HI folks it looks like there is a bug with one of our integrations we are looking into. Thanks for the heads up, we are working on a resolution for this.
HI folks it looks like there is a bug with one of our integrations we are looking into. Thanks for the heads up, we are working on a resolution for this.
Shut up hater.
Yes having eyes makes me a hater.
Morgana E will always give her a place vs certain teams.
I've always been surprised at how resilient Jhin is to shifts in the meta
According to Celestine Wish, this was never the case. The Wiki also seems to contradict this version, as Trundle pillar was dealing 0 true damage in, wich was its release patch.
Edit: english is hard
Technically I was right. I doesn't do 1 damage, it does 0 :)
Wow everything that could have went wrong did. Riftwalk into the Q heal. Elise instant casts E but not until after taking Auto-R-Auto and because it's instant he lands back down onto Decimate.
This is practically one of those staged tiktok videos. Jeez.
Any updates please?
This was done. Can you send me your account name and region if something is still wrong? We left alone accounts that had reached Gold/Plat because they'd already put in a lot of games and we also wanted to avoid false positives.
Was coming in 13.2 but we had to skip that patch, will be in 13.3.
Does Anivia wall still do a tick of damage?
I don't believe so, but I'd expect it to still draw agro.
I had to switch mains cause he does 0 damage early
Not sure how you can justify this, when his dmg combo at lvl 6 does:
485-590 (+ 500-600% bAD) physical dmg. This is without any autoattacks, and Lee easily gets 2-3 autos off. Nothing short of a full armor tank survives this early game.
You can argue Lee is weak, but you can't argue his dmg is low, because these numbers are insanely high.
I didn't do the Lee change, but this is one where I have to jump in and point out something that's pretty frustrating. You phrase this is "not sure how you can justify this" and then list out the damage (for sake of time I'll just assume the numbers you posted are correct).
Let's take the most picked jungler in Plat+ Maokai. At level 6, Maokai has 1060 HP and 60 Armor (~38% damage reduction). Lee Sin at 6 items likely has 40-60 bAD (~150 total AD). So if Lee Sin hits literally every ability and maximizes damage with 3 autos, that's ~850 damage to Maokai with 0 items. Reduced even further if Maokai is allowed to spend the 2-3k gold Lee Sin spent.
Yes listing numbers is great, but saying they're objectively large without a comparison makes no sense.
Now the subjective part is how much damage should Lee Sin be allowed to do in an average game state with a full combo. That's a tough question, but to confidently say that his current damage is consistently killin...
Read moreTrundle's pillar does 1 true damage so it pulls turret aggro if the turret wasn't already attacking someone
Doesnt do 1 damage anymore, we have the tech to make it so abilities can give assists without damage. Good trivia for how things used to work though
I’m glad we are finally recognizing her glory.
Unrelated, enjoy this video Riv and I made back in the day. Reksai is queen https://youtu.be/_Tptai4HCXU
Always blame the jungler, amiright?
This is awesome
I'm curious how many patches we will go through before they've "fully undone the durability patch" because we've gone through 16 patches so far and every single one there's comments that "this is the patch that will undo it" and yet the very next patch someone else says it again.
90 seconds to midnight doomsday clock lookin' vibes, boy who cried wolf yadda yadda
It'll always be said whenever theres a lot of buffs, but its a decent sentiment that we should keep in mind to try to not power-creep the game. That being said, if things truly got out of hand, theres nothing stopping us from just doing another durability update or something similar, its not like it was a one-time emergency thing we used up.
- Server: NA
- Type of Bug: In-Game • Description: Sona Q doesn’t proc spellthiefs
- Video / Screenshot: Screenshot
- Steps to reproduce: Unknown.
- Expected result: Spell thief’s would proc and gold earned. Mana flow Band did proc to validate a champion hit.
- Observed result: Spell thief’s did not proc
Spelltheifs only works if you have an ally somewhat near you, to prevent it being used in solo lanes.
- Server: EUW
- Type of Bug: wrong loading screen tip
- Description: had a loading screen tip that explained the 2022 smite mechanic that got removed in the preseason
- Video / Screenshot: forgot to take one
- Steps to reproduce:
- Expected result: only up to date loading screen tips
- Observed result: a loading screen tip explaining a removed mechanic
- Reproduction rate: only saw it once
- System specs: irrelevant
We've got some new loading screen tips coming in 13.3 :D
- Server: NA
- Type of Bug: Gameplay
- Description: Senna W Flash not working. Projectile always comes out at the location you first pressed W instead of at the end. This means she can't Flash W combo anymore (should be the same behavior as Ezreal Q+flash, for example, and has been for years)
- Video / Screenshot: not needed, self explanatory
- Steps to reproduce: Cast W and Flash during cast time
- Expected result: W projectile comes out from Senna's location after the flash.
- Observed result: W projectile comes out from where Senna was before the flash.
- Reproduction rate: 100%
- System specs:
This is fixed in 13.3
Server: NA
Type of Bug: Client bug
Description: Not exclusive to 13.1b, but conditioning has been bugged for nearly 2 years now. It's giving 8 armor & mr but the 3% extra only applying to the bonus armor/mr that you gain. It's not total armor/mr like it should be so it excludes the base armor/mr of the champion. So when you hover over it, the stats it says it's giving in brackets are not true.
Steps to Reproduce: Play a Game
Reproduction rate: 100%
Its intended to only work on bonus armor/mr. The tooltip reflects this information.
Read more
- Server: NA
- Type of Bug: Visual
- Description: Map doesn't show tower plate count consistently.
- Video / Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/deBz5W7
- The screenshot shows that both mid turrets are not showing tower plates on the map, but top and bottom are showing the counts.
- Steps to reproduce: Seems fairly random. It can "fix" when hitting the turret and breaking a plate. Not sure if relevant but I play with map on Left corner.
- Expected result: Turret plates are always consistently on the map pre 14m
- Observed result: Turret plates are sometimes not shown, and forced to look at turret directly to see turret health.
- Reproduction rate: It happens in probably 100% of my games
- System specs: i7-8700, RTX 3...
Will be fixed in 13.3
A saw a lot of people commenting about Rell E and a few other cases, would you happen to know if those are cases like these too?
The other instances I wouldn't expect to work that way because they are functionally indefinite rather than windowed. I can ask around and see if theres any interest in changing that however.