League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

25 Jan


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Hey! It looks like you don't have a Riot tag. I'll ping /u/codersanchez so that your responses get aggregated into /r/LeagueOfRiot :)

Oh I totally spaced out on this - I have a riot flair on the WR sub, but not here. I can reach out myself to them too! Thanks for the help haha


Originally posted by IJustCriedALittle

Is the death timer reduction just for URF? Then it will be expanded across other game modes?

I'm just confused because it's under the ARAM balance changes.

This change is just for URF, correct. The URF timers were particularly long, and warranted a quick fix since URF won't stay online forever.

We did reduce death timers in ARAM by 1 second in 13.1, and as the note says we agree that the ARAM timers are still too long! With all the issues of the last two weeks, we just haven't been able to fully validate that lowering ARAM timers further will have no negative effects on the mode :(


Originally posted by Proxnite

What’s crazy is that while I’m glad he join the balance team and is enjoying it, it’s unlikely the dynamic of the balance team changed much and their ideas for balancing are still very much the same but what did change is people’s view on the balance team. Somehow, simply having a familiar face explain to them the balance changes makes them way less likely to instantly reach for the pitchforks.

Kinda interesting that something so small has the impact that it did and speaks volumes about the playerbase’s psychology, that a single change (which realistically didn’t change anything about balancing) can make them much less trigger happy.

Yeah honestly I don't have some outsized impact on the team. They wanted to do ADC satisfaction before I got here. I've lobbied for some specific nerfs and taken some specific work but like 80% of each patch has nothing to do with me.

I just like making YouTube videos.


Originally posted by ElliotNess

It's definitely sped up at least 10%

It's definitely not.


Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

I'm impressed you bother to explain the matchmaking stuff to clueless people who don't want to hear answers lol.

I'd tell them I am rigging their next ranked match because of complaining on reddit

I tell people I'm putting them in loser's queue all the time, and the reason I can make those jokes is because I can't because it doesn't exist :)


Oh hey its my favorite bald shoutcaster, Azael


Originally posted by CwispyCrab

That’s the best part. They can’t because then she’d be p/b in pro

Yeah that's really unfortunate :(


Originally posted by TheTruexy

This is something we agree with and I fully believe that our pricing model is outdated.

August and I are working on updating the BE pricing for a lot of champs to better fit modern standards and to also address some of these things. If Yuumi is meant to be an easy-to-access champion........she should probably be obtainable early.

Huge if true


Originally posted by PM_Cute_Ezreal_pics

I respect that phreak is actually open about what yuumi is.

I have no problem with Yuumi being a beginner champion, but if that's their intention she should be priced at 450BE, not 6.3k

That's a very steep price for a new player with no champions, especially since she isn't even one of the free champs you get from leveling a new account

This is something we agree with and I fully believe that our pricing model is outdated.

August and I are working on updating the BE pricing for a lot of champs to better fit modern standards and to also address some of these things. If Yuumi is meant to be an easy-to-access champion........she should probably be obtainable early.


Originally posted by Jhinstalock

And what about certainty of MMR in regards to how many games played? Can you"loosen" the certainty if you start playing very well all of a sudden? The opposite feels to be the case at the moment.

You can through winstreaks or losestreaks (doesn't need to be X wins/losses in a row, it's X wins or losses out of Y recently played games), we're not looking at any in-game performance metric right now.


Originally posted by Artemaker




Originally posted by tigercule

Just out of curiosity, if the scaling fantasy is fine but she's meant to lose lane, why also axe the adaptive bonus on W while crippling her lane? Aren't you just heavily hitting both there?

Because priority 1 is kicking her out of pro. I don’t want them to show up and say “that’s fine, I don’t wanna win lane in this matchup anyway.”

Realistically I think it’d be fine if she was at like 10% presence but targeting a presence number for pro is practically impossible. Pros don’t live in objective reality. If they did, we wouldn’t have wildly different champ priorities in different leagues.


Originally posted by 2th

For his R, do you mean that ONLY the next casting of it will be The Skies Descend or is it a permanent upgrade? If it is only the next cast, how often are you seeing Asol collect 75 stardust in a match to where you get that empowered ult? If it is once in a Bronze 2 match, that does not seem very satisfying.

You should expect about 2-3 empowered ultimates per match once you get the hang of stacking his passive. Maybe more if you really optimize it!


Originally posted by SupremeQuinn

where is the overheal change?

Delayed to 13.3, about two weeks from now.


Originally posted by snake4641

phreak is single-handedly saving the game from the inside, that's my goat

Naw, I didn't make any calls on nerfing Yuumi. I was given direction on Thursday or something to do whatever it took to make sure Yuumi was out of pro play after another designer already did the range nerf.

I spent some time looking at VoDs this patch to see that I was right that pro supports actually win lane on her against enchanters and so I targeted her laning phase more with early shield, base AD, and base HP/regen.

Yuumi has a scaling fantasy and that's fine, but she shouldn't also get to win lanes as well, if that's to remain true.


Originally posted by AdElectronic8214

Except matchmaking algorithm is based on EOMM, behavioral score, and MMR.

It's not like flipping a coin.

Matchmaking knows within a 95% confidence interval which team is going to win and which team is going to lose.

When matchmaking makes a team with 2 duo pairs, 3-4 divisions higher, and all 60%+ w/r, and are all on 3+ game win streaks, while your team has no duo pairs, has players 2-3 divisions lower, and all are sub 45% w/r, and are all on 2+ game loss streaks, then the matchmaking system intentionally put you on the disadvantaged team.

If your match making is like this 8 games in a row, you are in loser's queue. It's not a coin flip. It's intentional.


Except matchmaking algorithm is based on EOMM, behavioral score, and MMR.

Just MMR, and modifications to MMR to balance for things like premades & red/blue side advantage. Matchmaking doesn't look at winrates or streaks.


Originally posted by Random_Stealth_Ward

Is it only effects that stops movement or does silence count too

I don't think silence interrupts your flight - but it will interrupt your Q.


Originally posted by The-Elder-King

They are not as accurate as the actual system.

Knowing exactly which factors count into MMR will help people knowing how to mislead the system, either for personal gain or for damaging other players.

There is also the problem that knowing how the system recognise patterns will help players avoid the detection i.e. back in early seasons, if you were a OTP you’d very likely get matched with someone who had high chances of picking a counter champ to stomp your promos.

Other than that, I can only think what happens if players find out they are being ranked with incredibly silly factors.

I can just tell you - you gain MMR by winning games and lose MMR by losing. The amount you win or lose is related to a few things, like the MMRs of both teams. In other words if your team has more MMR, so you're "expected" (and I really need to emphasize that "more MMR" and "expected" are extremely thin margins before you pounce on me for rigging matches, in almost every case the MMRs of both teams are close enough that the difference is not really significant) to win, you earn less MMR than in the opposite case. It's also related to how confident we are in your the MMR you have today, for example win or lose streaks can be an indication that you are farther off from your MMR than expected and we'll move you more per match as a consequence.

back in early seasons, if you were a OTP you’d very likely get matched with someone who had high chances of picking a counter champ to stomp your promos



Originally posted by Crazybigfoot28

So is their a maximum distance on his flying ability? Or he be able to fly fountain to fountain eventually with enough stacks(probably impossible in a real game)

No max distance on the flying ability. As long as you keep gaining stacks you'll keep gaining range!