League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

19 Jul


Originally posted by Swooped117

Why don't they just add a minion %maxhp cap on Shiv? Like "damage cannot exceed 95% of minion maximum health". Wouldn't this fix the issue without having to oddly balance it around champion level and minion dematerializer?

It's something I considered. I'd do something like "75% max hp with a cap of [slightly higher than currently]." Problem is we didn't have localization time for it when we came back from summer break. And at this point I'm pretty sure the item's PvE damage is tuned well enough to not need to do this any more.

But yeah, actually a good direction. Wish I had thought of it in dev.


Originally posted by Bussinessbacca

I feel like a spreadsheet for the rengar changes would have been really nice considering it’s a harder change to understand

Yeah my bad, I started making the sheet at like 10:30 at night, got to the change, and was like, "Nah, gonna move on."


Originally posted by Etat-Werdna


The restriction on duoing in Ranked Solo/Duo with an MMR of Masters or above is disabled until patch 13.15. Note that duo restrictions based on visible rank are still active, so a player who reaches Master or above will not be able to duo.

But I still am unable to duo with my friend after reset (I was Chall, she Master MMR)? Wtf...

Must we first play 1 game of placement for duo to be available, or is it completely cooked?

/u/auberaun Sorry for tagging but any Rioter can confirm?

Hey, what region are you playing in? You might also need to play the one placement game.


Hey yeah we're aware of issues with missing data in the Split End modal, and past ranks on your profile will be distributed as part of split rewards in the coming weeks. This normally isn't an issue because in the past we've always been able to get rewards out in preseason before the next season started, but that wasn't possible this year with a 1 day break.


Yeah chiming in to confirm what a few other people have said: the past rank on your profile is distributed as part of the split reward package which will be in the coming weeks.


Originally posted by RiotMaxw3ll

Oops I’m on Reddit mom

You never wanna be on Reddit.


Originally posted by azgx00

Fixed a bug where the ranked game count on the end-of-game screen wasn’t reset with ranked resets. This will go into effect when Split 2 begins.

It only took them a whole split!

This was a devil of a thing to track down. Sorry that happened and that it persisted so long.


Originally posted by FriendlyGhostLady

The inkmage will be a harder champ right? Can I draw yuumi and throw her at my enemies

Will be a more complicated champ (go figure). Not going to talk about mechanics though.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Axes could I ask why cameos are exclusive to the SF event as opposed to a permanent fixture to the mode

It's not that we wouldn't leave cameos in for the mode forever, it's that they're one of a range of possible solutions once we get past the SF event, and we'll know so much more about what makes this mode tick in 6 weeks than we know today that it's not worth committing to any particular direction.

So if we do leave the mode on, they could stay, or we could look for a replacement, don't know yet.


Originally posted by Died_Last_Week

The PBE patch cycle ended so it's been taken off the PBE, it will be on live in 2 days.

It will also be back on PBE in 2 days, but yes, it's down until Thursday.

18 Jul


Originally posted by w00ms

did they pull the yorick changes?

They made it in! Patch notes should be updated shortly but the change is as follows:
Fixed a bug where Yorick’s ghouls’ leaping attacks after hitting his E and his Maiden’s basic attacks would incorrectly apply lifesteal


Originally posted by PowerPulser

How is it supposed to impact his lane presence exactly?

Nerfs his early game all-in, along with this line

E Mana Restoration on Enemy Takedown: 15/25/35/45/55 ⇒ 10/20/30/40/50

Nerfing the amount of lane Qs he gets in particular where the mana restoration from minions is a greater source of his mana than in the jungle where he gets bonus mana regen from the jungle item.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I feel really bad about ADC players feel like they've been punching bags.

In truth, bot laners as a role have outsized impact on the result of the game and simultaneously have among the lowest control over their own livelihood. But still, better bot laner wins.

I think "it's unplayable unless your team plays around you" is somewhat incorrect, though. Overall "better bot laner wins" trends barely shift with MMR. I think what players are actually experiencing is mistakes in their own positioning and placing blame on teammate peeling. Not that both can't be true, but it's a mix of the two.

I've tried to shift ADC power toward the early/mid game (solid first item spike, good second item purchases, the ability for everyone to go Shieldbow if they need it) and am pretty happy with how each of those have landed. I think there are larger long-term projects that could continue to shift both satisfaction and agency in the proper directions, but they're much harder to ...

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Originally posted by Gunfreak2217

Holy fk riot. JUST GET RID OF GALEFORCE DAMAGE. The dash is good enough my f**king god. 2minutes for a Lucian level dash now cause they are so hardheaded.

Galeforce has damage so that it does more than just run away from fights.

Item dashes having a meaningful cooldown means there are windows to play against the champion while the item is on CD.

An item dash having an offensive component means you're more likely to actually use it and put it on cooldown instead of just saving it to get away from Fiora.


Originally posted by mahadasat

So you're telling me they still arent fixing the rengar bug where if he ults, your screen is no longer darker and you don't hear the music? As someone who hardly keeps their screen on their own character, its so unplayable against rengar come mid/late game

We are aware of the bug and people are looking into it, just came in too late for this patch.


Originally posted by IAmInsideeee

Karthus' Q deals TWO less damage at rank one. Man, they really gutted my boy.

this is like when we take base AD off of an ad champ which is really impactful for what it's worth


Originally posted by gregorio02

Any time between November and 2079

any time between July* and 2079


Originally posted by letmestall

Sure, until a bug is found that drastically reduces the win rate of an augment. How would you know if such a bug exists? Riot isn't the best when it comes to communication.

We have data internally to identify augments that have dramatic balance issues or bugs, and can micropatch/disable if necessary for players.

The inverse of what you said is that every player should have the augment winrate website up on their second monitor, which is obviously what we want to avoid. We intend to patch frequently and we already have been doing so with data from PBE.


Originally posted by tatzesOtherAccount

But K'sante was only made by Azubk no? afaik AzuBK made Kante alone

AzuBK started Ksante and came up with the core design of a warden that becomes a skirmisher when he ults. I came in after and figured out the spell designs. One of our newer designs actually took him over the finish line doing polish and tuning.