League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Oct


Originally posted by Final-Evening-9606

I won like 3 arams totalling 60min in game but I only got XP from the missions…

The story missions but surely also the General Repeating mission?


Originally posted by Joris_Joestar

How much XP do you have to earn between infinite milestones? Because that's where the real grinding starts!

Same 400XP every time.


There's 10,000XP available from missions. Apologies if the FAQ doesn't show all of these yet (some more missions come later).


There's 10,000XP available from Missions.


It should be identical Tokens/hour gameplay as before. The goal is to be literally the same tuning.

06 Oct


Originally posted by truthordairs

I have my eye on galio, his main issue before was his abysmal armor. Lissandra is also a possibility but her clear is still going to be pretty slow and rell and rakan have potential as hyper low Econ junglers. I know they’re going to tune it a lot from now to live servers but I hope they keep the general idea of opening up the jungle, it seems really cool and I’m excited to see what turns up

Orianna jungle here we come


Originally posted by NectarineNo8425

I want to know how exp is earned per game/per minute/per win/per loss.

Same as all previous events. 4pts per min for losing, 6 for winning. We've accidentally made the repeating mission invisible, but it's still there and working.


Originally posted by Proxnite

I didn’t understand a single word of the Irish English.

"He's asking the lady with the guns If she wants to dance but she's not interested " 💃


Originally posted by PiBiscuit

A kinda missed opportunity, that Goliaths doesn't increase size scaling with bonus hp you get from it.

Wouldve been pretty cool to see champs get bigger the more hp they get from it.

Size scaling is tied to the mythic passive. I don't think infinite size scaling can be added. Let me talk to the designer and see if we can reward players a little more for those who achieve the peak of the item.


Originally posted by MerryOtaku

If Ornn buys Rod of Ages and buys and sells it a bunch of times, he can get 0 HP and become immortal. He can take infinite amount of damage and can't be killed no matter what, and on top of that after he sees ROA to get 0hp, he keeps the 0hp and buy AD items to siege turrets by himself. Please, please disable Ornn ASAP this is not fun to play against.

Fixed today.


Originally posted by StrwbryAcaiPanda

Server: NA

Type of bug: Game bug

Description: Syndra's very first ability point spent does not give 5 passive stacks, as the passive wording would indicate

Steps to reproduce: 1. Lock in Syndra
2. Spend an ability point as a level 1 Syndra

Expected result: Syndra will have 5 passive stacks

Observed result: Syndra does not start gaining passive stacks from spending ability points until her second level up

Reproduction rate: 100% of the time

This is intended.


Originally posted by TehSalmonOfDoubt

The more I doubt C9, the more likely they are to win. So I predict an ez smash by FNC



Originally posted by A_Benched_Clown

How about activating it in aram ?

Been asked since start.

Unranked fun mod ISNT FUN 4v5

These rules are coming to ARAM too, forgot to mention that.


Originally posted by _Esdeath

What does this fix exactly? The other Nunu didn't move once for 3 minutes and the remake didn't show up. What's the difference if the timer is 90 seconds or 180? If the detection system is inherently flawed, changing timers won't change a thing.

This is mostly QOL to let you out of a match faster. System got rewritten to an extent as well which should make weird stuff with it less likely to happen, future issues easier to diagnose, and the general mechanics easier to adjust going forward. Fountain check is still to-do, may not be in this patch.


Originally posted by oioioi9537

What does it mean by window length? Is that the length of time that the vote is active or length of time you have to start a remake vote?

0:00 -> 1:30:

  • no /remake available
  • Tracks time that players are afk and/or DC'd

1:30 -> 3:00:

  • remake window open
  • during this window, if a player has been afk for 90 consecutive seconds OR disconnected for a total of 90 seconds (includes during the prior window), /remake becomes active

3:00 -> EOG:

  • remake window closed, but you will have a minimum of 30 seconds to initiate a vote, in the scenario that someone meets the conditions at 2:58 or something

all the other rules (first blood, etc.) still apply


Originally posted by MurmurmurMyShurima

Got a weird bug with Kled and Goliath Ascendency and maybe Titanic Hydra.

I'm still testing it but it seems tobe after procing the damage and gaining the bonus HP from Goliath, Kled/Skaarl's health bar can't decide if it's gaining or losing hp. Then subsequently he can take execute damage from other sources.

It's very inconsistent but it might also occur after damaging the drake.

The execute appears on his HP bar like the Elder Drake execute indicator. There's nothing in the death recap either. HP bar says you have like 5.5k HP but you die to 100 dmg from minions in recap, no mention of a debuff.

Yea...Kled is interesting. We are fixing this.


Originally posted by heldex

A follow up to my follow up on feedback:

Iceborn is missing a counter for damage reduced, a counter for damage done, and its sheen effect isn't aoe

I'll try to get the sheen effect fixed soon. For tooltip counters those will be in before live.


Originally posted by EconomyFollowing6437

sunfire is bugged, it shows 0% damage to jungle monsters

Believe this is a tooltip bug. We will fix it before ship


Originally posted by [deleted]


Trust me it is :D.