League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

05 Jan


Originally posted by raphelmadeira

This is a problem with all pets: Shaco's clone, Daisy, and Tibbers, but if we press ALT instead of R they attack structures normally.

Yeah I just checked the scripts and it's a nightmare. I'm gonna do some more digging to figure out if there's a less "spaghetti code" way for me to personally fix this bug, and if not, then I may have to pass it to engineers to be fixed down the line. Inhibs and Nexuses just don't play nice with pets fundamentally.


Originally posted by Miserable-Gold2176


Which shard and which ISP are you using? We're working through a bunch of routing issues to the new IP address ranges at the moment.


Originally posted by MiyaDora

PH Server is kinda lag rn stabling around 150ms because apparently the server is connected to OCE.

New IP space. We are waiting on ISPs to wake up and respond to us regarding some routing issues but should have this all solved in the next day.


Originally posted by Random_Stealth_Ward

Since you are taking your time to add QoL changes to Annie, can you guys fix tibbers not attacking structures? If you press R to attack turrets, tibbers usually can auto them, but trying to do so for other structures like nexus or inhibs just makes him walk and stand there.

On the other hand, if you use the "pet move" command, Tibbars will attack properly. It's been there for years, and last time i played annie it was still there

Sure I can try to fix this, no promises though as I don't want to put in a jank solution that makes it worse.

I'll look into it though for sure


Originally posted by SadBlackMage

Do you think annie could be a candidate for an eventual mid-scope update?

I feel Annie's over reliance on flash+tibbers is where her true problem lies. I'd argue the damage is fine, but there's too much down time.

I agree, and I originally went on this crusade to do a larger midscope. The main issue was finding a direction that resolved some of her "health" problems (like her being weaker without flash, but insane with it), without making her a champ people didn't recognize and/or making her more difficult. So with that context, until we find some direction that stays true to Annie and everyone can enjoy, smaller lists like this are more likely to be successful.


Originally posted by justMate

Annie isn't a burst mage anymore! What's up with that!? Comparing Annie's burst to other mages, she continues to have among the best AOE burst, but could be improved some long-term.

Annie Level 11 AOE: 435 + 160% AP

Leblanc: 535 + 135% AP

Syndra (If you hit Q in AOE): 435 + 185% AP

Veigar: 440 + 160% AP

This is kinda a professional corporate linguo. I too have to sell stuff to my boss but honestly Annie seems the weakest out of the list.

Both syndra and Veigar scale within their kit and Leblanc and Veigar have bigger threat range.

She is the weakest as far as raw damage goes on that list, but also has the widest AOE of those 4. Annie flash R->W is more damage in most real cases than any of those examples due to being able to hit 3+ champions in some cases, which rarely-to-never happens with the other champions in these examples.


To answer some quick FAQs:

Why buff things other than burst? Isn't that what Annie is about? While I agree that Annie's primary output is her burst, further improving it after durability update was not my immediate direction for buffs. The general philosophy of buffing all burst characters after durability patch is a suspicious one, to start, and being conscious of how much we "undo" the wins of that is valuable. In addition, the QoL areas we targeted here instead are long-term problems with Annie's design that pre-dated the durability patch. If she continues to not succeed (because he burst isn't high enough) then we can readdress it.

Doesn't this make her "all about tibbers?" I believe that improving Tibbers durability doesn't suddenly make Annie about Tibbers, but instead brings him into line with other ultimate-based pets. This was likely just an overdue change that should have been included long ago.

Annie isn'...

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Originally posted by Ok-End5088

There is 0 reason for the grasp runepage on voli top to switch my summoner spell to smite

This is being fixed in 13.1.


Originally posted by DrMa

Can I just say, thank you for being here and replying to some comments. I feel like there's not as many Rioters on the subreddit as there used to be a few years ago, and I like seeing yous here. It reminds us that Riot is reading/listening.

we're still here! Mostly lurking :)


Originally posted by deflector_shield

Was Jatts experience an element within your decision?

I spoke with Jatt when I was first considering the transition. I don’t think our convo really pushed me in any direction. Was just useful to get his perspective.


Originally posted by Setrit

Oh god, Draven is gonna be in the gutter from this point onward I guess..

Nah just caitlyn mana buffs.


Originally posted by bz6

Quick question /u/PhreakRiot:

Why would you increase the damage on a utility item? Rather than sharpen its niche use? I believe this is a major problem holistically within the item system. There is not enough tradeoff between say utility and damage.

Given more time I could probably think of a better niche for horizon focus. Honestly the item may need a rework. But for now the reveal is about as strong as it needs to be and the rest comes down to the item being functional and competitive. 15 AP should put it in a very solid place compared to Shadowflame, which is its current closest competitor.


Nice catch! Im gonna look into this, I think I understand what the issue is.


the team is very excited & nervous - it's a big day!!


Originally posted by Xerxes457

Isn’t the patch also the same day? So we get the patch and then the season starts?



Originally posted by BurrStreetX

So they came back to work yesterday, since you know, they get some time for the holidays. Yall give them a day to get back to work, then they say this and yall are all butthurt?

It says:

Tomorrow it should be also in the client and on the website.

Can't wait for you all to meet more of the dev team next week in the Season Start 2023 videos!!

Sounds like yall just need to relax. Besides in past years the cinematic has come a day or two before the season start.

Good god yall can be exhausting.

The way the dates fell this year is making things a bit weird - usually the first day back isn't literally Jan 2nd. We can't ship a patch the next day because it's too risky without QA time and we want to make sure we can get changes in for season start. We always do Season start hype about 5 days before the start of the season, but I agree it feels later than usual from how the calendar falls.


Originally posted by Cumcentrator

brightmoon the type of dev to twerk his ass when he proposes good changes tbh


04 Jan


Originally posted by HS_Cogito_Ergo_Sum

Hi Phreak, will you still be doing your patch rundowns? It's a bit different since you're the one doing the balance changes, but it would be great to see some deeper insight on the balance choices.

Yeah that's the plan. Now with extra context on my changes!


Originally posted by Blastuch_v2

Thoughts on doing patch rundowns like Mort does for TFT with guests/others from the team? He is goated dev.

I already do those for most patches on my own youtube channel (plug: youtube.com/phreak).