League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

12 Jul


Originally posted by Damurph01

Karthus adc im looking at you

We know that players continue to not change their defensive shards against karthus Bot and that inflates the WR at least some amount relative to their true power level (and similar to a bunch of other mages bot).

Some of this is due to how hard it is to figure out where opponents are going in champ select, some autopilot and some ignorance.


Originally posted by JTHousek1

Ah! That was one that was on the PBE but wasn't on the tweet, added back in now.

It's not in the tweet cuz I goofed when copying over the changes from the official ticket to the thing we tweet. TY!


Originally posted by DAEORANGEMANBADDD

Funny how that doesn't seem to apply to other roles

What are bruisers sacrificing exactly when choosing their items? All bruiser items give relatively high AD and AH, a lot also give you high bonus HP

The only "sacrifice" bruisers get when it comes to their itemization is whenever they want to build DD or hexdrinker cause thankfully there isn't a bruiser item that gives both(if we dont count hullbreaker that is)

Fighters sacrifice 500 attack range by not being marksmen.


Originally posted by JTHousek1

No problem! I just like looking over the changes and discussing with the community while backing it with statistics and helping others understand what they're looking at when I can.

It has been a bit more helpful now though that Twitter requires you to have an account, so I'm sure those without one appreciate it.

Oh, Statikk Shiv is +5% AS, btw.


Originally posted by WhistlingWolf234

I know you may not see this but what does (tAD) mean?

Total attack damage


Originally posted by Damurph01

Do you think it might just be “weak” or perceived to be due to the loss of Kraken and its mythic passive meaning theres a HUGE cut in attack speed? (without building dedicated attack speed items of course).

Like if you build 2-3 items (say like kraken, IE, and maybe bloodthirster or rapidfire cannon) pre and post adc mythic changes, you have a considerably lower amount of attack speed AFTER losing the kraken mythic passive.

Feels like IE is fine, but the people that build it just miss out on too many other stats like haste, attack speed, etc that you’d see on items like Navori and Galeforce, or even triforce for the likes of Draven and Ashe? When I initially saw the IE changes I just felt like damage wasn’t really what the item was lacking.

I wonder also if the feeling of IE might be better if there was more attack speed in non-mythic adc items. The only ones that really have considerable amounts of attack speed are phantom dance...

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If people want attack speed they can build attack speed items. There are several.

You either have big hits or fast hits. You don’t get everything on two items. That’s how we got into this mess in the first place.


Originally posted by JTHousek1

I think you caught me in the middle of pulling the changes from the tweet, I usually throw the disclaimer at the top when I'm in the process of that. Regardless I did miss that the Rell armor nerf was bigger, so fixed that.

Thank you for looking it over! :D

Thanks for your service to the community! :)


Originally posted by Informal_Skin8500

Was the jungle treat buff moved to another patch or did you guys decided against going through with it?

We ultimately decided that jungle didn't need compensation (initial direction was to give them something back, not necessarily power neutral on whole, though).

Right now, the plan is to find a target for overall early jungle gank power and re-address next patch if we don't hit close to our mark.


Originally posted by FennecFoxx

Are you going to hit Rells passive min base amount? 3 to 2% doesn't mean much if shes still always stealing 1.25 base.

She has this very same issue on PBE where her % was low but her min was high.

Hey, good call out, that's a complete oversight from me. New minimum is now also nerfed by about 1/3.


Originally posted by HS_Cogito_Ergo_Sum

Uh, we have two different sets of changes for Rell on PBE.

There's the one u/phroxz0n put out, and these ones that are actually one the pbe.

Which one is the right one?

The ones I posted are the right ones


Originally posted by GranRejit

Bah, still not worth at all

The item is not weak. It is appropriately powerful on its set of champions.


Originally posted by moody_P

thoughts on duskblade?

It's an item.


Originally posted by droppedmyravioli

How big is the IE buff idk numbers

Roughly neutral on 2 items, up to 3-4% auto attack DPS nearing full build.


Small corrections:

  • Rell armor is -3, not -2
  • No jungle treat buff
  • Ghost is 15 seconds, not 14

Not sure about other changes. Might be a couple inaccuracies here and there.

11 Jul


11 pts (RIP Fizz). Great content!


f*cking cyoot.


Originally posted by nho0101

This comment is correct. Source: this was one of the first systems I worked on when I started a Riot... a long time ago! I am impressed by the longevity of this system and we carried over something similar on Wild Rift as well.

To give you a look behind the scenes at the design intent, the meaning of these icons never needed to be obvious to players. The primary information we needed to convey was that a kill happened and whether it was good or bad for your team, plus who died, and who got the kill. Secondarily, kill participation was valuable so that you could feel some recognition for assisters and also understand where assist gold was going especially for supports who may not be visibly doing a lot of damage, but may be buffing/healing.

The kill streak and shutdowns were all things that we already message in other ways (especially shutdown bounties in the chat) so it wasn't necessary for it to be super clear here. We included different icons for these states to ...

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Originally posted by spicykitten123

Thank you so much 🙏🙏

Hey friend, could you send me your PBE logs?

C:\Riot Games\League of Legends (PBE)\Logs\LeagueClient Logs

They'd be here or something like that, the most recent files after the issue


Originally posted by WeeklyAdri

Man I'm sorry but this comment does not give me much hope :(

I have hope, but not confidence yet, so tempering expectations.

This mode (or another like it - high variance, lowered competitive expectations, 15 minute run time) being a huge success with the legs to sustain a permanent population would probably be the single most valuable thing we could deliver in the gameplay space for League. And I'm personally hooked on it, having played 110 games and counting on PBE just for fun. If I had a magic wand to wave to guarantee that this would maintain a population so we could keep it online forever, I would 100% be waving it. But I don't, and at the end of the day it's going to be about how players vote with their behavior.


Originally posted by vaphyren

You math it all out with extreme detail except to say "at two items" and not mention any of the other particulars

Because it's not particularly relevant what the two items are, and there's no need to math out every build. Unless you somehow have more than 250 total AD at two items, it's always less than 1 damage per auto increase. From there it's a simple matter of counting the number of autos you need to break even with the AD ratio on your spells and passives.

If there's a problem with this method please explain why, it's certainly more specific than simply asserting 1% spell damage 1% AA dps. I assume those are from some internal aggregated stats.

You do breakeven or come out slightly ahead in cases 600 gold later with a Cloak, yes. Overall it's a buff, I'm not denying that. But at 3 items the buff is still so small it's basically placebo, it's roughly the equivalent of like +3 AD at 3 items. That's why I said it only has marg...

I mean yeah, it's not meant to be a ton of power. It's a very small buff that's primarily feels-driven to a class of champions whose primary output is auto-attack DPS -- a class that is not underpowered, and so does not need significant power.

I'm glad players are reading the changes as exciting and I'm glad the numbers suggest the buff is very small. Both are intended.

I do appreciate your continued discussion.