League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

19 Sep


Originally posted by TropoMJ

Phreak says Azir at 75% presence is desirable, genuinely. They want him to be the most played mid.

Not quite. I said Azir is one of the more interesting mids for pro play and I'd rather Azir be #1 than Tristana or many other mages.

I did not give a target presence or that I want him to be the most played. Just that there's a sliding scale and he's one of the better fits.


Originally posted by nrj6490

Steve looks nervous as he hands Phreak the money

Wasn't my suggestion!

17 Sep


Unironically would main Snurgle, great champoon design

16 Sep


Originally posted by Gurkenschurke66

I mean the concept is simple. Play better than the average player in your elo and spam games. Then you will climb. Problem with the system is that it takes alot of games to place you, where you belong.

Playing (or having to play) multiple roles doesn't help with that (imagine you play like an avg bronze jungler but like a gold midlaner).

We are actively working to reduce the number of games required. Nothing to report until something is closer to shipping, but we have some medium-term and some long term plans that should allow our ratings (for matchmaking purposes) to more quickly converge on a player's skill.

15 Sep


Originally posted by WoonStruck

Nope, not unless I missed something or its not listed in changelogs.

That was just Chemtank, AFAIK.

Edit: checked every official patch note released by Riot. Not a single mention of statikk/energized charge speed or any interactions with it.

Edit2: Apparently it was a PBE change before it was released, which makes saying it happened irrelevant, considering people are talking about the live version's mobility charging via dashes being slowed down further.

Why are you getting downvoted, lmao. You're right.

Love Reddit.


Originally posted by elivel

I can see the logic

it would be more efficient on crit oriented champs, and bad on champs like LB on which it's toxic

I still fail to comprehend Reddit's obsession with crit scaling. LeBlanc was good with Shiv because it had an AP ratio. The minion AP ratio got removed. The champion AP ratio got nerfed.

Reddit keeps saying, "Just make it scale off of crit!" but every single tuning lever that matters can be adjusted by:

  1. Base value
  2. AP ratio
  3. Item base stats

What problem are you trying to solve by asking for it to crit? This thing needs to be more powerful late game? That's just level scaling with extra steps. This item needs to be bad on mages? It gives AD/AS/Crit and zero conventional mage stats. Which mage wants that?

Again, the only exclusion here is LeBlanc. And then I point back to the AP ratio that's been nerfed thrice.

So seriously, in all honesty, exactly what outcome are you hoping for with crit scaling?


Originally posted by lucidlonewolf

Shaco .... you can't win in a lore fight if you don't have any lore

Did someone say... Shaco lore? ๐Ÿ˜


Originally posted by devor110

I didn't play before mythics, so I can't say for certain, but a common consensus I've heard regarding the origin of power creep has been cooldowns. Partly due to ability haste removing the previous 40% cap, partly to assassin items being frankly overloaded with it and finally due to just the straight reduction of a lot of them. An infamous example for the latter would be Leona's Q going from 12 to 5, even though that was a while ago.

Designers and the balance team are also to blame, though not singularly. Having lower CDs and higher ability uptime feels cooler, which is a factor that designers and even higher ups are aware of and increase engagement - even though it results in higher DPM and much harder survivability for anyone immobile

For reference, it takes 81 ability haste to hit the old CDR cap of 45%, which could be reached with two items and a mastery, or one item with a combination of runes and masteries.

I don't believe it's possible to get 81 ability haste in any combination of 2 items + runes.

Secondarily, I'll say that Haste is actually a good stat to provide to some classes. Many fighters, for example, functionally want ability haste like auto-attackers want attack speed. And letting them have significant amounts of ability haste is better for the game than them either being forced to oneshot you, because all they can buy is AD, or just underperforming tanks, since tanks will perform that job better.

14 Sep


Originally posted by JPLangley


I was having so much fun getting hype about that I didn't even notice our own announcement lol


Originally posted by Medical_Quiet_69

so it is already clear that next year there will be an exact repeat of this flawed format with one and only one final outside Berlin, despite, four splits.... and yet today you throw in info that you are supposedly listening to criticism and will make adjustments

what a clownishness

Lol. Touch grass.


Originally posted by Fitzky45

They will now hotfix overbuff her and then wait 3 months before they nerf her again.

This champion is 30 something percent winrate and shes already living rent free in your head

13 Sep


Originally posted by SnowyyRaven

The issue isn't the severity, it's the detection. It's hard to write a system that detects this behavior without banning innocent players.


(But for the record, feeding is permabannable)


"Die with glory!" If you're on the enemy teams side of the map and half the team dies, keep fighting, don't run back to your side of the map.

12 Sep


Originally posted by Ckrest

I know most people don't care about how well the patch notes are written, but Riru has been doing a fantastic job with context, especially in the last 2 patches.

Thanks! A lot of it has been going back and forth with asking the devs questions so we can be more clear around specific points.

For example, with Tryn last patch it was obvious +50 range would be a hot topic so we tried to tackle the question "why exactly are we buffing Tryn with 50+ attack range and how do we explain this in a way that will make sense to players and shows that we believe this will be the best direction for Tryn going forward?"

Some people will always disagree with us, but the least we can do is provide some insight for players that want to try and understand where the team is coming from.

Also having a team of incredibly knowledgeable devs like u/phroxz0n and ...

Read more

Originally posted by Burningdragon91

What's the ham incident?

Froggen memes of him (not really) DDoS'ing servers but the ham part was when we brought URF back during a promotional eSports event


11 Sep