League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Jul


Originally posted by arQQv

Not canon

Jinx and Vi are sisters.


i spilled coffee all over myself 7 minutes before the show started today 🙃


Originally posted by Relvarionz

2 of the hottest people in esports on the desk today.

And ender is also there!



Originally posted by SarcasticEnthusiast

What mental asylum did Ender escape?


16 Jul


Originally posted by untflanked

As someone who couldn’t watch, what game around what minute should I replay? :)

I think around 13mins. It was clipped out on Reddit haha


Originally posted by MoltarsMate

Observers out for blood.

What was the chant Quickshot didn't like?

I giggled at that TSM chant after "that sequence" of play.


Originally posted by Pavlo100

Did anyone see Maokai get killed by turret?

Damn. I missed it. I'm so sorry.


Originally posted by Satan_su

That toplane sequence broke EVERYONE'S brains lmao, players, casters, audience, observers

I had so much fun during that sequence and hope everyone had a laugh watching it. I had the pleasure of making fun of G2 when I met them after the show. That was special too haha


Originally posted by Gullible_Cranberry62

Oner versus any other jungler is sus but against canyon he is his father, does this guy only watch canyon vods or something?

Canyon hit back in game 2 🤌🏾

15 Jul


Originally posted by SchroetKommando

Thank our lord and saviour Irrelevant, we can finally show our face here again 😅

So few people remember the original name. I applaud you. SK 1.6 was where it was at.

Originally posted by malakesxasame

Is there a breakdown of how many each player got?

There's just too much data here for us to gather all, but we talked a bit about the players with the most kill involvements in our prematch

Originally posted by Styxxo

they should've saved this clip for the inevitable G2 vs FNC BO5s in playoffs

Just jumping in - we wanted to play it this week to set the stage for FNC potentially hitting 10 000 kills LEC/EU LCS all time this week :)


Originally posted by Effet_Pygmalion

How can Ender look younger every time I see him

im on kaisa's skincare routine


Originally posted by blackpandacat

Krepo wad really good :(

I think a lot about how much I miss casting with Mitch.

We have hugely different backgrounds and skill levels at the game but we were very aligned on how we thought games should be delivered on-air and had similar senses of humour we got to share during casts.

Miss that boi, hope he's doing well.


Originally posted by CrystalizedSeraphine

I really wonder what /u/phreakriot thinks about randuins as he mentioned he is a fan of the rule of thumb that items should be roughly 90% power from stats and 10% from active/passive.

This is a somewhat misquote. Items are over 100% gold efficient. Simple things like BF Sword and Giant's belt are already over 100% so larger completed items should be even better.

As a rule of thumb, I like putting items at 90-100% gold efficiency from raw stats and then the rest of the over-100% efficiency is whatever goes into the unique effects. It's really more like 90% + 25%. But then you have to tune the items and pay attention to gameplay impact.

14 Jul


Originally posted by NotRelatedBitch

Where'd they say that?

A few places, though easy to miss. Confirming it's the case again here too!


Originally posted by P_For_Pyke

What's up with the sports focus? Can't find any holiday the looks like it'd be linked.

We recorded a bunch of these triathalon pieces with players over the past couple weeks... and we suddenly had A LOT of them on our hands and thought it'd be fun to just make a day out of it on broadcast :)

12 Jul


Originally posted by UNOvven

Question, how does this line up with, for example, the mastery curves that Riot Blaustoise posted 5 years ago that showed a significant divergence in the ratio of mains to new players, and as such a visibly signifcant effect on the winrate that is much higher than 0.4%? Or the quite common examples we get of a champions winrate falling by well over 2% when the only thing that changed for the champion is that their playrate increased?

It's about the same. the NET EFFECT is 0.4%, which is (high mastery effect on the observed winrate) minus (low mastery effect on the observed winrate).

High mastery players still perform significantly higher (~2% than the observed WR) for most cases


It's worth noting that different champs have different "Mains Game Share" at different MMR's.

I tried many different interpretations of mains (MMR + Played over X games of champ, MMR + games played at Z rating, MMR + Y champ mastery, MMR + Games with a decay function for when the games were played), etc.

The most consistent one was just champion mastery at 100k+ (which helped, because it was also simpler to implement).

At 100k (compared to something like 50k) players were consistently outperforming 50k players, but hit a plateau of performance, so that's where I put the bar of performance increase for "being a main". It was also a relatively consistent static increase whether Masters+ players were considered or Silver players were considered.

The TLDR of this is mainly that:

  • Newer players of the champion tank the winrate about as much as the mains increase it (lower quantity of mains, even if they are performing better relative to ...
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