League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 Oct


Originally posted by plutrichor

Just tested in Practice Tool -- the new jungle items appear to not have the penalty for farming lane minions early in the game (the anti-funnel mechanic). Is this an oversight?

Currently not working as intended. Looking to get this fixed


Originally posted by Carpet-Heavy

you know what's even crazier, look at the top reply to the tweet. it's Phreak, who has historically been relatively pro-grievous wounds, agreeing that it's a trash buy in this context of ranged vs melee.

then, he gets 3x ratioed by an objectively incorrect reply that claims he previously defended orb in ranged vs melee. that's just f**king wild LOL. pretty obvious where the circlejerk is coming from as well.

:) :) :) :) :)

05 Oct


Originally posted by Gooquleimages

I agree that nothing feels better than being full build or even being close to it, I just find that the struggle is getting to that point, so much of the game seems to be decided by those first 15 - 20 minutes, I often feel like I lost if I leave lane having gone even.

That said I stick with the role for those moments where I'm full build and I think the 5 games where its over in 20 don't necessarily outweigh the 1 game I'm allowed to hit full build

That's a fair feeling, that lack of priority and agency we have early game is the price we pay for that late game solo carry high-dps threat fantasy. You could also try out more early game aggro ADC's like Draven or Samira if you're looking to snowball early!


Originally posted by Gooquleimages

It was informative on how you guys manage individual champions per elo, but I'm more interested in how you guys manage the power balance between roles, I remember a clip of August saying you guys had stats on what roles led to what outcomes but he didn't elaborate much more than "most often a loss was due to a support diff" and "mid is most likely to carry" do you guys use that data to manage the power balance between roles?

Hmm I’m not sure I have anything I can point you to but could be a future article idea. I will say we do have access to a ton of data we can work with the better understand role strength.

I don’t directly work with this data though, so don’t want to say anything that could be potentially misleading.

As a fellow ADC player though I will say it feels in a fine spot to me. We are literally infants for the early stages of the game (which we should be) because our strength is heavily reliant on items and scaling. I think you’d be hard pressed to find a champ that can do more damage than full build Vayne.


Here's an article we wrote on balancing a while back if you're interested in learning more! https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-pl/news/dev/dev-balance-framework-update/


Originally posted by Throwawaycater

I do feel like im not too far off of the point, allthough my previous point is a bit short and rough on it. I personally feel like beqause esports is so big and its more easy to balance around the top of the top rather then the people in bronze-gold. Since the sample size is just way smaller. Then again i have no clue about balance or game design for that matter, just a guess from a casual player

I'm prefacing this with the fact that I am NOT on the balance team, but I do work with them. There are definitely considerations made for pro play because its an important part of our ecosystem. That said, there are innate difficulties with balancing the same game for silver players and challenger players. If anything though, we have WAY more data on silver players because thats where the bulk of the playerbase is at. Its an INCREDIBLY hard balancing game, but the team does take into consideration a much larger picture across all skill levels. Here's an article we wrote on it 2 years back if you're interested: https://www.league...

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Originally posted by NickKappy

Will you still be casting Wild Rift?

I'm not sure they need more PBPs at the moment but it's certainly something I wouldn't say no to an opportunity to cast again.

Game is REALLY sweet.


Originally posted by cap_police875

This is a lie tho. I have had proof and have sent tickets to riot even talked to Dev’s on Twitter who acknowledge that match making is a problem but simply won’t put the time or resources into fixing it up front. Rather just make adjustments along the way. Which would take forever to fully fix. Dude you gotta be transparent we all know match making isn’t 50/50 that’s complete bullshit. There are several people who can pull up their match history and show you how unbalanced it is.

Nothing I said is incompatible with what you're saying though. I never said matchmaking was perfect (no system is), I said that it does its best to find you as close to a 50/50 match within a reasonable amount of time as it can. Of course there are always areas to improve.


Originally posted by Throwawaycater

Basicly its where the biggest amount of money is with the least amount of research

Curious where you got this info, do you mind sharing?


Originally posted by Stubrochill17

Hey Phrox, someone mentioned a tweet from you confirming that those new TP items weren’t meant to be included. Someone posted a thread asking about them and I wanted to give a source on what I heard you had said, but I couldn’t find the tweet. Any chance you could comment here or link the tweet/comment regarding those? Just wanted to help out that other guy who posted.

I think Phlox tweeted it. Phlox aint Phrox :)


This is still a task to do on our backlog, but we're not planning to change how Epic Monster leasing works for Preseason, so it'll be live functionality for now.

Unfortunately, epic monster behavior, healthbar, etc lives in an entirely different flow to camps and so it's been a non trivial task to make adjustments to them without overhauling the way the system is architected.

I do think patience bar is a good thing to add to dragon though, if we can figure it out.


This will be fixed in tomorrow's build. Sorry about the disturbance.


Originally posted by Taiji2

The leash changes specifically do remove some decision trees. Whether to sacrifice health for speed on a double camp and whether to leash into bushes to defend invades are relevant in almost every game. Needing to declare intent by kiting in a direction, such as towards another camp or towards a lane is also meaningful sometimes. There are many aspects that are purely mechanical as well, but that's true of every role. If the difficulty is too high, wouldn't increasing leash ranges to make double camping easier also fix the problem?

I think the leash distance re: intent is slightly overstated here. It's not no-change, to be clear, but you still kite monsters in a direction. There's still somewhere to be and it's still correct to bring it to the edge of patience. Now more players know where that distance is and can more comfortably make that choice.

I think the argument of "make double-camping mechanically easier" is a poor one. Doing it at all is not intuitive, which is the problem. It's not that it takes time in practice tool to learn the Red/Raptors or Blue/Wolves Fiddlesticks start, it's that you really just have to watch someone else do it on YouTube to even think of it. And then it's kinda just a "Did I watch a YouTube video?" tax which I'm not personally a fan of. Plus increasing leash ranges even further pushes jungle into a list of hyper-optimized things you must do to earn more gold per minute. Not only do you need to be outside the circle at 40 health so it burns, but you need to pull every s...

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Originally posted by arekban

I started playing the game 2-3 years ago, and one of my first roles was jungle, back when I was about level 15. I did not kite camps. The concept of kiting a camp didn't exist to me when I was level 15, not until I saw other players doing it and started to emulate. At that point in my League of Legends journey, the leash range of a camp could've been 200 units and I would've never triggered it.

When I learned to kite camps and clear more healthily, I felt great! I felt absolutely amazing being able to transition between camps smoothly and path more efficiently. I still wasn't a good player then, not by any means, but the progression still felt immensely satisfying.

When I saw players taking blue buff and gromp at the same time, it IMMEDIATELY became a goalpost for me. 'How do they do that? That's so cool!' was what I'd think when I saw a player managing to keep both camps on them at the same time and take them both at once. When I learned to do...

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Hi, thanks for writing a book :) I'm trying to read as much as I can. For what I can answer, the inconsistencies you experienced with the companion will be addressed. We are currently adjusting the AI day by day.


Originally posted by Lunariz

From further testing, it seems I get a cookie exactly once per minute. I noticed this at 3:09, 4:09, 5:09 etc. I presume the :09 timing comes from when I bought the jungle item, and that should probably not be the case.

Yea, there is a conservation mechanic to help normalize the companion evolve time. Currently tuned at 1/min. Tooltips need some work, sorry that not all the info is there at the moment.


Originally posted by 1994Klint

Replays not working and crashing

We fixed this issue today. Should be good tomorrow, 10/5


Originally posted by Lunariz

Master player here. Have only played one game so far, so wanted to give my first impressions before I get used to things.

On jungle item stacking:

  • The effects of a fully stacked jungle item are exciting and seem like they're worth acquiring and playing around. The tooltip could still be refined a bit however, as I initially assumed that the unique bonuses would become active at 20 stacks
  • It's completely unclear to me when and why I get 'cookies'. I thought 1 jungle camp = 1 stack, but I get cookies from nowhere, and then the next camp gives me more stacks and +15g per cookie? The game is not telling me the details of this system anywhere.
  • Dragon and Herald seem to give 4(?) stacks each - this info is missing from tooltip
  • I'm unsure whether stacking works like Kindred (must assist in killing camp) or whether I'm required to get the killing blow.
  • It appears the jungle item still gives mana regen, but this information is missin...
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Hi, thanks for the feedback. We are still refining the companions, so a lot of these inconsistencies/issues will be addressed.


Originally posted by Lunariz

Just had the exact same, also in practice tool. https://imgur.com/a/kjFHQkt

Should be fixed for tomorrows build. Will follow up.


Originally posted by ThatsAToad

TFW the series between Japan, a minor region, and the reigning MSI champs was closer and more interesting than the series between NA’s 3rd seed and EU’s 4th seed

The gap is simultaneously closing and widening