League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

10 Jan


Originally posted by Skander10

i frame capped it because of the problem and even then it's below 50

Most of the time you game is waiting for 16.6ms per frame to hit the 60fps cap you've set. If you remove the cap, you should be hitting 100fps in a lot of places. You will still get some slow down in places, but your frame capping is just making things worse. Try with frame cap off and if there is still a problem, send me the RPD.


Originally posted by Skander10

Looks like you're frame capping to 60fps? Maybe try turning that off and see how you go.


Originally posted by Skander10

That's not your RPD. That's NooNooVacuumCleaner's


I will echo Reav3's comments. Covid was hard for so many people around the world, from the derailing of the supply chain and our healthcare system, to the millions of people who lost family members. We (Riot) weren't immune from this. I can also say that what Reav3 said about big things happening in the future is 100% true - I've seen them. I can't share them, nor would I want to until the time is right. You can take that for what you will, and for those who don't believe us, maybe you will when they're here.

Rioters cares so much about League, even the Evil Riot Leaders who supposedly care the least. Arcane, Wild Rift, even Valorant, wouldn't exist without League. We're just coming off the biggest Worlds to date, where we had more viewership than the Olympics, and so to think that after that moment we've just packed up our bags and given up is really strange to me. If anything, it's a redoubling of our efforts. What people who aren't at Riot, and who haven't worked on sof...

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Originally posted by Rabbit-Personal

Guys, solve it ??? 7 months with this problem.

Fixed it last month.


Originally posted by Skander10

i'm really bothered by this problem my fps goes down to almost 30 - 40

CPU:Intel(R) i7-10750H

gpu: gtx 1650 max q

GPU driver version: 528.02

Do you have an RPD? If I don't have details I can't help you. Also, the problem as stated in the OP is resolved. If you are having performance issues, this is a different problem.



On behalf of the ASU team, we wanted to thank you for all the love, excitement, and patience we have seen for our foxy Ahri’s ASU. We’ve been collecting your feedback and after discussing it with the team, we’re going to be making the below changes:

Note: We have some minor bug fixes coming in 13.4 as well that we weren't able to get into 13.3.



  • Smoothed out the tail of the E projectile.
  • Fixed an audio bug affecting Ahri’s passive.
  • Made adjustments to Ahri’s joke for more uniformity across the skins.


  • Adjusted the duration of the Arcana R cast SFX.

K/DA & K/DA All Out

  • Adjusted R to be more audible.


  • Adjusted the sync of Popstar Ahri’s Recall.



  • Minimized “glitchy” Q2 trail visual bug.
  • Fixed the orb not respawn...
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    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zeddit_B

Thank you for the words. Too us hardcore league players, they do mean a lot.

Any way you're able to say what the range of "quite some time" is?

Some will be this year, some bigger investments will be further. I want to get a devblog out in the near(ish) future to talk about some of it

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by StopDyingMan

Reav3 my beloved.

Honestly I love this dude, he's always been here to talk with the community about a lot of things.

Thanks for that u/Reav3


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by NerrionEU

Also we have been investing into so bigger things that won't ship for quite some time. But words won't change how people feel, and certainly this random reddit response won't either. The only thing that will change peoples opinion is when we ship content.

My question is are those things being developed for the game League of Legends or just other game projects. Because why would I be excited for other games that I might not play ? If people only want to play League itself what is in store for them is the problem here.

I was talking about LoLPC specifically, not other projects


Hey everyone, we're pushing out an update for the patch notes now including the removal of the Lunar Gods skins and Porcelain Prestige Lissandra from the notes as they will be coming out in patch 13.2 instead. I apologize for the confusion created here.

Also making a correction to Shaco's W ability name.


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Hey /u/Auberaun sorry 4 ping but I don't know Riru's reddit handle, i think you guys missed abyssal mask and catalyst which were also buffed this patch AFAIK

Hey there, this one was called out under "Passive - Eternity" as a note since the buff only applied to the passive shared between all items. But looking at it again I can understand the confusion that I caused here and i'll make it more clear in future notes going forward


All the teams logos with a chance to win the World championship 2023, and the leagues logos on a map

Same version for EMEA Masters (Europe+MiddleEast+Africa, an even crazier ecosystem) with a map.

External link →

Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

And 200 games for one skin doesn't seem a tad unrealistic to you?

We based the number off of how many games people actually play. It's also not intended to be easy to achieve or accessible by the majority of Silver & below, we wanted to keep the best way to earn it to be to climb to Gold or above. We'll definitely be watching to see how many players do earn it, and if it's below what we expect we'd make it easier to get.


Originally posted by bz6

Well I sure hope the high elo reports will be un-paused come start of S13. The community seeing swift and more importantly consistent action taken towards disruptive behavior (in all its shapes & sizes) will have a ripple effect to the lower ranks, especially if content creators are exposing the updated report systems.

The escalated content creator report path is a part of the trial that is just pretty clearly successful and we're trying to work on how to expand. The more general moderation had more mediocre outcomes, causes of which are likely fixable, might just take more time in the kitchen.


Originally posted by Nicky-Santoro

Any chance you are considering performance-based adjustments to LP/MMR gain and loss?

Yes we are considering those.


Originally posted by Xanhomey

So basically half of the points we used to earn, but still earning even if we lose. Got it.

Does seem fair, since you guys did make it clear that the amount of games below gold will big.

Thanks for responding!

Edit: Sorry to bother you, but while I was looking at the screenshot yesterday I noticed that there's a border given as a reward for SP, so I was wondering if this is a new type of reward or the new ranked border?

The system is entirely retuned so the old values don't actually have any relation to the new ones, it was mostly convenient to keep the concept of split points and the associated systems to build improvements on top of. I'm looking at the screenshot on my phone so can't see too clearly but it looks like it might just be a placeholder icon? I know there aren't any borders on the rewards track at least.


Originally posted by bz6

Pretty bummed out at the lack of Ranked updates from the season start videos. No mention of solo soloQ, flex improvements, Clash, and high elo moderation. Is there anything you can shed som extra light on boss? /u/Auberaun

Not a lot I can specifically talk about yet. The team is working on a lot of rune recommender & champ select followup/polish work now that the season is basically launched while we plan some of this year's bigger bets. For high elo moderation, we ran that for ~ a month (Nov-Dec) and have data, now that we're back from break we'll figure out how we'd like to proceed but the reviews themselves are paused right now.