League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

14 May

11 May


Roa stacking on old ryze just felt so beautiful :')

10 May


Originally posted by 1amtheWalrusAMA

Not trying to BM but why is it considered acceptable to just remove popular features for zero for a patch?

Like we haven't had in-game reporting for 13 years, we really can't wait one patch to deploy it without removing a part of the UI?

There was some amount of miscommunication that led to the missing indicator being removed as part of this work. We’re going to figure out what caused it so that it’s less likely to happen in the future. This is how we do continuous improvement.


Originally posted by Bindoongee




Originally posted by DistChicken

Nothing against you, you've just seemed to have changed something in the way you have casted that kind of affected it negatively for me, I can't exactly pinpoint what it was and it caught me off guard, normally a big fan of you on screen.

As for Nisqy, well he sprinted it

So it's a taste thing, or a perspective, that mad lost and you didn't like it because I celebrated T1? It's just interesting and strong words without context.

If it's just taste, sorry, things change and hopefully I'll win you back but if there is actionable stuff always happy to hear 😁


Originally posted by DistChicken

Quickshot and Nisqy both griefed this series.

Would love to know why.

09 May


Sometime we make mistaek. But we fix. Srry for bad feels.


Originally posted by Resouledxx

Feel like the background should be a bit darker so the question mark is a bit more visible. Can see some champion portraits making a bit harder to distinguish.

This is already planned. Image in the main tweet is out of date. Appreciate the call out though!


Originally posted by Significant_Vast4330

Caster library

Head librarian Drakos


08 May


Originally posted by goku332

Do you think Infinity Edge giving 25% crit chance and 5% crit chance on every legendary as it's mythic passive would be broken ?

Yeah, generally players didn't like having to skip a crit item by the end. People would rather buy a Bloodthirster than a Wit's End. Not saying they're right, but feels are important.


Originally posted by Hannig4n

I feel like a lot of EU fans understandably portray that series from a viewpoint that is as charitable as possible to the EU team while neglecting to apply the same charity to their opponent.

The first thing to point out is that while MAD was briefly in a winning position in game 4, the lead was tiny, and the gold was still even. While MAD was farming ghost/beryl and getting lots of kills, DK’s solo lanes had both topside turrets down to one plate. A lot of the gold swing didn’t come from the kills, it came from Khan taking first turret top during the dive and canyon/Showmaker taking mid turret immediately after.

So one thing to consider is that even if MAD called off that dive and no one died, they would’ve still been in a 1-2k gold deficit afterwards, because the top lane turret still goes down and probably the mid lane turret as well. I don’t think that game 4 was as much a throw as some people like to argue.

The other thing is that no one talks ...

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How I interpret your post is that in my comment, I'm diminishing DKs performance to prop up MAD, and as a fan, I completely understand why that's frustrating. Also, as someone who clearly remembers the series more vividly than I do, it is even more frustrating to hear comments like this, with series being misrepresented and false premises being set.

I hear your argument and think it's a fair one. I would argue that this largely stems from a place of trying to find ways that fans can still believe in MAD. And while we seem to both agree that the argument has validity, the representation and language used is an area to improve. Talking about how MAD went a full 5 games against DK can still be a valid example while representing the reality of the series being a constant uphill struggle for MAD.

Ultimately, that is the main takeaway I wanted people to hear. That T1 are the clear favourites and that MAD will come in as the underdogs. I believe I said that T1 is just a be...

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Originally posted by ahritina

Vedius clueless as usual.

"MAD Lions pushed world champions Damwon all the way to 5 games, and they should have won the series, they were in such a massive lead and threw it".

No, Vedius they did not, all of Damwon's wins vs MAD at MSI were 26 minutes or less.

You're takling about game 2 vs Damwon at worlds, and even then it's 1-1 if they win the game but DK most likely win the series 3-1.

Edit = Vedius also said G2 beat GENG twice in a best of 5 when they've only played in one best of 5, did he not do any research or what lol.

2016 = G2 failed in groups, 2017 = G2 failed in groups, 2018 = Gen.G failed in groups, 2019 = Gen.G didn't make worlds, 2020 = G2 beat Gen.G, 2021 = G2 didn't make worlds and 2022 = G2 failed in groups and Gen.G have never made MSI either.

Not sure the 'clueless as usual' comment is very fair but you are right, I've been pretty sick the last few days and I confused some things. You're right that GenG and G2 only played once, for some reason I thought they had played the year before but it was Damwon who they beat in 2019.

Regarding the MAD point, game 4 within the first 10 minutes of the game they were in a good spot and I considered it a winning position until they failed a dive bot and got steamrolled. I think it's fair to criticize my language of 'they should have won the series' but none of this changes the main point which is that Both european orgs have challenged top korean teams before in best of 5s.

That doesn't change the fact that I still predict the LCK to win both series and I believe I gave pretty fair reasons for doing so. I do however apologise for the mistakes, on a better day I'd like to think I wouldn't make them.

07 May


Lmao they pick someone else for group draw and this happens. SMH Riot

06 May


Originally posted by billionsofatoms

You can't get unpaid interns to do something like that, it takes some devs with experience and those cost money. So yeah, no rudimentary system for us.

We pay all of our interns.


Originally posted by redraz0r

Thank you for the kind response Raz! That truly is a bummer, your casting will be truly missed. I hope you recover quickly!

I guess quickshots response just made it seem like nobody was being careful, and are only now going to start because you guys got sick

Don't know how on earth you assume this without applying your own perspective.

I had dinner with casters took maybe 10 photos and I'm so far safe. Imo the "lashing out tone" really sucks. A dude is sick, we had 6k+ fans today and I would have worn a mask if I met people and here I wanted to just explain why I did nothing. It's my 2nd live event in 3 years.

Meh it's fine I get your tone, just felt bad reading it.


Its so heartbreaking to work all year to get a shot for international casts and AD only to get ill and be locked in a hotel room. I feel for the guys and I hope they get well soon.

I'll be staying away from crowds / fans to try avoid picking anything up. So sorry to anyone that usually gets to chat and take photos, but I gotta prioritise the show and work.


Originally posted by Ocarina3219

I would love to be wrong about this but I think “item diversity” is Riot’s white whale and the constant item overhauls have done basically nothing to achieve it so far.

I'm honestly pretty convinced that even for players "item diversity" is actually just seeing different things on the scoreboard every game, not making really specific choices on an individual champion.

It's really hard to have 10 nearly-equal power items for any individual champion. Getting a couple of swaps is largely going to be the best we're going to get.

What's nice is things like "This is the defensive option" is a pretty obvious axis. As is the item that's good in longer fights (Kraken) or shorter fights (Stormrazor).

I think in general, it's correct to chase unique outputs. Shiv has the best wave clear and it's not close. It's up to you to realize if you want wave clear or not. Something's going to have a generic win rate advantage. That's just going to happen. But that doesn't mean it's the best in every case. That'd be like saying only Swain is viable in bot lane.

05 May


Originally posted by Guest_1300


Don't leak the 2024 script smh


I've read your feedback and have elected to ignore it. 👍


Originally posted by MinshewManiaBOAT

Anyone else feel a little tension between MarkZ and this other blonde guy?

Got the same vibes a few days ago when they were on together lol.

There's definetly tension, Markz a dick