League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

27 Dec


As a quick thing about this, you have to compare items as a whole.

Duskblade, Youmuu's, etc. all have much more AD than, for example, LDR.

Especially early game, flat AD is a very important stat. So building items that give 60+ AD as well as 10-20 lethality is a really good stat profile for killing Ashe and the like.

Ravenous Hydra appears to still be exceptionally strong, arguably overpowered. It's almost certainly Zed's best first item. Not going to debate that one. That said, for second item Zed, both Duskblade and Prowler's appear to out-perform Cleaver. So players are opting toward bruisery target-agnostic builds, but lethality appears to out-perform.


These are probably not that obscure but they're fun to play with:

  • You can hide Renata Glascs's Q animation in her E; E and immediately Qing will make her Q animation harder to see.
  • You can use Flash to redirect Renata Glasc's ultimate by executing ult and immediately pressing Flash. This can also be done with other champions with cast times on their abilities, such as Qiyanas ult, Pyke's Q or Gragas E (a more well known example). This is useful for hitting someone over a wall with very little reaction time.
  • Pykes E stun occurs when the shadow passes thr...
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26 Dec

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Primerion-ken


Hey reav, when is new roadmap? Next week?

It's been too long, give us a Christmas gift 🥹



Originally posted by saburoi

should be fixed now cutie <3

Are you allowing loads of minions to spawn? If you generate loads of minions the game will slow down.


Originally posted by raffybest94V01

guys, the user u/No150Mewtwo found the solution to the problem, thank you so much really, i was freaking out.

you have to install / move the game on a mechanical HDD, no matter the path, and the fps issues will disappear, you will have drop fps issues if you install the game on an SSD or an M2, which I tested, but with a mechanical hdd you will have spykes at 100 fps for only a few milliseconds, then they return to normal as you set them.

it will probably be something I/O related

.rpd file


last 4 game is : 1HDD 7200rpm, 2M2, 1HDD 5400rpm,

the game work better in hdd 7200rpm, in 5400rpm you will have more spyke than fps, while with the 7200 they are rarer, they happen 3-4 times a game

That's really odd. The SSD should always have a faster seek and load times - there must be something pathologically wrong with access patterns from the SSD. I'll flag this as a bug and see if we can figure it out. Do you have an RPD from when it was running on SSD for me to compare against?

25 Dec


Originally posted by saburoi

CPU: Ryzen 5600x stock settings pbo disabled
GPU: RX 6800 non xt stock settings using resize bar 4G decoding CSM disabled
GPU driver version: latest stable 22.11.2
Reproduction rate: every game since windows 22h2
Overlays: none not even discord overlay, xbox game bar overlay can be turned on idk how to turn it off tbh.
DX9/DX11: none helped
SMT: turning it off did nothing on both versions of DirectX

i reinstalled windows 4 times got latest drivers from chipsets to bios to no avail. i tested that minions cause major frame drop in practice tool. my main issue is not just frame drops in mid game it's throughout the entire game. i have my game capped at 177 and it barely ever hovers there. even if i try different caps like 60, 144 or 240 it can never stay stable.


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I don't have access to that RPD.


Originally posted by MrDrabat

Hi, thank for the anwser, how did you see that i truc to search for this issue online but i don’t find anything do you have idea for that ? Like maybe ram timing can cause this issue ?

It might be something to do with your GPU. Check drivers, power saving settings, anything related to GPU performance. Sorry I can't help much.

24 Dec


Originally posted by MrDrabat

CPU : I9900K

GPU : RTX 2080TI

GPU DRIVER : 527.56

Reproduction rate : every games

Overlay : none

DX9 : didn't help

Hypertreading : i need it for other software cannot turn it off ( never be an issues before)

File : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Zor5G5azWDq5OwRYUfkhhSoUS5bLVzh/view?usp=share_link

I got random lag pike in the game not only at the start of the game i start with 225 fps and end at 96 / 110 fps and i notice my gpu / cpu never go above 5% for my cpu and 15 % for my gpu

Thanks for the help

Your overall performance is normal for your system. You are seeing spikes however, and that is not normal. The spikes seem to be due to the CPU waiting for your GPU, stalling for about 80ms. The spikes are not related to League, I'm not sure where they're coming from.

23 Dec


Originally posted by perplexingalpaca

Hmmm, not that I am aware off. When I play it should be consistent at 12-15 ms. I am running a wired cable from a wifi booster.

So it would be possible to hit valorant at 240 plus fps through the same connection but with league be around 130 fps?

Yeah. It should be expected to run Valorant at a higher reliable frame rate than League on the same system.

Regarding your network - I'm guessing (I have to guess as I don't have enough information to know for sure) that your network might be switching endpoints every few seconds, causing a lag spike when that happens. I need to add more data to the RPDs to know for sure. I've seen it with some other players too, so we (Riot) need to figure out how to best deal with this.


Originally posted by perplexingalpaca

Thanks for the reply! Apologies - Here you go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VEvlOLFgWsyuTCjyZ1s2PjuMWuyZj7fZ/view?usp=sharing

I was expecting to hit same fps as valorant, there I can run everything on max setting and hold 200fps+ without a problem.

Also some extra feedback I got through the ticket:

"There is a wide-spread issue for players who have Ryzen CPU's, which is causing them to drop a lot of frames. And indeed our teams are aware of this and working on it as we speak. "

So it seems that League is aware of it and are working on it? :)

That's better! Yeah, you seem to be experiencing lots of 30ms spikes and they pretty much all seem to be due to network processing. Are you running via a wired ethernet connection or WiFi?

I suspect that the issue that Player Support is talking about is the one that we've just fixed - not the one you're experiencing.

[Edit] Regarding constant 200fps - I doubt that will happen anytime soon. Valorant is a very different style of game. Most of its processing is rendering, with only a few characters on screen and no real AI to deal with. League has well over 1,000 objects live at any time, all requiring updating and synchronisation across the network, most with their own particle effects. Getting all that, plus rendering, to happen in less than 5ms is tricky. Don't get me wrong - we're aiming for that and we have some things planned for the new year, but I don't expect that right now. Note that your system is behaving badly, if we can fix that then your games should fee...

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Originally posted by perplexingalpaca

Hi u/RiotTony,

Could you take a look at below? I have logged it with Riot support but not getting a lot of traction, I have performed a clean boot and removed overlays but not getting the results I hoped for.

CPU : Ryzen 7 6800H

GPU: RTX 3060 , Latest version 527.56

Reproduction rate: each game

What overlays are you running : None, suggested to turn off

Did running the game in DX9 mode help? : It did not help

Games start up and hitting 200+ fps on medium settings, then slowly move towards 110-160fps range. I would expect this to be much more stable and higher based on above specs. Would be great if you could take a look at it.


That's the same rpd that Raggou sent - you'll need to send me yours if you need me to help.

But, current expected behaviour for League is that the frame rate will decay as there are more objects in game (Minions, buffs, etc), so as the game proceeds, it will get slower. 110-10fps sounds about right for your system at end of game.

What frame rate would you be happy with?


Originally posted by Raggou

I started alt tabbing after experiencing this issue..

I have been capping to 244fps I believe. As you can see my system specs are very high end. This issue only occurs within league and no other games / applications.

I can try uncapping my frame rate if you think that will help. As I have a 120hz monitor I thought capping at 244 was fine but getting several drops/stutters is frustrating

Thanks for your reply appreciate your insight here happy to assist with any further info or details

There is something funny going on and I'm not sure what it is yet. I suspect something is off with the frame capping (which would be our problem). Try turning that off and see how you go - are you using vsync? Turn that off. Maybe try capping to 120Hz so it matches your monitor.

Let me know how you go - I can't do much at the moment as I'm on break, but if we can lock down a repro/trigger I can set it up top be fixed when I get back.


Originally posted by genesiscz

Reposting to have "primary" post. Yes, I still experience it. At the start before minions spawn 180 - 300fps, later hovering just around 100, sometimes dramatically dropping. I think my game lagged for a second this game, but it might have been the previous one. It is worse when more intense (fights) happening InGame.

RTX 3070, Ryzen 5 3900X, SSD, every game, 32G ram, GPU utilitazion still around 10%, CPU also around 10%. Overlays: Blitz, Porofessor, Discord, but I tried it without in practice tool and it was pretty much the same. Newest BIOS, GPU driver v. 527.56.

I spent this entire day trying to resolve it I finally found this thread. I hope you can help with that, I am getting pretty frustrated with that. 100, sometimes dramatically dropping. My game lagged for a second this game, but it might have been the previous one. It is worse when more intense (fights) happening InGame.

I spent this entire day trying to resolve it I finally found this thread. Hop...

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We call this "destruction Testing" That many minions on screen will cause slowdown.


Originally posted by Raggou

/u/RiotTony Can we get a statement on whether this issue is considered resolved or closed? Still experiencing this issue

CPU: 5900x GPU: 4090 GPU driver version: 527.56 Reproduction rate: Every game of League of Legends doesnt affect other games

Overlays: none Running in Dx9 Mode: Didnt help Running with SMT off: No

RPD file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lJzBVQ0p7IHTam7pfGqUCw_QneoIgrq-/view?usp=share_link

The issue is resolved. You are not experiencing that particular issue. You are seeing something else.

From your RPD (thanks for that - without them I'm blind), your frame rate is pretty good most of the time. But you are experiencing seemingly random spikes (including a massive 5 second stall near the 30 minute mark). Many of the spikes appear in the first few minutes of the game, but you started alt-tabbing around the 20min mark - why was that? You had a couple 60ms spikes just before that - did they cause you to alt-tab out? How would you have described the frame rate? Are you capping your frame rate? To what?

21 Dec


Originally posted by shinomiya2

is there a fix for other systems being worked on?

This particular problem was only really noticeable on those systems, so there is no 'fix' for the other systems, as it wasn't a problem there. If you are seeing performance issues, then it is caused by something else.

One issue I'm seeing come up again and again is "My game starts at fps, but then drops to fps later in the game". This is expected behaviour. We do not maintain a fixed frame rate for League/TFT - we let the game run as fast as it can on the machine you're running it on. If you want that, then use frame capping.

Of course there are other performance issues and we are addressing those, but those are either incremental improvements (changes so small that you won't notice individual improvements but overall there should be gradual improvements.) or are big changes, reworking core parts of the engine/game loop which require significant effort. We do intend to do both of these. The trick is that we're also adding new content and functionality, its hard to...

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Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

its more what the game has swung towards, it doesn't have to be some insanely snowballed riven just a 2/0 fiora or irelia with normal bruiser items that are super overtuned (death dance, jaksho, botrk right now, but there seems to always be something) and they just always seem to have disproportional impact from their performance due to how much better bruiser items and runes always are than every other classes.

It never feels like bruisers have to work hard to have 1v5 levels of impact compared to every other class, simply because when they get a small lead all their items are so unfair (both give a ton of damage and make them unkillable) no one can stop them.

I just really don't agree there. I don't see normal or slightly-elevated income fighters hard carry games.

I think jungle is slightly overtuned as a role because of how much impact it has on the game overall but it's not because Viego or Jax or whatever just wins the game at 20 minutes.

20 Dec


Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

the problem comes from continuing to pump more and more power into bruisers and toplane without actually changing any of the macro or gameplay involvement for everyone else.

So now toplane sits on an island for a bit then solo decides the result for the other 8 people in the game, which is the worst possible scenario.

FWIW League has at least made improvements there: Rift Herald is still somewhat of a team objective, but at least there's something to do around top side before Baron spawns. I'd go as far as to argue that top side objectives mean more than bottom side ones. Pro play seems to indicate that Herald is more important than Drake. Yes, the team roams over there, but that's how objectives work.

I don't agree with the premise that the Riven (or whoever) comes out of top lane and just solo decides the game. Maybe if they're 13-0 and every other lane is at a stand-still, then sure. Someone's ahead and it probably matters. But I think "Island... then solo decides the result" is not very accurate.


Originally posted by androidnoobbaby

The fact that you think solo laners with early game agency should be able to hard carry a game like an ADC that needs to be babysitted by a support and doesn't exist before minute 20 tells me everything I need to know about the garbage mentality driving the game's most awful changes. Classes are different for a reason.

I didn’t say solo laners with early agency should be able to hard carry a game like an ADC. There are plenty of scaling top laners who don’t have early agency. Why are you inventing strawmans to fight against?


Originally posted by Taztingo

I wanted to inverse your statement into a question to get a bit more out of it. I'm not and never will be a game balancer lol.

Should these melee champions be able to hard carry the same way that a Twitch or any other ADC has been able to for like a decade? I have emphasis on same way because of the trade offs between roles.

Also, do you think it's possible or fun to decouple more ADCs from supports? I say more as a safe clause for edge cases such as kindred, graves, quinn, akshan.

I don’t really see a way to reconcile a champion being able to fully 1v2 with the other players having agency over their lane.

But obviously there are degrees. Ziggs and Ezreal can farm from a distance and would get more farm than Vayne in a weak lane.


Originally posted by bz6

In my opinion its important to have positional power diversity in League. If all agency is streamlined, the game loses a bug chunk of strategy.

That being said, my current gripe with the game is that it feels like you're playing with and vs items, rather than champions. Items are warping kits a bit too much. Some are even giving champions mechanics that belong within a kit, class, or role.

If agency is too unequal, strategy is streamlined. Why ever play for top? Everyone should only play for bot lane. That’s been one of League’s problems for like 10 years.