League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

18 Apr

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Will BravoRay still be working on Skarner, because I saw that he became League's art director

Yes, he also was the artist for the void jungler. He still likes to work on a project every once is awhile because he loves it so much


Originally posted by RiotAugust

You better aVOID the new jungler if they're on the enemy team.

Get it? aVOID? (cause they're OP)

I'm asking for more nerfs after this post.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Lavosking

May I ask who is working on this joyous lover of oysters? the tease gives real ff14 susano vibes.

Squad5, Sojyoo and CarnivalKnights

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by asiantuttle

Oh no worries! I'm a big fan of when devs choose to take their time to get something right

Thanks! We especially want to make sure the ultimate "feels" like a ultimate skin, because right now it feels closer to a legendary.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zernii

So aurelion is comig after Tank or even later? Also, next roadmap is coming after Adc or Udyr?

Yes, Asol is currently planned for sometime after the Tank, not sure how long though, will depend on smooth production goes

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ssLoupyy

Reav3 I am trying to quit toplane, why there's a beautiful Shuriman tank now?

Just when you think you are out, we pull your right back in! :)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Maxo996

This sounds cool. An AP jungler has been needed. Plus wtf is Oyster Bill?

A humanoid Oyster, of course, that serves oysters in Bilgewater.... don't think to much about it :)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Penguin_Quinn

The goal of a CGU is to update gameplay for two types of champions: Those that have high quality art and narrative, but whose gameplay just doesn’t quite deliver on their fantasies, or champions with more complicated gameplay issues that can’t be solved by changing one or two abilities (like the small adjustments to Tahm Kench were able to accomplish). We then rebuild the champion’s kit from scratch with the same model, theme, and narrative.

So is this now a third type of rework that we will only get one per year? Or will we hopefully get multiple of these ones a year since a lot of champs need it more than a full VGU

Quinn hopium

Not sure yet. We are testing out this new project with Asol. If it resonated with a lot of players their are many other champions that could make sense for CGUs, even if we didn't change as much as we are changing with Asol.


Originally posted by Owlbusta

It's okay, we can donate a bit on Riot's patreon to help the development of league and its infrastructure.

It's only because of players like you that we can keep the lights on. 🙏

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Stuff looks pog, are you able to share who is working on the ASol rework and the tank

Stash is working on the Asol rework. The top laner was mainly worked on my Maxw3ll, though one of our new designers is also helping out on it. RiotEarp is doing art and skiptomyluo is doing narrative on the top laner. For Asol its just a design project since we aren't updating his narrative or art, just the entire kit (and I mean the ENTIRE kit. It will basically be a completely new Champion, with Asol's theme/art)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by asiantuttle

It feels like Udyr rework is taking forever to come out so hopeful that means he'll be insane

Yeah, sorry. It's the first VGU with a Ultimate, and even just regular skins take along time to remake for Udyr because of his 4 forms, so the Ultimate is about as much work as as making a whole new Champion. In many ways Udyr is the same amount of work as doing 2 VGUs.


You better aVOID the new jungler if they're on the enemy team.

Get it? aVOID? (cause they're OP)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by antybois

eta on void junglers release?

When she's ready

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Finally the English version is up!


Originally posted by IamLevels

Proof or we riot, pun fully intended.

Lol it was just a timing mishap. SmAlL iNdIe GaMe CoMpAnY.


The English will be up in a few minutes!


Originally posted by Altricad

SO the same amount of gold, but damage creep is super high so that statsis is the only way to survive for an initiator?

Or players are wrong in "discovering" Zhonya's.


As always, we're better lucky than good given how spicy a lot of the series have been. But I (and I'm sure everyone else at the LCS) appreciates it <3

Thank you.


17 Apr


Here's some pro play data as food for thought. This is somewhat clumsy as it will be influenced by actual champions played. Here's the gold/min from the top 5 most-picked champions across Jungle for top leagues/tournaments from 2015 to present

  • 2015 Jungle: 303, 286, 291, 286, 335 (300 average)
  • 2016 Jungle: 347, 340, 336, 362, 382 (353 average)
  • 2017 Jungle: 335, 348, 340, 321, 359 (340 average)
  • 2018 Jungle: 314, 315, 314, 314, 331 (318 average)
  • 2019 Jungle: 314, 324, 314, 338, 321 (322 average)
  • 2020 Jungle: 325, 304, 304, 367, 331 (326 average)
  • 2021 Jungle: 342, 351, 341, 339, 348 (344 average)
  • 2020 Jungle: 324, 334, 341, 344, 321 (333 average)

It's worth noting that mid lane gold/min is pretty close to 400 in every season after 2015. It's 374 for 2015. So it appears 2016 had a big surge of gold everywhere.


Originally posted by daswef2

I think the bigger problem is the amount of times I see junglers with like two items at 25 minutes in pro. When youve got Viego DS Guardian Angel and Voli with Mythic and Zhonya, of course at two items hourglass items will be good, tank stats cost money that they haven't gotten.

FWIW the average 2nd item completion of a low econ jungler (e.g. Jarvan, Lee) in D2+ is like 20 minutes. For higher-econ junglers like Viego it's more like 19. And this is counting 3k+ items like Death's Dance or Cleaver.

Pro data may be very different and I don't have a way of easily accessing aggregated item data but Gold/Min is easy to find.

The top 5 presence junglers in the season average at 332.8 gold/min, which signals 6656 gold by 20 minutes. If they skip upgraded boots, that's averaging Sunderer + Death's Dance by 20 minutes. 22-23 with upgraded boots.

They're certainly lower-econ, though. The average mid laner in pro sits at around 400 Gold/Min, for example.