League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

04 Oct



After evaluating the feedback, we've made the following updates to Bewitching LeBlanc per your feedback:


  • Fixed an issue with the Q and RQ projectile when it initially spawns.

We have received a lot of great feedback and appreciate your trying to write feedback in a way that's most helpful for us. Some suggestions either conflicted with other player feedback or with internal craft expertise, others (additional changes to her model, etc.) are out of scope for a PBE change. Thank you for taking the time to test Bewitching LeBlanc and sharing your feedback with us!

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Hi all!

"What a treat."



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Originally posted by Jozoz

I'm honestly a bit worried these changes will backfire. It might be nice for people starting out with jungle, but I am afraid it will hurt the staying power of the role and hurt the things that make junglers really like jungling.

A big reason of why people are motivated to learn jungle and to excel at the role is so they can acquire all this knowledge and apply it in the game.

Jungle has always been a thinking man's role. No other role is as much about out-braining your opponent.

What pushed me to learn jungle all those years ago was exactly because this appealed to me.

It seems simple on paper, you kill jungle camps and you gank lanes. But the complexity is endless. And no one is holding your hand. You decide what to do. How to clear, when to gank. Everything is down to your strategy.

I think these changes take away from this aspect. The game giving you clear paths means you don't have to think as much. The game timing every camp for you fr...

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In what way are you not thinking? I'm not suddenly dumber at clearing just because I don't kill Gromp+Blue together.

You literally have deeper choices than "red or blue smite" and otherwise have slightly slower clears. That's it. That's the changes.


Originally posted by WaroftanksPro

Also indicators whether you can kill someone in a full combo! Along with a popup on exactly how to execute said combo /s

You realize that several champions literally have execute indicators, but not others, right?

No one loses their mind over Cho'Gath and Pyke having execute indicators.

Because, you know, it's implemented with consideration and not slippery slope bullsh*t like Reddit likes to spew because they can't argue against the actual changes being made.


Originally posted by ahris00

updating patch notes text styling is unexpectedly nontrivial work because it involves multiple teams (at least, that’s what i thought during my time writing them). kudos to u/Riot_Riru ^_^! this is a huge win for accessibility, too!

Thank you u/ahris00 T.T

Glad we finally shipped this change, really hoping its a good step toward making the patch notes more accessible and easy to read!


Pretty simple, really. Whichever team has FakeGod wins.


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

/u/Riot_Siraris, could you please do the same for the item recommendation system? Its really bad that its always delayed by a patch as whenever a big item change happens players still build the old item often because its the comfort first recommendation. It would be way better if recommendations were data driven with the last x days of data and or y games of data.

Hope I'm making sense with what I am asking about.

So it is driven by last X days of data, it is just not updated until the next patch. I wouldn't worry too much about it because again, we update every 2 weeks, and it takes time for the meta to sort out after changes. It's possible we will change this in the future, but there are a lot of implications. Like I said, you can introduce a change that causes a deviation that might result in worse outcomes for some time until things sort themselves out.

So if Jax should build divine sunderer after Patch 12.100, it will recommend this in 12.101 after 2 weeks. After that point, it should be accurate for some time as we're not constantly changing items and champs.


Originally posted by June24th

You just hate the role, doing your stupid balances. There's not any good reason to nerf the exp for a lane that already was weak in terms of level.

Way to destroy your own effing game. Applause.

I'm an adc main, don't hate the role.


Originally posted by ErikThe

Maybe it’s being nit picky on a subject that’s much less broad than an entire role. But isn’t the entire point of playing Riven learning to cancel your animations to do crazy burst damage?

If I’m in lane against Riven I have no way of visually learning what they’re doing because the animations are literally being cancelled. All I see is that Riven moved around a whole bunch and did some haphazard swinging and now I’m dead.

If I’m Gnar all I see is the death recap saying I got hit by a bunch of things that I didn’t even see.

My main point is that sometimes optimizing a game means learning outside the game itself.

I think you kinda hit the nail on the head, there's a difference between that being tied to champs or a role. When it's happening at a role-level, it has LOTS of butterfly effects like ruining queue health (introducing more autofill), ruining game quality, creating really sharp optimizations that we (Riot) need to balance around, etc. For example, if double camping was SUPER effective (which it's close to now), we would need to nerf junglers so that that is their baseline power level. Then anyone not doing that strategy would be MUCH weaker by comparison. This results in the average jungler, especially newer ones, being far less useful teammates than someone who did their "research".


Originally posted by FearTHEReaper01

How much of a concern was Tryndamere when remaking this item?

We just needed to make sure he wasn't getting BETTER with the item remake, otherwise not much concern.


Originally posted by Cosmic-Warper

W bounces don't count as a spell for navori damage?

They do not, the general rule is "Does it apply comet? It's amped"


Originally posted by Psychout40

Do you think a Shiv that was more similar to Luden's (in a smaller area, rather than a chain) would differentiate it more from Runaan's? I really enjoy the theory behind Energized builds, but they've never seemed practical.

Potentially. The issue will always be that runaan/shiv were not first item purchases due to their stat profiles, and waveclear is most valuable at first item purchase. The solution may be a waveclear mythic that's more AD skewed.


Originally posted by _Trixrforkids_

How does the interaction work with Viego and Master Yi who both have kind of a psuedo double hit?

It will double proc the CDR.


Originally posted by Psychout40

Considering Rabadons is supposed to be the AP version of Infinity Edge, are there thoughts about creating a second counterpart to it, much like this?

I would love for us to do so, there are currently no plans but might be a great place for us to explore in the future.


Originally posted by Mortally_DIvine

Just throwing my two cents out there:

It's a little unintuitive to create new language 'must have purchased 60% crit chance...'

When other thresholds for efficacy (warmogs / HP) already exist.

Is there any thought or concern with the continued addition of new language / exceptions?

It's very easy to end up with a mess of spaghetti, and I think that that is something that should be considered.

If you have thought about this, I would love to hear them!

Yeah we will probably try to find a better way to word it in the final version. I have a meeting tomorrow where I'll try to brainstorm ideas for simplifying.


Originally posted by tmb--

This is an item that gives Tryndamere a lot of agency and ability to function in today's meta. By effectively removing this from him, is there any plan to give him a look over if his winrate drops as a result?

We certainly will


Originally posted by Lemonforce

Really concerned about this being susceptible to popularized influence. Like if a streamer or big name player popularized some wild, off pick, even though its not actually what's good on x/y/z champ, and gets everyone else spamming it now newer players, or people new to the champ, will be mislead into picking it.

Check my update :)

03 Oct


Originally posted by Stillframe39

Cool change for sure! What have playtests with this on Samira looked like?

Have not stress tested Samira yet as she seemed like more of a stretch user due to getting good value out of IE


Originally posted by bobbybobsen

Any considerations that GP now has one less AD/Crit item to build, and likewise for other crit champions that don’t want AS? (Before you hit 100% crit with prowlers by buying Collector, LDR, IE, Essece Reaver and Navori)

This is a known pain point, the issue however is we currently have 6 (well, 5 after navori change) legendaries you can buy with Crit+AD (the ones you listed and BT), which is plenty. It's possible we are supposed to add a mythic without AS but did not yet.


Originally posted by South_Bend13

Has the team considered removing the need for laners having to leash their junglers? Quite frankly having to leash vs someone that did not is very frustrating in specific matchups and having this removed would be a good change for the jungle and laners.

Leashing should be less essential in the new jungle with the pets doing a % of the damage, but overall that's a good place for us to look next.


Originally posted by sephrinx

Ooohh ok gotcha. So it adds additional damage to your spells (not ATTACKS - Just abilities) based a percentage of your crit chance?

Does this apply as an "on hit" effect? Just curious how this is all going to work. Seems interesting though. Would love this if it were to apply to both his on Xayahs Q for example.

Would apply to both hits of Xayah Q. It's not an on-hit, just a flat increase in damage kinda like other damage amps in the game like PTA