League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

08 Feb


I'm working on getting a few updates included into the patch notes now, but sharing here while the webpage is getting update. Sorry about the typos all

  • Ahri VGU >>> Ahri ASU
  • Aurelion Sol number corrections
  • Lee Sin E
    • Total Damage: 100/130/160/190/220 (+100% bonus AD) >>> 35/65/95/125/155 (+100% total AD)
  • Nautilus W
    • Mana Cost: 80 >>> 60
  • Turret Damage
    • Turret Damage: 162-344 (0-14 minutes) >>> 182-350 (0-14 minutes)

EDIT: Previous tower damage was incorrect, updated and corrected.


Originally posted by thehoghunter

Top winrates in supp plat+ are currently: Taric(53), Amumu(53), Zac(53), Maokai(53), Rell(52.5), Sona(52.5), Blitzcrank(52.5), Zyra(52), Rakan(52), Velkoz(52), Renata(51.5), Bard(51.5). Pyke is sitting at 7% pick rate with a 51% winrate and would have been hotfix nerfed if anything resembling the planned buffs had made it into the patch. Leona is sitting at a 5% pick rate with a 50.5% winrate.

Play rate actually worsens your argument, the top 10 win rate champs with the highest pick rates are Blitz, Rakan, and Amumu.

Not seeing a super clear poke/enchanter meta here.

The problem with your analysis is that you're not looking at total play presence. Ranged supports outnumber melee supports in total pickrate about 2:1. The overall resting winrate of all melee vs ranged supports is within about 0.5% of each other.

Solo queue is mostly fine in all ranks, but it's really enchanter heavy at Masters+, which often closely follows the pro meta.


Originally posted by Soren59

My issue is that the reason they gave for pulling the passive buff was they didn't want damage creep. Why would you keep the ratio buffs then while nerfing his survivability??

It wasn't fear of damage creep. It was fear of this being too much power.

I want Q+E AP scaling to actually be good and I want Q max to be good (it's currently his worst max and what most players in low MMR do).

Your "obvious" max being bad is a really, bad thing IMO. There used to be a more complicated changelist, but I pared it down over worries of the message getting lost.

Ultimately, Q and E have cooldown incentives, plus the increased Q damage on rank-up, so with the base damage functionally getting increased via soul scaling, that should help those being worth the points.

Lantern nerf is mostly because of concerns of too much power, though again, I'd rather reshape the abilities somewhat to make Q>E>W a generically good skill order, which it currently isn't.

Anyways, circling back to Thresh in the first place, I think he's mostly a damage champion. Making him threatening against no-peel bot lanes is important and hopefully that is true ...

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07 Feb


Originally posted by A_Planeswalker

Great bug fixes!

Ty ty, big effort from everyone involved


Originally posted by yukine95

Why is Annie listed under nerfs if it’s a buff?

Oops yes that should be a buff


Hi! Thanks for bringing it to attention. We'll double check and if anything look to get it adjusted hopefully by the next patch. :D

06 Feb


I'm f*cking exhausted omg. Opened and closed the show and had that fifth game immediately before solo hosting the draw show.

I tell you what, my casting was sloppy, but I poured everything I had into that chaos. I hope you had some fun with me!

It's really not often I find myself unable to find words to say on air, but those last 15 to 20 mins absolutely broke my brain.


Originally posted by malakesxasame

Who are you lot fancying for MVP so far then? I think it's maybe Perkz for me.



Originally posted by DammitSingedwastaken

ngl i thought Vedius was casting this solo just switching up the pitch of his voice.

Haha the curse of us Brits I guess! Next time I'll jse my Welsh accent :)


what happened to the honorable toplane 1v1?

05 Feb

Originally posted by buttsoup_barnes

damn, they weren't kidding, all games do matter until the last day.

Every game counts


Originally posted by Raynar7


Joking….I thought he is Swedish and it sounded like that, but he is Danish…apologies there

All scandies are my homies, no worries

Originally posted by ThisOneTimeAtLolCamp

When XL and Asstralis lose today are they out? Or is there a pretty much nigh impossible chance they advance?

XL out with a loss, Astralis can still make it even with a loss today, but depends on other results. We'll keep you updated throughout the next two days!

04 Feb


Originally posted by meeeeey

Well, I guess neither of us is young anymore :D

Fun Fact: My First ever game I watched was EU LCS 2014. It was first Jankos LCS game, Roccat vs Supa Hot Crew. And you sir did cast it :D I'm a fan of you both since then :D

You're the best.


Originally posted by bz6

Welcome back!

Hope you’re feeling better 🙏🏼

Thank you so much 💕


Hey everyone,

Thanks for posting your feedback in this thread. We have been talking to TSM and our internal production team. While this was not intended to be disparaging to TSM and we tried to showcase the new faces on the team and storylines, after reviewing further we do feel like this was a miss and not in the direction we have been wanting to take LCS in terms of lifting up our teams and our new fun/entertaining approach. Hearing from you all helps us understand what resonates with our fans and we are discussing internally how to better support our teams and players in these types of segments as we try new things and continually adjust. Thanks for your feedback and we really appreciate it. 💜


Originally posted by meeeeey

After this game I have only one question.

Why did Jankos deny Quickshoot a high-five?

HE CAME BACK!! (Jankos and I are friends) and he was denying me cause I called him old again :P lol


Welcome back and we’re glad to have you with us!

03 Feb


I laugh manically and twirl my mustache as I deliver +5 invisible HP to the team who's collectively been playing the game longer.

Ok we definitely don't do anything like this, but there is one point I think I can help clarify a bit:

Also, take into consideration what percentage of your ranked games are just complete stomps from beginning to end. That doesn't seem right considering matchmaking is supposed to be composing teams from a pool of players allegedly fairly equal in skill level.

Teams of equal skill levels does not necessarily resolve into close, long games. Snowball is really powerful in League. Take two teams who are equal skill - put one jungler on Elise and the other on Kindred. If Elise decides to invade Kindred at level 1, coinflipping, stealing red, and killing her, we've all seen those games where Kindred basically doesn't get to play anymore if her team didn't draft lanes with strong priority.

Conversely, ...

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Hey all! So unfortunately we’re still working to understand the implications of the social engineering attack on Clash dates which is why you haven’t seen news on it yet. We have an official update coming in the patch notes in a few days which is typically the best way to share news like this to players everywhere.

All of that said, I literally just got word that we might be able to hit the first weekend of March, but honestly that’s not even 100% so please don’t hold this information against us. Please give us a few more days to work on fixing this problem and we promise to give you the dates as soon as we’re confident that they’re accurate.