Honestly the problems I had before were more related to specific champions: sometimes when Taric goes back to the lane alone he just stands there
menacinglydoing nothing waiting for someone so he can use W. Or how some champions can be “lured” in the top lane to cross the river and take 3 shots from tower at level 1, like Garen or Malphite.And how Leona has perfect timed cc when you step under tower. Damn.
Yea, the old system was more 1 Bot Brain per champion design, which is why quirks in basic functions could occur in one bot. (It also caused a lot of pain for developers as if they found 1 bug in 1 bot.... They would need to fix it across each bot individually.)
With our current system, a lot of our goals are centered around the ability to quickly iterate out bugs/quirks at scale.
That being said, there is a likelihood you will see these behaviors and many more when we go to PBE over the next month or so. So please do let us know if you see these issues so we can fix them prior to a full launch! (And to also test our new fancy iteration tooling :) )