League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

28 Aug


Originally posted by terkke

Honestly the problems I had before were more related to specific champions: sometimes when Taric goes back to the lane alone he just stands there menacingly doing nothing waiting for someone so he can use W. Or how some champions can be “lured” in the top lane to cross the river and take 3 shots from tower at level 1, like Garen or Malphite.

And how Leona has perfect timed cc when you step under tower. Damn.

Yea, the old system was more 1 Bot Brain per champion design, which is why quirks in basic functions could occur in one bot. (It also caused a lot of pain for developers as if they found 1 bug in 1 bot.... They would need to fix it across each bot individually.)

With our current system, a lot of our goals are centered around the ability to quickly iterate out bugs/quirks at scale.

That being said, there is a likelihood you will see these behaviors and many more when we go to PBE over the next month or so. So please do let us know if you see these issues so we can fix them prior to a full launch! (And to also test our new fancy iteration tooling :) )


Originally posted by DabSlingz

I hope they bring back midscopes

The people who work on midscopes are (mainly) the same team that work on preseason, so right now that's where their focus is going. Once preseason work's out of the way we'll take a look at things and see whether to put midscopes, other work or a mixture of the two on the docket.


Originally posted by Stahlfakt

Now let's see if the community real likes and will support nexus blitz.

Hoping so, would love to have a case for it being a more frequent mode. This version's very similar overall to its past run, we'd definitely be open to gameplay adjustments though in the future if the interest is there

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Originally posted by bz6

Ranked: I know all other games adopt a 3 month or so Ranked "reset" cadence, but League was special because it felt like a sporting season. Its familiar, flexible, and intuitive.

Having 3 different splits waters down the merit, value, and prestige of the Ranked ecosystem because it resets and happens so often. It's like if the World Cup changes from every 4 years, to every year. Frequency isn't always positive, I mean look at the LEC, I don't even know wtf is going on there. They're dishing out trophies like Oprah and it just waters down the experience and achievement.

Summoners Rift: BYE MYTHICS, you wont be missed. Wish these Dev Updates have more information about SR. Better than the previous one though. /u/Reav3 said preseason was going to be big, I hope it delivers.

Gotta keep some things a secret ;)


Originally posted by Zarathielis

I know it will make quite some time to make the normal bots, but does this mean that doom bots could potentially come back?

I can't promise anything, but I am building this system for those opportunities in the future.... And I am a big fan of DoomBots of Doom :D


Hey there, I'm sorry about the incorrect information that made it into the patch notes recently. I do my best to make sure everything that goes into the notes is accurate, but i'm only human and sometimes I do make mistakes. When I realize there are issues I try to correct them ASAP, but obviously players that read them immediately on release still see the incorrect information.

I am working to make sure these issues become less and less frequent and eventually disappear altogether though, so I hope you'll continue to read the patch notes.


Originally posted by bz6

Thank you for your reply /u/NeoLexical

Not sure what to make of your answer. He's going to help other areas of SR League? Or is he being poached like the other important members of the Champs team to help on Modes? zzzz :p

I just feel SR League gets treated unfairly internally at Riot now, feels like its "old news". I just feel the Champs team in specific is so delicate, and I could be wrong, but its super difficult to replace people within the team when turnover happens.

Overall, and as I said earlier, I feel the quality of champs (to me) has dipped. Is there anyway you can share that one play rate chart that Yasuo dominated for years? How are the depth and breadth stats of the newer releases? Are they matching, exceeding, or failing expectations?

Not too sure what you mean by quality.
In terms of B&D, we don't solely use it to benchmark success or some champions will probably not exist.
However, for the champions I can speak to, Milio and Naafiri, both have exceeded expectations! Asol was also one of the more popular reworks that we have done to date.


Super amenable to Azir receiving nerfs if he has to. That said, measuring a single region's playoffs is not a very representative sample of champion strength. Before this weekend, Kalista was the #1 presence champion in the LEC post-season. Is Kalista OP?

Azir's work was very successful IMO:

  • Pro presence remained at about the same point that it was in 13.1b for multiple months of Summer split
  • Solo queue win rate for non-Challenger was significantly closer to 50%
  • Champion "depth" (the amount of Azir that Azir players play) is the highest it's been in over two years

Even if he gets like a 1% win rate flat nerf, most of the above still hold true.


Originally posted by bz6

Hello /u/neolexical

August just said on his stream that most likely, Briar might be his last champion. Like this is so unfortunate. The champ team has already lost CertainlyT, and if you guys lose August, honestly I think the champ team is pretty much done.

I already sense that a lot of new champ releases have not been a success, I could be wrong, but I do have think that innovation has extremely dipped. You've been very communicative and transparent so far and I would really love to know your thoughts. Under /u/Reav3 the champ team felt prestigious and "serious-like". Now, I feel the team is pretty drained creatively, and just struggling to find inspiration.

Champions are SUPER important for the longevity of League as they perpetually increase the pursuit of Mastery and inject freshness into the game.

Briar is probably the last champion he will own fully for awhile! He is not leaving the gameplay team, but there are other areas that also need his expertise. Other champions around this time are also oversight by August on the design craft. This is just how you grow talent. They go from doing individual contributor work to owning the oversight on projects! That's how people get promoted and be able to have more impact.
There was a period where we were onboarding lots of folks. But now, we actually have a pretty fully stacked team at the moment and can't wait to showcase some of their work.
If you are a fan of August's work, just remember he is just a desk away and does contribute in other ways :)


Originally posted by terkke

excited to lose to the bots not because instant-reaction mechanics or perfect aim with skillshots, but because they're stacking drakes and ganking while I test the viability of my Swain jungle with Predator

Hello, Bot PO here (and article writer!) Please do go wild against them and give us any weird bugs you can find and report them to us so we can release a great product for y'all when we launch on live later on!

27 Aug


stop don't look

it's forbidden

26 Aug


Originally posted by Unknown_Warrior43

Does your Comment in any Way imply the Potential for more Runes/Rune Trees in the Future...? 👀

We routinely look at most systems in League of Legends and evaluate if they are doing the best possible job they could be.


This is really cool! I actually think Celestial Aegis is my favorite in isolation.

Interested in where you think the boundaries for this content are. What would make a rune definitively elevation or not? What underserved need(s) does it fill within the context of supporting or enhancing existing champion kits? How would you define success - if this set of runes popped off and made league way better, how would you know?


Originally posted by Mr_Roll288

this video is the exact reason why I started playing League AND why I started studying animation. 10 years later I still play League AND work for an animation studio that often does work for RIOT (unfortunatelly not worked on any of those projects yet)

that is so cool

25 Aug


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Was this written like a week ago, since they def cut the Kled changes

We are still planning on doing Kled changes btw, just needed a bit more time.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Was this written like a week ago, since they def cut the Kled changes

This was indeed written a week ago. We generally have to lock everything ~1 week in advance in so it can be translated globally


Originally posted by Tormentula

stuff like the recent surrender work you can look forward to seeing come through more consistently in the coming months.

This is what urks people though, cause why is the surrender changes higher priority than X? Could we elaborate where something like that falls on the inner tier list of priorities?

Don't get me wrong, it makes perfect sense what you said and these still are features debately important at some point, but we're kinda leaving best judgement in your hands here and I wouldn't call surrender vote's changes top of anyone's list compared to various client issues, egregious hextech/event systems, UI clarity, spectator, etc.

There's lots of stuff to consider when prioritizing but a simple framework is value vs. cost. How valuable is it to do a thing (there's a lot to unpack there) vs. how expensive is it and what else could we be doing with those people/resources at any time. This was a lower value (not low, value is all relative) lower cost type of change, which often sit under higher value / medium cost types of changes, but then the game gets dusty if we don't make an intentional effort to sweep the floor every once and a while with stuff like this.

For the examples you mentioned, one factor is what people with what specialties are actually available at any given time. On my team (Summoner's Rift Team, we do the balance / preseason changes) we had capacity from a gameplay engineer and a game designer. The game designer is very familiar with the gameplay experience and provided better rules for the surrender system, and the gameplay engineer was able to implement them. That game desi...

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