League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

30 Jan


Originally posted by KugioMC

Ah now I feel like an idiot for not realising it was fixed, but thank you for that! Oversight by me

All good! Was happy to double-check in case that wasnt the case


Braum W grants assists 100%. This was an old bug that was fixed a bit ago.


You had me going until you libeled Singed like that. Singed is my boy. You can f*ck off with that sh*t.


Originally posted by Diligent_Deer6244

does normal mmr decay if you play exclusively arams? Wondering since it's been almost a year since I played a norm but I play aram every day.

I believe it does, but don't remember for sure.


Originally posted by SirWobblyOfSausage

Could it be server issues along the route that we're all hitting? Has anything changed league euw side since before Christmas? As it's the only time it's been happening since.

I need to run a traceroute and keep an eye what is going on. It seems super strange. It's only league we're having issues with. Is there a specific IP I can traceroute and record?

Thanks for your help.

This could be an issue for some players. Not everyone though.

League hasn't changed any networking stuff on the EUW side - I suspect it is some infrastructure between the UK and EUW servers.

the EUW servers have a range of IPs - I think you can just look at your last game log (*_r3dlog.txt) and you'll see an IP in the first couple of lines and that's your server for that game.


Originally posted by S7EFEN

what about all the people who are inactive? I have 3-4 accounts now that are all easily 5-10 divisions worth of mmr over my actual skill, with all but one of them being inactive across 3-4 seasons and the only solution is to play a few hundred games at a mildly negative winrate where i underperform every game (but am not bad enough to drop far below that 40-45% winrate overall threshhold). Even at the start of the season. its miserable to try to get back into the game.

it was even worse when these accounts were automatically in smurf queue, but I heard that was removed.

Normal MMR decays on an algorithmically fit curve depending on how long you're away, Ranked MMR does not currently because of the implications it would have on your progression (e.g. climb for 1 month, disappear for 3 months, come back and your LP gains/losses are now awful because your MMR decayed). Depending on how high your accounts' MMRs were they'd be hit by the start of season soft MMR resets though. There are probably some creative solutions to this specific problem.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Pretty much, would only add it would take quite a bit longer than 4 weeks to resolve. Like the post above said we have years of calibrations for all the folks who've been around for that long.


Originally posted by Diascizor

I'm not mad and am insulted at the insinuation that I am. There is nothing unsafe about slobberknocker

Hahaha what a fun thread. We each have our own perspectives, it's offensive where I'm from and I explained as much 😁 I'm glad you're not offended at the word and I don't think either of us need to let this thread get under our skin.

Have a great night either way!


Originally posted by Diascizor

The knocker is a punch though in this context. It's supposed to knock the slobber out of someone. Not offensive at all

Read all my comments friend 😁 it has a different meaning where I grew up. I see now that it's local thing from my childhood. Let's not get too mad being a little more safe!


Originally posted by JTitor-KFP

SA? South America?

South Africa! I was born and raised there.


Originally posted by S1kk0u777

I think that is fair and nice, but i dont think its fair and nice to impose those same values on other people especially during a broadcast, imo it felt a bit weird in the moment, no offense <3

Better safe than sorry, and I asked respectfully so don't see any real negative in how I framed it and reduced potential risk!


Originally posted by S1kk0u777


I think it's a little disrespectful to use gender based anatomy in descriptors. I'm trying to be more aware of terms that could be offensive!


Originally posted by 4_idiots_and_me

what a slobberknocker of a game (also how is this a bad word LOL)

In SA, it's a term for a very busty woman... And a heavy punch lol

Originally posted by Turtle-Express

Only 15 minutes of pre-show? Was that the case last Monday as well?


Originally posted by s47unleashed

Yes, I capped the FPS in-game at 144 in order to have a stable game. But guess that doesn't work. No, I haven't used afterburner lately

Frame capping only works to slow the game down to that rate. When your GPU is spiking, it makes the frames longer than 7ms (144fps) and so the game stutters, running slower than 144fps. I don't think your issue is League related - I think its something external, stealing GPU cycles.


Originally posted by s47unleashed

right, sorry, I just updated the permissions. You should be able to access it now

Got it. Thanks.

There is something bad going on with your GPU. It's stalling constantly, like every 2 seconds, which would make it very stuttery. Your CPU is running fine, frame capping is working, slowing you down to 144Hz, but its your GPU stalling. Do you have anything else running in the background which uses the GPU at the same time? Recording while you're playing?

Are you running any frame capping software? Afterburner or something like that?


Originally posted by geraldlimyd

Thanks for the help Tony, looking forward to your reply tomorrow. Cheers!

This is my latest RDP if there's any difference to it:

That RPD indicates that your frame rate was pretty close to what you've capped at. I didn't see any network issues this time. How did the performance feel for that game?

Looking at server data for your previous game, I couldn't see any issues with your connection, but one other player had a pretty bad connection. That shouldn't cause issues for you though.

Although, there is a frame spike every 60 seconds in this last game. Not sure what's going on there - it looks like something else on your system is running on a 60second update, causing a spike.


Originally posted by genesiscz

Nah, I can confirm that no Blitz made it much better. It didn't help to close the Blitz process mid-game, I had to close it before the game so the overlay didn't load. Another VERY INTERESTING is that when I received a notification from Telegram, FPS drop from 95 to 75 to ~10 seconds. Clip here (see frametime on the left)


I can send RDP too if it helps.

Cool. Thanks for the feedback.

Yeah, other applications running can have an impact on League's performance. Not much we can do about that unfortunately.


Originally posted by s47unleashed

Alright, here's the RPD file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w8UvMoJi2ITbX-U79sE158cfhb-RQm15/view?usp=sharing oh and I just realized, no, I've never used the dx9 legacy mode. I always had DX11 then

You'll need to give me access to that file.


Originally posted by SirWobblyOfSausage

It only teleports when there are fights. No ms increase, always at 16ms.

Do you have an EUW ip that u can use you monitor network issues?

Yeah. I do. In that game, you had a few cases where there were a large number of packets lost in a single frame. Of particular interest was one player from Algeria who had a terrible connection, with constant packets lost throughout their entire game. You and two other players had some cases where large numbers of packets were lost, one of those losing packets almost every frame. The other 7 players seemed to be fine.

Actually, the two players from the UK had bad connections. One player from Algeria had an awful connection. The players from Germany and Norway had excellent connections. SO I don't think it was your machine at fault here, rather it was the connection from your machine to the server.