League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

20 Jul


Originally posted by Lillerbun

What will the bots do when the live service team decides to remove dragon and rift herald next preseason? Can they cope or will they be just as dumbfounded as the players are, wandering around the map aimlessly?

We work very closely with the Summoner's Rift Team and are building our utility functions to be more dynamic to changes made upstream.

In your example, if SR Team wanted to remove Dragon next season, our bot will ask a service "is Dragon up?" and if dragon is removed, the answer would be "No", so the bot would continue to act as if Dragon was down so to speak. :)


Originally posted by NepthZMob

Could you give us an estimated date of when we can test it on PBE :>) ?

Hopefully, we will have an update on the timeline soon(.tm) ;P

We are on track for within 2023 though so make sure you have a PBE account, as the more feedback and games played during the PBE test, the more confident we can be in a full launch!


Originally posted by raphelmadeira

Hello u/RiotDashiJador, so I should forward the messages I exchanged with Riot Brightmoon to you:

"I hope you guys finally include jungler bots. I've been playing since 2018 today I'm level 1295 and the experience for new players is still terrible! All the new players are forced to play against bots for X levels against:

2 bots at the top, 2 in the bot, and one in the mid.

When new players go to ranked games or normal games they discover that magically there is another role within the League of Legends which is: jungler.

It is no wonder that it is one of the role that players lack the most, they are not taught to play in the jungle at the moment they enter on League of Legends. I've been talking about this for years, I hope you guys finally address this problem with a solution. And present the real game of League of Legends as soon as possible to all players who need to play vs bots first.

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Hiya! I did see this when you posted to Brightmoon and u/RiotBrightMoon and I have chatted about this directly, and are in agreement that the 2 top meta of current bots is not an acceptable experience for our players, so we are making sure we have a jungle bot available.

We are making jungle a focus atm in order to test it during the 2 weeks on PBE Test, so please make sure you get a PBE account to help us improve them! :D


Originally posted by lynxbird

When playing against new AI:

-does AI have vision of players in fog of war? if no, does it use wards?

-do champions controlled by bots get additional buffs (like in boom bots) or they are normal champions?

-do AI controlled champions get just earned gold (from CS and kills) or they get bonus gold compared to player?

-can AI roam or gank?


-does AI have vision of players in fog of war? if no, does it use wards?

Our goal is to make bots that have no cheats or active advantages that players do not have access to, so they do not currently have vision in Fog of War that a player would not have access to. For Bots using wards, that is on our radar and something we know is accomplishable, but will be in later down the line after we get more of the core tech and more impactful feature sets for new players.

-do champions controlled by bots get additional buffs (like in boom bots) or they are normal champions?

Normal champions for this mode! As our goal is to help new players (and low ranked players) learn League, and enable easier bot creation in the future, our focus is more on making a structurally sound bot system that can help new players learn core mechanics and strategies :)

-do AI controlled champions get...

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Originally posted by ShunpoMyLantern

I was wondering if riot ever gonna consider longer break between the splits, 1 day is nothing and some people tend to grind at the end, so a week or 2 of break would feel much better (especially if new event such as 2v2 is coming out)

We talked about it, but adding more time into the year where ranked is inactive isn't something that we thought would be too exciting for folks, a lot of people prefer to have something to progress in when playing League.


Originally posted by Zealousideal_Year405

Don't know if I'm late u/PhreakRiot but about kindred. The champ is a problem on all skill brackets but specially in the higher ones

The hp & armour nerf and revert was wise since it incentivizes bruiser Kindred

Bruiser Kindred seems to be a very toxic playstyle for an infinitely scaling ADC (look at what happened to zeri, and it truly is unfun to fight a bruiser from 600 units that has built in %dmg in his kit). The nerfs to Q dmg and cooldown are kind of compensated by the AH the bruiser build naturally has, which means this nerf won't affect it

Have you thought of a way of making Kindred shift back to ADC builds? Like nerfing AD ratios in exchange of crit scalings

I personally find Kindred extremely unfun to play against, specially when she builds bruiser and loses like 10% dps or less in exchange of being x3 tanky with an immortality ult that sets up her execute

I think we should give it some thought, but junglers often aren't really allowed to be fully squishy. But yes, it's possible it's correct to really incentivize crit chance as a core stat on Kindred or make their marks scale in some way that interacts more strongly with offensive items or something else.


Originally posted by blade-queen

Oh, awesome! Nice to meet u. I'm a game design student aspiring to be a rioter :)

Hello! Nice to meet you as well! Game design is very cool and very in-demand so that is great to hear :)


Originally posted by Aelotius

Looking forward to it then, best of luck to the team!

Appreciate it!


Originally posted by Byakurane

I would luke to see bots that can rival proplay in terms of skill. It would be amazing to use them to learn things for higher level play without actually inting at high elo. Even better if those bots permanently improve and would have some self learning, they might even find new builds and picks we don't use yet.

We have actually talked about how cool this would be! Both self-updating bots and pro-play bots are very aspirational for us that the moment, but we are trying to ensure our foundational work can be expanded towards these in the future.

19 Jul


Originally posted by Aelotius

That's amazing! Is out already out on PBE?

It is not out yet, but it will be soon.tm as this will also validate some of our fancy new tech that is being used!


Originally posted by Aelotius

Also, I hope the bots start grouping for objectives so it forces players to deal with team fight situations! Playing around dragons, herald, and baron is an important part of the game that new players never learn about in Bots.

Our Bots will be able to take dragon, Rift Harald, and Baron during the PBE Test we plan to do! So please do try them out during the PBE test so we can gather feedback on how it feels and how it performs on a variety of machines. :)


Originally posted by certifiedpunchbag




Originally posted by CorruptDictator

If it works like they are saying it will be great, especially for new players. Personally I hope it will herald the eventual return of new and improved DOOM BOTS.



Originally posted by NepthZMob

Please leave the news bots in the PBE indefinitely , not only some weeks for testing. PLS

I love the enthusiasm and I deeply appreciate the sentiment!

With the fact most of these bots are built with a new tech stack, and with a sustainability/scalability mindset, we have a lot of work ahead of us to get them into a position that would feel good for players and devs alike.

So by taking the Bots down after the test, we will be able to refactor/improve both the bots, the tech, and the tools so that over the long-term, we are able to release better bots and bot-related content faster!

That said, please do try them out so we can get all types of feedback! We are looking at writing a follow-up article to go a bit more into detail around the PBE test too ^


Originally posted by blade-queen

What is the PO position? It's really awesome to see you reading and responding to a dedicated player's comment with an opportunity

Oh sorry! I mean the Producer / Product Lead of Bots! So I am the person who wrote the article that the OP linked :D


Originally posted by 149989058

I love playing bots just for relaxation and gaining familiarity with champs I don’t normally play while listening to podcasts. I’ve probably played like 3000 bot games on my main account. I’ve noticed there are many flaws with bots that makes playing against them very boring, weird, even ridiculous. As someone who loves bot games I’d like to see them being fixed 1. Bots are simply too buggy. Certain champs, like Nami, Warwick, sometimes go AFK for no reason after death (even when no one on our team is also afk). Taric sometimes just stand still and do nothing, Olaf will sometimes randomly go hyper aggressive and chase you into tower; Rammus will Q chase you into tower, Ryze ults himself and the wave into your tower when escaping, etc. These seem to be bugs that other bot champions don’t have an issue with. 2. Bots always stop fighting and run after they are damaged down to a certain HP threshold, it’s like 20-30% of their health. Olaf is an exception. 3. Bots play in a way that i...

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Hey, thank you so much for the feedback.

I am the PO for LoL Bots and I would absolutely love for you to try our bots during our tech test later this year, so if you do not have a PBE account, please get one as we plan to take it down to iterate on it prior to releasing onto live environments. :)

We are expecting roughly intro-level equivalent for the first go around on PBE, but we are building out our bots in a way to scale quickly and do want Co-op versus AI enjoyers specifically to provide feedback to understand where the gaps exist.


Originally posted by nuuudy

offensive component surely helped a lot with Stridebreaker and Prowler's.

Can't wait to see patch note: "Hey guys! Galeforce was fun, but we don't have time to balance it, so we're removing it. Maybe it will come back one day, maybe not lol"

Entirely different problems. Those weren't problematic because of disengaging. They were problematic because they short-cut a core class weakness of target access.

To be fair, somewhat similar here with disengage on ranged champions, but that's why it has the offensive encouragement.


Originally posted by AmksKR

Nooo, it's a lie. What do you mean by 9 years.

I distinctly remember being a new-ish player and seeing the new map change and thinking "damn thats cool, but I probably won't be playing League long enough to play around with that stuff". How the time flies...


For NA it is 12pm PST.


Originally posted by 6MiMiMi9

Hello Phreak, can u look into Voli Q autocancel. It seems to be bugged since this patch. Voli just stands and watches the enemy angrily after landing his Q on them.

Yeah that's my mistake. I didn't see the value the post-attack reset was doing because when I was smacking target dummies nothing changed when I removed it.

But at low attack speeds (no passive charges, low level, etc.) he really needs it.

At the very least it'll return next patch. If we micropatch I'll see if we can include the change.