying.

Like in your model, 99% DR is twice as good as 98% DR. If you had it permanently, I'd agree; you'd live twice as long.

But this isn't a permanent effect. It's functionally a shield. 80% DR for 1 second is equally as good as 40% DR for 2 seconds if you're taking linear DPS. But it'd be 3x as good if it was permanent.

That's the crux of it: In generic solo queue, you're taking somewhat linear DPS, or even scaling since people will hit you later after the Leona or Thresh engage. Meanwhile, highly skilled teams can actually frontload all their damage via coordination.

07 Sep


Originally posted by TropoMJ

Not criticising the approach (I'm sure there are lots of positives), but does that mean that you'll be in a spot where intro bots are ready to hit live but they might need to wait a good few months or even more to go live as they need to wait for beginner and advanced to be done? How does your team feel about potentially having to sit on great new intro bots while they work on the other difficulties?

Yea, no worries!

So for context, we as a team are focused on making it easier for players to enter (or get back into) League after a break by providing them a lower-stress queue/learner's queue with Bot experience similar to normal PVP. (Example: Arena is a cool new game mode, lots of players came back to try it out, and I bet more players would have played longer if they could practice and learn the new mode/ try different champ comps/augments/strategies against bots first prior to going directly into PVP, where they might lose the first 10 games before 'finding the fun'.)

With this goal in mind to help ramp players into PVP, if we were to launch our Intro bots now, the New Player experience would be "enjoy these new good Intro bots" to "Pretty bad Beginner and Advanced Bots" where you once again lose ganking, jungling, and objective training. -- Thus not hitting our true goal/intent as a team of making players have a way to feel confident to go into PVP.


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Originally posted by Zerasad

If anyone is looking for the biased cast Drakos has mentioned: https://youtu.be/ANYSVFozF_g?t=1075

He also says "This is bad" when H2K loses the 2nd game lol.

This is my masterpiece

06 Sep


Originally posted by MontyAtWork

Will this move be coupled with a crackdown on Smurf accounts? Because I'd imagine without it, people will just account hop instead of playing out games.

One of the hopes we have here is actually to prevent a certain specific brand of account hopping.

Many of our punishments are time based. This means that people with multiple accounts can often swap accounts and play until the punishment on their main has expired.

With game based ranked restrictions, those people will eventually need to come back to their main and play those normal games. There's no way to use an alt account to circumvent the punishment entirely. Obviously it only works for players who play ranked, but if we see improvement here we can try new features in the space later.


Originally posted by Silverwing20

will it require winning normal games at all? whats to stop people who get queue banned to just grief the 5 normal games ruining it for everyone else on their teams till theyre allowed back?

Hopefully the same things that got them caught in the first place.

If we need to, we can add a win requirement later. But the hope is to place people in a lower stakes queue where it's okay to reconnect with league being a game we play for fun. Requiring players to win puts the same incentive "you must win" on the remedial games as ranked games have.


Originally posted by AmaznAzn23

Will this only work with chat-based restrictions? If you don't implement a way to catch people actively trolling, people will only find new creative ways to not try in ranked.

What happens if the person just trolls in the 5 normal games, considering they would care even less about the result?

This will work with a wide variety of transgressions. Feeding, leaving, and text can all get you a Rank Restriction


Originally posted by Blastuch_v2

Please don't f**k up normal queues with these changes.

We're going to be watching normal queues closely. If it turns out all we're doing is shuffling toxicity around, we'll reevaluate the feature (maybe turn it off, maybe take another stab at it)

But if you've been following our dev blogs, you'll know that we currently believe that the toxicity you meet in game is normally not "toxic people being toxic," it's "people who are normally not toxic being toxic sometimes." The theory goes that putting people who are struggling with the stress of the ranked ladder in a lower stakes queue will allow them to take a breather. Or, if they hate norms that ...

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