League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 May



Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We are always grateful to receive input from our players, and we appreciate your efforts to provide feedback in a constructive manner.

Some suggestions either conflicted with other player feedback or with internal craft expertise, others (additional changes to her model, etc.) are out of scope for a PBE change.

Regarding the suggestions about including furry tails for Ahri - first, thanks for understanding we can't make a change like that on PBE. This feedback cycle has helped us understand that this is an important feature for players and we appreciate your feedback on this. We will definitely keep this in mind when looking at future skins for Ahri, although we cannot make any firm commitments at this time.

Thank you for taking the time to test Snow Moon Ahri and sharing your feedback with us!

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Hello All!

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I'm here for overreactions and hot takes.


Originally posted by daebakminnie

These are way too small to turn them into hybrids or alter their playstyles like ap Twitch. It really just boils down to making ap from ragablade not completely wasted

Reddit users doing math before outrage posting challenge level impossible


Originally posted by ocklepod

So the team that wins those upper bracket finals is guaranteed what minimum place in the competition?

2nd Place - the winner goes to the Grand Final on the last day of the event (edit: May 21). Loser becomes the lower bracket raid boss. (Edit: and plays on May 20)


Originally posted by moonpenguins

Could only get the 18th too, was on the ticketing site the second it went live as well.

My understanding is that the 18th is lower bracket quarter finals.

The 18th is the upper bracket finals - should be an awesome day!

01 May


Originally posted by AmWhaleIRL

Any update on Shyvana priority in general?

It's been 5+ Years since Riot has said Shyvana is a high priority on the VGU list (and repeated that a couple different times), but seemingly gets passed over year after year.

Ngl seeing Jax essentially get his own VGU in the time "high priority" Shyvana has been waiting for is very sad to see and makes me concerned with Riot's (lack of) commitment to VGUs.

Jax was not a VGU. VUs are very different in terms of time investment. Shyvana is still a high contender. But we will not be stopping Skarner development to start on Shyvana. Changes like that are extremely costly and will not be fair for Skarner as well.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Salty-Prize-5347

I love when we get updated looks across lor and league, would love to see LeBlanc look more like runeterra for example

Same. LoR has been great for reworking Champs looks in a much faster way then LoL can. Makes it easier for us for when we do get around to updating them in LoL

30 Apr


Fun Fact: One of Camille's earliest names in-development was literally just "Diver" but it had to be changed because devs got confused by the name and thought we were making an underwater diver champion (sorta like Nautilus).

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zarathielis

Oh I guess she counts since she is part of the Darkin lore? Then I hope we also get the "mandate" Darkin as a support champ so we can have a full 5 man team of Darkin in the future _^

Well think about which region her teasers have depicted, then think about which darkin short story took place in a temple in that region.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zarathielis

One last question: It's been 2 years since Yone, is there any plans for a new lore champion like Yone or Senna? I think Silco was also planned but didn't work out but I love lore champs so I hope we will get one in the future again

Naafiri is a lore champion, but yeah we still plan on doing more things like that in the future


Originally posted by Reunision

Hello, I was wondering if there have been any updates or progress in resolving these issues since then? Will the target date be delayed at all or anything?? I've been waiting for the past 2 months to play League again, I really hope it will be resolved soon.

If you are a PLDT customer you should be asking them. May 19th is the latest date I have for repairs on the AAG system between HK and PH.

29 Apr


Originally posted by Panslave

Mid this year or mid next year ?

This year


Originally posted by Lucky_Accountant_408

We feel famous that a riot dev commented on this lol. He wants me to ask if you guys can buff brand jungle please, I told him I’d ask😂

Unfortunately I'm not the balance team but I'll make it more viable by giving him a more League-like bot game experience 🙈


Originally posted by Daniel_Kummel

Usually those kinds of ai I've seen tend to win by having flawless micro(they "know" their range with pixel precision, their exact damage output, etc).

But when we look at the macro, and things we associate with thinking and smartness, we see a bleaker picture : they make a lot of mistakes and struggle to adapt their strategy.

How is the research progress regarding AI long term planning and decision making?

We are actually building in a team layer of AI that is essentially the macro, and it can influence the micro of the champion AI. This layer will not have cheats but access to utility functions ("How much approximate damage can be done in the next 2 seconds?") and a memory bank ("their last known position was X"), somewhat similar to humans where you go "he likely backed to base since I haven't seen him in X time and mid isn't pushed up, so probably not ganking mid, and we have a ward on Shelly so they aren't taking that" which we can fudge read accuracy at both the team AI layer and champ layer (like we make an error role that can be configured for different skill levels /types of play).

Right now we are just starting on the foundational bits of this layer, but we want to test this one out during our 2 weeks on PBE test!


Originally posted by cadaada

Bots ai getting better is really good, and i wish there was a harder mode like how bots used to be, they were really fun in the early seasons.

The intention is to build better bot foundational technology that can help new players understand how to play the game better as well as much more sophisticated cool things we have plans for.

28 Apr


Originally posted by WeroReyes

I hope the Rageblade mythic changes will be like old Rageblade. Especially having crits again. As in not having that on hit converted Crit thing that it has.

Long-term it's better if Rageblade doesn't turn off critical strikes but that requires having meaningful crit tie-ins that make on-hit users feel good about it.

Testing without the conversion, Rageblade users felt like half of the marksmen items no longer worked for them since they didn't tend to have much AD to crit with.


Originally posted by SilentScript

Probably pretty obvious but please be willing to go crazy with augments like how prismatics can be in tft even if they don't come up too often. Having a mix of crazy power swings and small bonuses really make the game retain playability.

We're trying a really wide range of stuff out at the moment :)


Originally posted by Lucky_Accountant_408

I don’t think anyone will see this but I HAVE to share

My dad is very caring and really wants to have interest in all of his kids interests. So when I became obsessed with league he immediately joined (especially since he never enjoyed FPS games and I came from Call of Duty to Overwatch to League. So when he saw me playing league he was like I gotta try)

After messing around with what he might like to play and stuff, he finally settled on Brand jungle. It’s ALL he wants to play, he loves him. Except when goes to play with humans he constantly gets flamed and is quite a fragile man lol so he doesn’t like playing with humans anymore. For over a year now all he does is play like two games of Brand Jungle a week against bots while I watch him and teach him (I’m a jungler too so that helps)

I can not wait to get home from work and tell him about this. He’s going to be so excited that he can be more competitive with bots

I really appreciate this, I'm going to share this with my team because it's so sweet!

We are really excited to have y'all try them out. :)


Originally posted by Quantic129

This comment will probably get buried, but to any Rioter that sees this, have you thought about using machine learning to train bots? Or are you already using machine learning to level up these bots? I imagine that if you want to produce truly dynamic, competitive bots, a neural network trained on real games is the only way to do it.

You definitely have the data sets to train on, and you can even train on different data sets for different bot levels, i.e., "bronze" bots would be trained only on games with bronze players, "silver" bots would be trained only on games with silver players, theoretically all the way up to challenger. Honestly that sounds like an incredibly fun project and it would give players a wide range of bot levels to choose from. These bots would also automatically adjust to new metas if you simply retrained the bots every six months or so on new games.

We have chatted about it! A lot of the work we are doing will enable some potential in the future. We see these bots as a foundational step towards the possibility, as if we have good bot tech now, there is always a strong fall back system that still feels good to play against. :)


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Hey Dashi, I was wondering, will some of this bot tech also be used to update AI for pets/camps/minions ?

Yes! We are building our tools to be extendable to other teams so that they can in the future. Our teams have chatted a few times about the possibilities!