why is the audio balancing so bad? the in game audio is way too low.
Thanks for the feedback! Just looped back with the audio team to check on this and made some adjustments.
why is the audio balancing so bad? the in game audio is way too low.
Thanks for the feedback! Just looped back with the audio team to check on this and made some adjustments.
thank you for the response! im glad theyre working on getting those on the scoreboard, I like the new HUD overall a lot but that was just one major thing i always thought it was missing
Thanks for the kind note! We'll be continuing our work on the HUD behind the scenes.
Something we did get added this past weekend is a Viego transformation indicator. If he gets drafted, keep an eye out on his champ sidebar portrait during the game when he possesses a body!
how hard would it be to put bounties on this new overlay, its been like 3 weeks now i dont understand how it hasnt been a priority
Hey, Triaged here, Lead Producer on the LEC! Sadly, the answer to your question is that it's a bit difficult, afterall.
Bounties remain a top priority for us to get into our new HUD. We're already partially able to implement them in the Kill Feed whenever a bounty is taken (by calculating when Gold Received from a kill is greater than what it normally should be), but there is the missing information in our bottom scoreboard, which would rely on us passively having the data available to the graphics system running our new HUD.
Ultimately though, we are prioritising accurate information in our HUD, and currently we are still refining our approach to getting bounties displayed prior to a kill being made. It's definitely not the answer I know viewers want to hear (and trust me— we're feeling the pain too, and really want bounties in the HUD as soon as we can get them in), so I can only ask for your patience as we continue to work to create a fully out-of-clien...
Read moreRiot told me in their quick gameplay thoughts he's easier to kite, has worse target access compared to other members of his class and is reliant on landing his spells to heal.
To clarify, these are his intended weaknesses, but may not be manifesting themselves in the current state of the game on account of the healing being overtuned as described :sweatguy
This was obviously an attempt at humour and I'm so happy Broxah felt comfortable enough to at least play with the joke.
Don't let this fiesta distract you from the cute dynamic between Quickshot and Broxah
Truly appreciated the kind words, Broxah and I had very limited face to face time to prep and practice and had a specific set of goals to hit, mostly wanted to stay positive and have fun and I hope that came through the camera.
I'm so proud of his willingness to just dive in and give me sass haha.
You say that, but secretly I bet you wanted to cosplay as star guardian ahri anyway.
He most definetly did
- Server: NA
- Type of Bug: in-game
- Description: Taliyah Q has incorrect mana costs at ranks 2 and 4, as shown in tooltip (55 / 50 / 65 / 60 / 75) and verified in gameplay
- Video / Screenshot:
- Steps to reproduce:
- Expected result: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 mana cost
- Observed result: Ranks 2 and 4 mana cost are too cheap, by 10 mana due to improper scaling
- Reproduction rate: 100% (n=5 games, live and practice)
- System specs: N/A
Thanks for the report! We are looking into this :D
- Server: EUNE
- Type of bug: In-game bug
- Description: When you smite (has to be un-upgraded) under 15 secs to get the 2nd smite stack instead of resetting to the default 15 secs it flashes to 15 secs and then resets to 1:30 (you have to actually wait out the 1:30 mins to get the 2nd smite stack)
- video (clip of mine from twitch): https://clips.twitch.tv/GlutenFreeSmellyMarrowBCWarrior-b5vX1IhdN4qC6Drn
- steps to reproduce: Smite when you're close to getting the 2nd smite stack (less than 15 secs)
- expected result: Smite being at 15 sec cd
- observed result: Smite having 90 sec cd
- reproduction rate: 100%
- system specs: Don't matter
This has been micropatched. Thank you for the report!
I started playing early season 4 and I still feel like I missed out on so much of old League. At least I played for a fair bit of old runes, client, and the old map.
Even if you exclude those 3 of the listed 13, that still leaves 10 people above him.
The list is subjective, but top 10 is definitely not a freebie. At best he can slip in at 9th or 10th, but I feel like he's more like top 15.
Obviously his legacy is still being written unlike some of the players on that list, so he could theoretically reach top 10 if things go well.
Fair enough.
No particular order.
- Impact
- Ssumday
- Dyrus
- Licorice
- Balls
- Huni
- Fudge
- Voyboy
- Broken Blade
- Hauntzer
- Darshan
- Flame
- Ray
Voy, Flame, and Ray? Nah
Solo went to Worlds and made back-to-back finals on FlyQuest.
He's not top 5. But top 10 is a freebie.
Server: NA
• Type of Bug: In Game Bug
• Description: Stuttering and FPS drops beginning ~6 mins or when Herald spawns until Baron Nashor spawns. Leaving and reconnecting fixes the issue for many, but not everyone.
• Video / Screenshot: This is well documented already.
• Steps to reproduce: Wait for Rift Herald to spawn.
• Expected result: Game plays normally and FPS remains how it otherwise should be. No anomalous lag or in-game stuttering.
• Observed result: FPS drops, stuttering, volatile performance and laggy visuals
• Reproduction rate: 10/10
• System specs: AMD 500 series GPUs and Ryzen 2600 are among the most well-known at this time.
We are working on a fix but open question to anyone that has this occur: Are your drivers up to date? That is something that is potentially causing issues
Maybe im just an idiot, but how the f**k am i supposed to know which one is the clone and which one isnt?
You arent supposed to be able to...
MINION DAMAGE No longer deals 50% reduced damage against minions that are the primary target (note: will still do 50% reduced damage to all other minions damage by Nocturne’s Passive)
Pretty sure it's u/Ovedius
Best buff ever
Just a heads up, I fixed the tooltip to read correctly for 12.14.
As for why it's not buffed; it's likely a good opportunity in the future. In this case, E and Q were prioritized as they were identified as larger potential "wins" for the character. More E+Q combos with higher effectiveness were identified to be more satisfying and compelling in the short term. I'm confident that if in the future Jarvan is slated for buffs W would be considered.
I'll note I 100% agree that the spell is pretty sad as it is and we could do more to make it more satisfying.
Typo on Leblanc w changes? Says 145 when seems like should be 155
It should be 155
"Fixed a bug where clone champions (e.g. Shaco, LeBlanc, Neeko) would not properly display Ornn Mythic item borders in their clone’s inventory"
Important to note this includes ALL Mythic Item Borders. So no longer can you distinguish clones because they don't have a mythic border.
On the other hand isnt there someones whole job at Riot coordinating in-house league of legend games?