I still fail to comprehend Reddit's obsession with crit scaling. LeBlanc was good with Shiv because it had an AP ratio. The minion AP ratio got removed. The champion AP ratio got nerfed.
Reddit keeps saying, "Just make it scale off of crit!" but every single tuning lever that matters can be adjusted by:
- Base value
- AP ratio
- Item base stats
What problem are you trying to solve by asking for it to crit? This thing needs to be more powerful late game? That's just level scaling with extra steps. This item needs to be bad on mages? It gives AD/AS/Crit and zero conventional mage stats. Which mage wants that?
Again, the only exclusion here is LeBlanc. And then I point back to the AP ratio that's been nerfed thrice.
So seriously, in all honesty, exactly what outcome are you hoping for with crit scaling?