League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 Jun


Originally posted by Retocyn

u/PhreakRiot, on the topic of Kraken Slayer, couldn't you have done damage type adaptive based on whether the champion has more AD or AP? Or is it not sustainable in through items?

That would by itself solve the issue of Kalista and Jinx cause they never would buy enough AP to turn the damage type into magic meanwhile it would kill the item on Kayle/Teemo/TF.

I think adaptive items aren’t a great idea. I think there is a lot of value in items being consistent in what they do. I say this acknowledging kraken has had three damage types in three weeks.

01 Jun


Originally posted by aerovistae

I'm sometimes confused by your comments because I'm not clear exactly where the designers' responsibilities end. Do you guys write code too? Wdym "I didn't have time to fix it"?

Designers write the scripts that tell items, buffs, spells, etc. how to function. Sometimes we need engineering support to create new scripts.

It didn't have to be "my" bug but crit items are the project I've been working on, so it's not exactly wrong to assign it to me.


Originally posted by Piercingforce

Are you able to share an update on when the may video is coming?

Barring unexpected issues we'll have the next Dev Update video next month. We're targeting every 4-6 weeks with them generally, so there'll usually, but not always, be one each month.


Originally posted by Parad838

I’m confused by the blurb about the Kraken changes. “Crit marksmen were doing too much damage over long fights so Kraken is becoming physical but doing more damage, because we want to buff it.” It reads to me that they’re trying to decrease marksmen damage by buffing Kraken slayer?

Edit: maybe it means to say Crit marksmen are dealing too much magic damage?

Was meant to say magic damage, yeah.


Originally posted by Shacointhejungle

As fun as it is to 'Reddit Knows Balance', it isn't like the balance team is right often either. Both of them are wildly wrong very often, turns out the game is hard to predict.

Inb4 someone says the balance team is often right, lel.

Yeah those opinions were coming from inside the house, too.

Fwiw I was also told Shiv was going to be underpowered. They were right.

31 May


Originally posted by thekelton

The rageblade, kraken bug wasn't mentioned in the bug fixes. Are they not gonning to fix it in this patch?

I believe the kraken rageblade interaction is disabled for the time being. I asked the designer who created the interaction to disable it since I didn’t have time to fix it correctly. But I’m not 100% that it got in.


Originally posted by WoonStruck

Do you think its reasonable to change her passive/Q interaction with wards/traps? Either works. That could potentially lower the pro tilt if its ever needed.

Essentially just removing an auto-reset specifically vs wards. She's already considered safe, and this interaction currently only adds to her safety, realistically. Completely unneeded power.

It’s such a small piece of power I think it does more to hurt feels than actually to do anything meaningful for game balance.


Originally posted by WoonStruck

Could reduce effectiveness of on-hits for her Q to 75%

Most of the on-hit items are already pretty bad on her, so them being a worse option won't change much, but it'll address this build in the meantime.

The only kinda unintended change would be to runaan's, and the on-hit is getting nerfed soon IIRC, so dealing 11 on-hit damage instead of 15 shouldn't change things drastically, considering that's not why she buys it.

Also possible, sure. She already has a sorta anti-synergy since her attacks per second is capped. Further AS turns into AD, which only synergizes with crit. Obviously this isn’t enough.

Still though, I suspect there is room to just remove some of her “free” flat damage that doesn’t scale with item purchases. Ratios could be compensated where needed.

30 May


Originally posted by RedCannonMinion

Three day weekend vibes

I’m on PTO today also


Originally posted by MazrimReddit

Are you just getting up or going to sleep, funny how that matters though

The first replies were going to sleep. These are getting up.


Originally posted by Proxnite

It’s 6am and Phreak is on r/leagueoflegends sorting by new, that’s how you know he’s a real enjoyer of this sub and not just here for PR.

My sleep schedule is bad. Giving me positive feedback for this isn’t helping.


Originally posted by hyflyerboi

I'm genuinely curious, but do you guys ever plan on removing the Q sheen interaction? It'd definitely put a huge nail into the coffin for trinity builds. Although maybe it'd be cool if her zap gave her a sheen proc since that's technically an ability, so she'd have to weave the zaps with Q to use trinity.

I’d defer to her champ designer but it could be done. I don’t have a super strong opinion except that I kinda dislike turning it off. It breaks baseline expectation in a pretty weird way.


Originally posted by badtrip426

It kind of is with titanic hydra.

Technically correct, the best kind of correct 👍🏼


Eh, I think there are plenty of levers available to the kit to push her away from tankier builds without saying “hey btw warmogs is a damage item”

29 May


Originally posted by GryffinnLoL

i started getting into league because of my brother. nowadays, league of legends isnt popular especially at the highschool level, think the entry to play league is too high.

In your opinion, what can Riot do to bring down the barrier or make it more appealing to highschoolers?

25 May


Originally posted by Beats29

Isn't like that on every social media though? I understand most don't have the pure flame and hatred twitter has, but unfortunely it's only a matter of time for that kind of content to change to platforms that are growing in visibility.

For example, I used to use a portuguese football subreddit, the community was great and now is infested with toxicity due it's growth. Even here on lol subreddit, if you aren't a "famous" guy, you end up being straight up downvoted if your opinion is controversial. I miss the times when you could engage freely with others with different opinions without that stupid toxicity.

Eh, Reddit feels much more usable because there's at least some level of curation outside of "They wrote @RiotPhreak at some point before flaming someone else on the site"


Originally posted by Wolgran

I actually feel bad for rioters who try to engage or just inform the community.

Oh I can’t use Twitter anymore. It’s just random people tagging me in their random discussions like I’m going to read some flamey 12-post discussion around some random champion matchup.

Sucks cuz it hurts everyone who engages in good faith.

24 May


Originally posted by Pogab

I mean, these report feedbacks could also just be fake tbh. It's as easy as "if player has sent some reports the last few games, give him a report feedback no matter if any player got punished or not".

You don't have to trust me, but we don't do this.

Every report feedback happens only when we process a ban.


Originally posted by DrMobius0

I would caution against treating a several year old public statement as gospel. Companies often change their minds, especially as the context of problems changes.

This one is still pretty accurate to how we feel today.


Originally posted by Lorik_Bot

What about creating a punishment qeue only like dota has and one guy mentioned above, where you have to learn to play with your team you get assigned a random 1-3 champ and have to win 4 out of 7 games and if you are toxic it resets.

A lot of punishments players receive in League of Legends aren't for instigating a fight with someone, but for striking back at someone and getting drug into a flame war.

Taking a player who is normally fine, but reacts negatively to flame into a queue dedicated to matching them with volatile people isn't a recipe for anyones success.

That's one of several reasons that we don't think LPQ is a good solution for league of legends at the moment. All of the reasons boil down to "we don't think it would actually solve anything". It might feel good to imagine all the "bad people" off in their own queue, but it's important to remember that the vast majority of offenders are players who only get tilted every once in a while.