League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Jul


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Meddler are you able to share if you're going to record the next dev update this week or next, iirc you mentioned wanting to get one out in late July

Yeah, we’re still aiming to record soon (probably next week) and then get the video out just before the end of the month


Originally posted by blablalala10159

I've also seen people dc'ing during the augment phase and somehow being able to select 2 on reconnecting

yep, we're aware of this one, working on a fix.


Originally posted by RossCoomSocks

Maybe it's been said before, sorry if it was, but is this targeted at being a permanent game mode?

Cause I'm not going to lie, as an old WoW Arena, Bloodline Champions, Battlerite player, and a guy that sucks at CS'ing this would be a great hobby to replace my ARAM addiction. :P

At this time, our goal is to make a great summer event mode.

In the longer term, I think there's a really good chance we would aim to bring back a significantly upgraded version - it's not a guarantee, we need to see what the player response would be like, but I think it's likely.

There's a world where this version of the mode is so successful that we never turn it off and immediately staff up live support for it, but I want to temper expectations - that would take a really huge player response that sustains over time.

So tldr we would love for it to be permanent, we will probably (but not definitely) aim for an upgraded version at some point (no timeline yet), and if the player response is strong enough we'd change our plans around that.


Originally posted by ExtraSluttyOliveOil

Definitely agree with the logic behind it but I will say that it feels like shit playing a champion that doesn't have easy access to plant consumption vs something like Lucian/Shyvana/Kayle/Teemo that can just devour the whole thing before you have a chance to touch it.

There are definitely pros and cons to choosing basic attacks as the input for activating plants. Our belief is the pros outweigh the cons for now, especially given how hard the 2v2 shape of matches and the ring of fire favor melees.

In the longer run, if this mode were permanent, I believe we would eventually build out a more robust and more diverse set of map hazards to play around, instead of leaning so hard on this one.


Originally posted by TPB_Robonyzer

No. I think the line for “too op” is arbitrary. Yes they’re very strong, but I think that’s intentional and a good thing. They’re something to fight for, promote movement around the map, and introduce some “comeback” mechanics in a way.

This is pretty much spot on. The game mode needs non-champion outputs that get players moving around the map, create ebb and flow to the action (it is desirable that sometimes teams fight for a bit, then break off the fight to trade plants, then get back to it), and create combat mini-objectives that can swing the tide of a battle that looks otherwise hopeless. Both the Plants system and the Cameos system are aimed at these goals.

If these things didn't exist, you'd see problems like: Their comp is better than ours, it's not worth playing out rounds... combat pacing is always max intensity all the time, so playing the mode is exhausting... 100% of combat power lives in champions, so the mode is excessively (i.e. beyond a dev team's ability to correct for) sensitive to balance... a swingy start to a round (e.g. one champion dies unexpectedly) removes all dramatic tension from the rest of the round... and more.

Are they too strong? They need to be strong enough to swi...

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Originally posted by vaphyren

At 2 items it works out to on avg less than 1 damage per auto, in exchange for 5 AD.

The loss of 5 AD means that even if your spells have no AD ratio but you have Kraken Slayer, it's already a net loss because of just the AD ratio on Kraken Slayer. Factoring spells into it just makes the calculus even worse.

Even if you didn't go Kraken Slayer, taking Caitlyn as an example, you lose 24 damage from Q+R+W on a single target, so you'll need to auto ~24 times to break even at two items. I didn't even factor in headshot's reduced crit multiplier here.

edit: A few more examples: Draven loses out at 2 items and maybe 3 items because Q bonus AD doesn't crit so he loses damage per AA on average. Ashe loses out at 2 and maybe 3 items because Frost Shot, loses out even more if she goes Kraken. Jinx will go Kraken. Twitch is roughly even at 3 assuming no Kraken. Only Samira is in most situations a net gain even at 2 items.

Except you're totally discounting things like leveling up or the components of your third item. You math it all out with extreme detail except to say "at two items" and not mention any of the other particulars. You say "it's 1 damage" and then say "They have AD ratios." That's not how you do math.

Pegging it to example builds, you lose approximately 1% spell damage on high AD ratio champions like Caitlyn and gain more than 1% auto-attack DPS on them, which only grows as they acquire components.

Even if it's technically DPS down in some team fight instances on some champions the instant you finish IE, it's immediately positive 600 gold later when you buy a Cloak.

It's a buff.


Originally posted by vaphyren

Reminder that IE changes are basically placebo with a marginal nerf at 2 items, roughly breakeven at 3, and marginally better at 4.

Your math is wrong. It's a strict buff at 3 and realistically a buff at 2 as well, unless you do nothing but land Q as Caitlyn


Main reason is for tempo so you can roam or recall. You can Demat to hit level breakpoints for fast allins, to get targons from range in hard matchups or to hit surprise hooks.


Originally posted by Liontreeble

Xerath getting 7 shots is certainly weird

Gonna go to 4/5/6


Originally posted by bayonetworking123

Buying navori and selling it causing you to retain navori passive :o

Yep, working on this one today

10 Jul


Originally posted by spicykitten123

u/RiotPhlox u/RiotPhreak not sure who to relay this info to because you must’ve dropped support entirely for windows 7 including 64 bit not just 32 bit but can we look into this or forward it to someone who can? On PBE the bug was league client not launching after logging in at all.

tyvm, passed along <3


Originally posted by RiotMaxw3ll

You have high expectations I see.

But seriously we’re going to try and address all the ones we’re aware of


Originally posted by RiotRayYonggi

Any significant bugs/exploits will be resolved before live. We are aware of all the major ones afaik.

You have high expectations I see.


Originally posted by South_Bend13

Why hasn’t aram had a similar thought process in mind? Ability specific buffs and nerfs instead of modifiers has been desperately needed for years now and this new game mode is receiving them within not even a month of being on PBE. Just a bit weird to me but hope this idea will be out towards aram if it proves to be successful.

ARAM has started doing this as well recently. Currently the individuals who do a lot of that balance are helping get Arena out the door at the moment, but I expect them to continue doing tailored changes for ARAM in the near future.


Originally posted by wharblgarble

Any thoughts on Global/semi globals with channels? I am thinking mostly Quinn and Shen who's ults lose a ton of viability in this mode.

Removing or at least reducing the channels would help a ton without needing to do something crazy.

If we find they are weak with more data we can take a more measured approach. But currently we are targeting the outliers first as we don't want to just slap +X damage -Y damage on every champion to save time


Originally posted by Ok_Regular_9436

theres the jeweled gloves (abilities crit for 20% extra) augment and its really strong in niche cases such as GP, are you aware/fine with the interaction? it can be good on stuff like kayn too.

Yes :) We will nerf if it's too OP but it's meant to have pretty strong combos with frequent spell casters


Originally posted by Caosunium

I said it around 5-6 times and it still hasnt fixed, wow. I will reply with this every time i see a rioter message.

The augment "+1000 hp -10% damage" actually grants 750 hp, not 1000

thank you



Originally posted by Ninja_Cezar

What is your opinion on combos like Millio & Kog'maw? Eventually they will outshine and autowin if left unchecked. Even if this specific combo is not OP to break the game, eventaully a combo with such idea in mind will come to exist and actually break winrates. Will you take action and nerf or even remove interactions to fix such issues?

We intend for some combos to be strong, it's part of the appeal of the mode. With that said, we recognize some on-hit+enchanter combos are OP which is why we nerfed Rageblade+scoped weapons with this update. We will continue to keep an eye open to outliers but if an intuitive combo (enchanter + marksman for example) is strong, that's actually intended.


Originally posted by CuantosAnosTienes

Any updates on that bug regarding Ornn?

Any significant bugs/exploits will be resolved before live. We are aware of all the major ones afaik.


We will continue to keep an eye on Arena balance, ESPECIALLY on live, and react to make sure the gameplay experience isn't too heavily disrupted by disproportionately imbalanced items, augments, and champions. We appreciate all the player feedback and excitement thus far!