League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

09 Oct


Can you pass your opgg, we recently made changes to make this better


I'd be interested to see your riot Id plus tag. If you were high master, placing in emerald 3 seems very low likelihood of occurring. I'd be interested to dig in further to see what's causing it

08 Oct


Originally posted by F0RGERY

I remember that Phreak mentioned that Crit ADCs and AD assassins were hit the hardest by the item changes, so I'm kinda surprised to see only the first group being addressed this patch.

There is still work left to be done. We have follow-up work slated across most classes for this patch (the one you're reading) and subsequent patches. It just doesn't make sense to try to swing for every class at the same time.

Also, not every class needs itemization changes to fix their issues either. Different classes and systems require different levers and tactics. We patch biweekly and have a lot of content, so give us some time to work through it diligently.

06 Oct


Originally posted by Poppsson

”Nice macro kids, here is a wombo combo” instant classic


03 Oct


Originally posted by cornbope

We need Romain (paging u/Khagneur) to tell us who's stronger: BB or Hylissang!

AFAIK no one has every beaten Hyli in arm wrestling, not Romain, Broxah, Youngbuck...

He's even broken multiple tables in the past, BraumIRL xDDD

Hylissang > all Not only he has muscles, but arm wrestling also requires a lot of technique and Hyli has been playing this game for way too long!


Originally posted by Karimko5

This makes me wish we still had the old login screen

same tho


How do you currently level up abilities? Clicking the buttons on the HUD or the level-up-ability hotkeys?

01 Oct


Beautiful. I see you also survived AP literature. 🫡

30 Sep


Originally posted by Technical-Cat-2017

Just tried to watch MAD lions vs PSG. The play button only plays game 1. There is no way to watch game 2 and 3 as far as I can find on the site.

Once you are on the VOD watch page, in the bottom left corner you should see a game selection tool for games 1 / 2 / 3. Do you see it on this page, bottom left? https://lolesports.com/vod/112966697102367363/1/cNq3_PFw508


Originally posted by ninjabunnyxo

Is the drop still available? I can't seem to find it and I'm logged in on lolesports.com and on Opera GX browser...

It should be active, but it isn't available in all regions - where are you located?

29 Sep


Originally posted by mubong

Oh there it was, sorry. The fact is, the yellow dot didn't appear, so I didn't even think to check there (not knowing what to search for). Seems like a consistent bug that's happened to me for months, new emotes and icons not making the dot appear (happened to the Heheh Okay Tristana emote as well but at least I knew what it was). Thanks for the help!

Glad you found it! And also thanks for the extra info on why it was hard to find. 


Originally posted by NicramUrgod

What even is the Opera GX drop? Is it just a esports capsule or limited emote?

The drop is an exclusive emote - season 2 TPA shen :) 


Originally posted by mubong

I claimed this drop 8 hours ago or so, and it only said "Available in your League of Legends loot tab", and there's nothing there. I don't know if there's gonna be other drops, if there are exclusive live drops to opera gx (seems unlikely). As usual, getting information on these things is impossible.

Hmm, it should be there. The drop itself is an emote called “oh well,” it’s Shen dressed in the TPA worlds season 2 costume. If you can’t find it let me know and I’ll do more digging. 

I will take a look Monday on why it isn’t clear in-game what the drop is. 

We can definitely do a better job clarifying the drop contents on the website. The content was locked super late so we had kept it generic at first. Thanks for the feedback 🙏 

27 Sep


Writing all my patch notes like this from now on. (Holds up spork)


Originally posted by Useful_Department852

I found the vods on home. I have noted a new issue with spoilers, I know this isn't the correct forum for reporting issues, but hopefully this can be addressed before worlds is over.

You can reproduce the issue like this...

Start on Home
Find PSG vs PNG, click play
Note game 1 VOD starts at 29:25 (Game start)
Note game 2 VOD starts at 13:52 (Game start)
Note game 3 VOD starts at 1:02:27 (Exact freeze frame with massive text spoiling the outcome of the game)

This really kills all the hype of watching the games on VODs. I am sure the video URL timestamp can be updated.

Where should I report issues like this moving forward?

Hey! you can send them to me and I can def relay that feedback to the broadcast folks who are cutting the VODs. Sorry about that :(

25 Sep


Originally posted by BillyFromAccounting

Is there a new cinematic coming for next season start? Still Here was incredible.

There will be


Originally posted by Policeman333

Must have been fun having your email blow up with the comms requests to respond to this

I’m sorta used to it but the number of emails I got between 11:30am and 11:32am helped me set a new personal best for speed-running my zero-to-panic-attack time


Originally posted by LyraStygian

Ikr, u/RiotSmileyJoe will be out of a job soon.

Oh god I hope not. I’ve got a fat folder of memes that really wouldn’t work for any other job.


Originally posted by Abezdimir_Putan

What if support items grants exp when killing ward

Not a bad idea but generally we want to try to avoid making things even more rule-sy. Especially our systems that are already super rules heavy


Originally posted by Sparkletinkercat

Hmm perhaps a better fix might be for wards to not give experience early in the game. Then you don't have the issue of players getting early level ups whilst still keeping the bonuses for clearing wards as support around the time they would be picking up sweeper anyway. And it keeps any effects from the changes minimal and mostly towards the thing that needs to be changed in the first place. Thoughts?

We floated the idea of splitting the reward (gold/xp) across the entire team but decided against it. Big problem is that the visualization of global gold/xp is poor right now. But also the gameplay of that wasn't as desirable.

Realistically this change is likely here to stay but like I said we are open to other ways to give support back some of what it lost here. For other roles the impact should be near zero