Originally posted by Mertuch
Just wondering. If aiming as close to 50% is fact isn't that unfair? I mean if I performance way better than average of players in my division system won't choose worse team to make it the closest to 50%?
I mean. If sentence above is right that means playing league is actually pure coin flip. The more you're better the more you're playing with worse and opposite.
I still believe that if you're performing well your mmr should increase much faster to pump you up even faster (which solves problem with smurfs).
Idea where smurfes gain low ammount of LP is actually sick cause they break even more games than it usually would take.
What would be the alternative? We give you, personally, matches where we statistically know you are meaningfully more or less likely to win than the 5 other humans you're playing against?
We match you with others based on your current MMR. If you are actually a better player than what your current MMR is, you will start winning more than 50% of games, and your MMR will increase. As your MMR increases, the players you play with and against start to match you in skill level. As your MMR starts to align with your true skill, you will win around 50% of matches because the primary factor we're matchmaking you for = reality. If you want to continue climbing after your MMR matches your actual skill, you need to improve as a player or find other advantages. Plenty of ways to do this - pick better champions, get better at warding, CSing, work on being a better teammate.
At a high level agree that performance influencing MMR is typically a good thing and there are i...
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