League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 Jan


Originally posted by survfate

Do you happen to know where the VN DC is located? Got higher ping than I would expected and curious about the geolocation / routing

Hong Kong until the physical builds in VN can be finished in a few weeks.


Originally posted by Runegorger

Globe - QC

Internet connection is fast and fine outside of League but ping fluctuates at 30 - 200

First few games were unplayable for me

Can you send me a traceroute / tracert to please


Originally posted by Coldhimmel

Hello korensky, i am from the vietnam region and we are having seriously high ping with massive packet loss. Will this be resolved by tomorrow? And will we have the same ping as we used to have? Cause going from 10ms to 40ms is pretty sad

Servers in VN are not ready yet so they're in Hong Kong for now. Probably a few weeks. You shouldn't have packet loss however. Which ISP are you using?


Originally posted by ElderwoodBard

I still have stable 200ms with Converge ICT

Ping should be lower now.


Originally posted by Maesuyu

ISP: Converge
Before migration: 2ms
After migration: 200 - 218 ms

This should now be fixed (30-40ms probably depending on your location inside PH).


Originally posted by Zayyir

1     1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  192.168.XXX.XXX  
2     1 ms     1 ms     1 ms  192.168.XXX.XXX  
3    12 ms     5 ms     9 ms  
4     5 ms    10 ms     7 ms  
5     4 ms     3 ms     3 ms []  
6     3 ms     9 ms     3 ms []  
7     7 ms    29 ms     4 ms []  
8    31 ms    30 ms    31 ms  
9   176 ms   174 ms   175 ms 
10   174 ms   173 ms   173 ms 
11   174 ms   174 ms   174 ms 
12   205 ms   204 ms   205 ms  las-b23-link.ip.twelve99.net [] 
13   206 ms   201 ms   201 ms  singaporetelecom-ic-335364-las-b21.ip.twelve99-cust.net [] 
14   202 ms   201 ms   202 ms 
15   202 ms   202 ms   204 ms

The first 2 hops are my 2 routers and after hop 15, all RTO's. ISP is Converge.

I do have a...

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Thanks - we are working with Converge on this routing issue.

Yes the servers will eventually move back to PH. This will take months to arrange as we are waiting on infrastructure builds to be finished but is planned.


Originally posted by RonSenpai

Also having issues with ping (ISP: Meridian Cable)

Please post a traceroute (tracert) to if you know how. I will see what we can find.


Originally posted by ChrisKhan

I play from India, used to get 43 ping on singapore servers because I live close to the coast compared to the northern parts of India who get like 70-ish ping. But now I'm getting 82 ping on I think Riot's sinagpore servers, I believe the ping is worse for inland Indian players can you please take a look?

This is probably going to be something we look into next week. Our focus right now is on improving the specific routing for the countries these shards are meant to service and then we'll be able to look at routing for India.

You'll need to include your ISP and City location for us to be able to do anything about it as well.


Originally posted by ElderwoodBard

I still have stable 200ms with Converge ICT

Can you share with me a traceroute / tracert to and also please log a fault with Converge so they are aware this is still a problem (high ping to league of legends). Customer pressure will help us in getting them to treat this with a little more urgency. Thanks.


Originally posted by rikumea


Used to have 6ms on garena PH but now its just a stable 190ms. Hope it can go down soon.

Please post a traceroute (tracert) to if you know how. DM to me is fine. I do not see any issues in our PLDT metrics.


Originally posted by hkperson99

as these servers are running from Hong Kong for now

Since I'm based in HK, would ping be lower if I played in the PH server compared to the TW server? I know the difference is pretty much negligible but just curious...

Yes but only until the PH servers are moved.


Originally posted by Wreck_Quest

fluctuating between 90 and 150ms. problem is the stability honestly. used to have 5ms ping back in garena but i'll honestly be satisfied at 50ms. just need it to be consistent.


If this keeps up, please log a fault with PLDT. Their statistics overall are good and stable and we are connected to them in Manila so there should be no other factors outside of their influence happening here.


Originally posted by LeydaGreat

I do message you about tracert.

Thank you. We have enough information and are working with Converge on the problem.


Originally posted by Keneseuu

Still having issues with Converge (200ms)

Please post a traceroute (tracert) to if you know how. I will see what we can find.


Originally posted by BanefulDemon

Are there any plans to merge servers? Singapore looks like it's still going to be mostly dead.

Not my department sorry. I just make Internet stuff work.


Originally posted by RiotKorensky

New IP space. We are waiting on ISPs to wake up and respond to us regarding some routing issues but should have this all solved in the next day.

PH ISP problems should be all resolved. Post below if you are still having problems (along with your ISP name). Latency will be ~20-30ms higher than before as these servers are running from Hong Kong for now. Moving those closer is the longer term improvement that is mentioned.


Originally posted by TheSituasian

Can you guys make it so the suggested sum spells remembers it being set to 'off' instead of it being reset every game please?

Yes that is also planned work!


You should try Jinx from Arcane and Fortnite

05 Jan


Originally posted by Miserable-Gold2176

Im not sure what you mean by shard but my isp is pldt. Ohh so this will be fixed, wont be playing for a while then thank you

Yeah we're waiting on PLDT to get back to us at the moment. Hopefully fixed in a few hours.


Originally posted by McDaddySlacks

Is there a possibility Tibbers tier 3 can be 100% up time? If so much of her power is budgeted in him, a tiny cooldown doesn't seem unreasonable. Especially if the HP buffs make him more durable, but she still struggles.

At 46% ultimate CDR he is already effectively 100% uptime. I don't think moving the needle matters much.

If I were to do a change in this direction, I would target Tibbers duration rather than cooldown, reducing how often you can cast R but letting tibbers live longer.

With that said, likely to not hit it on this pass due to trying to keep it as simple as possible in terms of lines of changes.