League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

20 Dec


Originally posted by DownloadedHome

What's your opinion on the situation of AD bruisers right now when it comes to their damage output and survivability?

It’s tough. For the first time it feels like individual melee champions can hard carry a game the way that Twitch or almost any other ADC has been able to for like a decade.

That said, an ahead ADC can be oneshot if the Akali just plays well. You don’t have that same luxury vs. Aatrox. But also Aatrox doesn’t 1v9 unless you actually keep screwing up into him.

Idk. I’m not done thinking about it.


Originally posted by Sandalman3000

I recall some of the meme involved transcendence using the overstacking CDR to add up to a lot of AD. I know Malphite during this time could do a Seraphs + Frozen Heart stack into all AD teams.

Yes transcendence was part of it.

19 Dec


Originally posted by ultradoomslaya

Where you around during league of Bork, league of mogs, or league of cleaver? Those felt way worse than now.

FWIW League of Cleaver was never actually a thing. It was a meme build. People just pretended that 5x Black Cleaver was good but it never was.


Originally posted by Lyna-Fydar

it is unfortunate that we dont have the developmental talent in riot to bring back, and make these types of game modes anymore :(

instead we just get recycled urf and ult spellbook. This is why you should hire talent based on skill rather than what they identify as >.<

Wow this comment took a hard right off a cliff at the end...

16 Dec


Originally posted by LeVentNoir

Thanks Phreak! I'll try it out in my games tonight.



Originally posted by LeVentNoir

Hey Phreak, 800,000 mastery silver jinx here.

What build order do you see Stormrazer on Jinx fitting into? Kraken, Stormrazer, Rapidfire? KS, PD, SR? It doesn't seem to fit in anywhere nciely.

Kraken Stormrazor IE.

15 Dec


Originally posted by raffybest94V01


uploaded in my drive, let me know something, and thanks for help

Thanks. You are definitely seeing a different problem.

You're first 10 or 15 minutes are pretty much OK, running at around 140 to 100 fps. After 15 min, I'm seeing a weird oscillating frame rate, from 140 to 60fps, every half second or so.

Do you see this every game, with every champ?

I'll flag this as a potential bug internally and see if we can repro it.


Originally posted by raffybest94V01

where is located ? i will send you

I mention where it is in the original post. “League of Legends/Logs/Performance Logs/“ it’s a couple of MB in size, so just upload it to a cloud storage site like Google Drive or whatever you prefer.


Originally posted by raffybest94V01

now the problem has also extended to intel cpu, before in patch 12.22 i was not affected by this low fps bug, now in 12.23 yes

CPU: 8700k

GPU: 3080 12gb

GPU driver version: 527.56

Reproduction rate: every game

Optionally : the fps drop for me is happening in 12.23 patch, now is huge problem, from a 144 fps at under 50fps, unplayable, before the patch all ok.

What overlays are you running : only blizz, tried off and on, nothing change.

Did running the game in DX9 mode help? try dx9 and 12, same thing but in dx12 is better, less fps drop.

Did running with SMT/Hyperthreading turned off help? tried both, same thing

If you are having a problem then this is a different problem. Please send me an RPD and I’ll have a look.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Emizery did you move to League, since I recall seeing you talk about GvG a while back

Yep! I moved to League earlier this year as a champion designer.

Very excited about next year! ;)


Originally posted by ThinkingIsAnIllness

If you weren't working for Riot... Which company would you like to work for?

Honestly I love working for Riot!

If for some reason Riot vanished into thin air, I'd prefer to start my own game company.


Originally posted by Lightcolt

What would be the second choice for a career?

There was only one option for me after I learned it's possible to make video games for a living :x but before that I considered going into botany. I own no plants so probably made the right call.


Role: Mid/Support

Champs: Veigar, Lux, Nami, Lulu

Career: Game Designer

14 Dec


Originally posted by CaptainFlowers22


f*ck YEAH, DASH!


Originally posted by hellosaidhello

Follow up question for you /u/RiotAxes:

1) Do you think the state of Ability Haste is overturned for bruisers and undertuned for tanks/mages ATM? Noticed its hard to get 40% CDR on the latter but easy to get 55% on the former

2) Are you guys aware of the growing problem of AD being cheaper than AP? You can now easily get 400-500AD by end game and only 500-600 AP by end game unless you go Horizon Focus (AP Mages with high AP ratios indirectly getting nerfed - cough Orianna)

To (1) - they're very different spaces, don't think decisions on one necessarily tell us what the optimal decision on the other is.

For a bruiser, assuming we're going to tune them to about the same spot (...somewhat lower than how they're doing today, but not that much lower), if they have less repeatable output, we either have to make them even more durable, or make them burst harder, or sustain harder or find something else for them to be good at. Think repeatable outputs are closer to the fantasy and closer to being fair than the alternatives. I realize some folks are going to disagree.

For many mages, I think we get a different answer as to what the right tradeoffs are. But mages are such a diverse group that I suspect we just need to better support the differences within the class. AD being cheaper than AP is weird... it's not intrinsically a problem (we tune ratios around the items that exist, if we added a lot more AP you'd probably see your ratios go down t...

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Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

/u/RiotAxes, thank you for the candid and to the point responses. Feel like we really benefit whenever your team comes in and addresses these things.

Could I ask about the anti-heal item work, directionally what you're currently considering? Something like a stacking effect or Debuff over time?

What would be really cool about that work is it also presents an opportunity to make chainsword/morello more interesting items, right now they're not very satisfying to buy and the effect isn't too visible.

We're not massively reworking the Grievous Wounds mechanic. Frankly, it has flaws, but the alternatives also have flaws (including "just delete it").

The direction will be something much closer to the pre-Items Update system - components with 40% grievous wounds so that you can access a counter when you need it, growing into stat sticks that make more sense within builds, but not specifically upgrading the GW amount. For example, Mortal Reminder will once again trade off against Lord Dominik's Regards - will have armor penetration and grievous (vs armor pen and giant slayer). I'm aware that this won't fully solve the issue - we're looking at healing soon as well.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Is 13.1 going to receive more changes once you guys get back from break (outside of current highlights like Jax)

That is the current plan, yes.


Originally posted by bz6

I have a few questions /u/RiotAxes:

1) Are you guys concerned at how bruisers are tankier than actual tanks?

2) Can't mention tanky brusiers without healing. What are your thoughts on the state of healing? Considering we had targeted changes to address said issue.

3) Any worry of ability haste creep?

4) What is the teams analysis on the Durability Update? Since we are obviously entering a stage where patch changes are adding more damage.

(1) Think this is hyperbolic for most tanks vs bruisers, except the big sustain bruisers (more in point 2).

(2) Not in a good spot, too much healing in the game. Currently working on grievous wounds items and likely to also take a swing at healing values.

(3) Yes but the problem is difficult and the game isn't necessarily terrible when champions cast a lot of spells, so it's a bit further down the priorities list.

(4) Highly successful, still a major factor that we actively consider for patch changes. It's going to fluctuate. More damage was added in 12.23 than removed. More damage is being removed in this micropatch than added.


Originally posted by JustJohnItalia

I thought they said the jaksho changes were neutral for tanks, where's the neutral part?

We're micropatch nerfing it while working to get it back to a similar balance state for tanks (considering tactics like making it stack percent bonus resists instead of flat resists, for example).

We have few tools to reshape an item in a micropatch since it can't change any client data, including the text of tooltips, unfortunately.


Worth noting that the conditioning change is tooltip only. The functionality has always only worked on bonus resists.