League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Apr


Originally posted by Hans_H0rst

  • Server: EUW
  • Type of Bug: Ingame
  • Description: Stat-Runes dont pop up when pressing C and hovering over the icon. The AD/AS/AH rune slots to say it more simple.
  • Steps to reproduce: hold c in game, hover over runes.
  • Expected result: stat runes show just like the other ones ehwn hovered.
  • Observed result: absolute jack happens
  • Reproduction rate: 100%
  • System specs: win10

Hello! We have this ticketed and tracked, thanks for the report :D


Originally posted by SquidKid47

Holy shit, I've mentally played that sound in my head every time I think about picking Zoe, and I know it's the E sound, but I've never actually made the connection that it plays with her pick quote. /u/Cashmiir you guys are all f**king geniuses

I'm not a sound designer! I just work with them a lot but I will pass along your praise ❤️


Originally posted by Brawlers9901

Audio design is so incredibly interesting, I read whatever I can from them.

I really love working with them because I've found their work to be so similar to writing. We use a lot of the same creative processes and sometimes the same words to describe our work, but with different meanings.

Also they're just the best ever ☺️


Originally posted by GalaxySmash

Its added :D Thanks for the report!

Also currently it seems that using Q and E a few times brings the indicator back as a heads up :D


Originally posted by Prince_Minoas

- **Server:** NA

- **Type of Bug:** INGAME BUG WITH ITEM

- **Description:** So prior to patch 12.8 Wukong's Q was able to stack tear and now after 12.8 it doesn't stack it anymore. Don't think it was a deliberate change, since it would have been noted and also since its a good item to deal with Wukong's mana issues, also it adds quite the damage mid game.

- **Video / Screenshot:** Go into a game and see yourself

- **Steps to reproduce:** 1) buy tear 2) hit minion, champion, monster with Q 3) notice it doesn't stack anymore.

- **Expected result:** Wukong Q wont stack tear on use.

- **Observed result:** Wukong Q doesn't stack tear on use.

- **Reproduction rate:** 100% plus 2.5% every use.

- **System specs:** ???

Thanks for the report! Ticketed and tracked :D

28 Apr


Originally posted by Meriipu

  • Server: EUW
  • Type of Bug: Gameplay
  • Description: Lulu Q indicator breaks on respawn/death
  • Video / Screenshot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWH4JfcCw8I
  • Steps to reproduce: 1) die 2) try to cast Q with indicator
  • Expected result: both indicators show up
  • Observed result: pix indicator does not show up
  • Reproduction rate: 100%

could I please have confirmation this has been added to your bugtracker

I do not care what priority it is given, just add it please.

Its added :D Thanks for the report!


Originally posted by memesarenotbad

  • Server: NA
  • Type of Bug: Visual / UI
  • Description: When the next dragon is spawned the tab menu no longer shows which type it is, it just shows a mountain dragon. However, the correct dragon will spawn. When pinged, it states "Dragon" is spawning with the time. Stopped occurring with Elder.
  • Screenshot: Possible related bug, cannot open up objective timers in spectator, so cannot give. However, all players in my match were experiencing it.
  • Steps to reproduce: Kill a dragon
  • Expected result: Shows what dragon is next.
  • Observed Result: Shows Mountain Dragon icon, with text saying "Dragon", rather than the correct icon/name.
  • Specs: AMD Ryzen 7, Nvidia GeForce built in.

Hi! We figured out what the issue is and we are going to try to fix for 12.9. Thanks for the report!


Originally posted by Caenen_

Fix for this bug is in sight as it's fixed on the PBE, I guess it will go live next patch.

This is correct ^


Originally posted by Riot_Wubs

Hey all! Just wanted to let everyone know that the team is aware of this, and we are working on a fix. There was a larger change relating to how audio functions in the Fog of War, but some unintended side effects (such as Zed's Q, Yasuo's tornado, etc.) have been popping up. You might notice some champions still behaving correctly when casting into the FoW (Morgana Q). The reason for that is that the audio interaction changes depending on how the sound was implemented. I'll update this thread once a fix has been submitted!

Update: Skillshots not playing their hit confirm SFX in bushes / FoW should be fixed as of 12.8! There are still some lingering Audio + FoW interactions that need to be addressed, which the team is currently investigating. Thanks for your patience!


Originally posted by FearMyFPS

i love yelling BIRD UP when I ult because it tilts all my friends

Comments like this are why I use this subreddit


Originally posted by Naerlyn

Has his mini-rework really been that big of a disaster that they're already giving him 5ms?

That's a disingenuous thing to say.

A rework succeeds or fails based on how the champion's experience is. If the balance doesn't land right at the start, that's totally fine because you can tweak the numbers just like that. Calling it a disaster would mean something else.

A rework succeeds or fails based on how the champion's experience is.

I want to really reinforce this point. A rework's success or failure doesn't hinge on its day 1 balance. We'll be assessing the Swain update based on how it has landed with Swain players after we've had a chance to balance it, after the novelty has worn off, after players have had a chance to adjust. And the sorts of questions we'll be asking aren't "Does he have exactly the right win rate today?", they'll be things like "Is he engaging for Swain players when properly balanced?" and "Is it possible to balance this and keep it balanced across a wide range of skill levels?"


Originally posted by Mungus_Prime

They need to actually show how that stuff is made. DOOM got a lot of praise because they literally made videos about sound design. The only time I remember RIOT doing that is for Nami's water splashy splashy sounds.

We have quite a few (towards bottom) things ...

Read more

Originally posted by RiotPhlox


wait how the hecc are you verified


Originally posted by aglimmerof

Yes hello Mr. GalaxySmash I would like to just express my gratitude and adoration for not killing hybrid Kai’Sa and instead rewarding the ‘predator’ style gameplay with those latest changes.

I genuinely really like the shield and passive buffs. So as a hybrid Kai’Sa enjoyer, thank you!

Haha im glad you enjoyed it! I'll pass the compliments along :)


Originally posted by Afterlyte

I feel like this would be similar to the concept of Senna being able to attack turrets outside of the turret's attack range. Is it possible, yes. Is it likely to happen in a normal game with the amount of souls that are required for that? Probably not.

Thats a good comparison!


Originally posted by Koringvias

Oh, I have no doubt about it!

I just could not resist to make a shitty one-liner

I respect it :)


Originally posted by lissssaa

  • Server: LAS
  • Type of Bug: In Game
  • Description: STOPWATCH 12.8 Nerf can be skipped if you Buy Zhonya. Buy GA. Undo GA. Now, Stopwatch is purchasable.
  • Video / Screenshot: Screenshot
  • Steps to reproduce: Buy Zhonya. Buy GA. Undo GA. Now, Stopwatch is purchasable.
  • Expected result: Stopwatch is not purchasable.
  • Observed result: Stopwatch is purchasable.
  • Reproduction rate: 100%
  • System specs: i7, 1660Ti, 16GB, Windows 10

This is noted and will be fixed for 12.9. Thank you!


Originally posted by Noelstra

No this is almost certainly based on live data, over 48k swain games have already been played in ranked alone excluding the Chinese playerbase. Riot has more than enough data by now for each role and elo bracket to make this hotfix from live data. PBE data is not reliable enough to pre-emptively make meaningful balance changes and Riot wouldn't make a champion intentionally weak to hotfix later.



Originally posted by Noelstra

No this is almost certainly based on live data, over 48k swain games have already been played in ranked alone excluding the Chinese playerbase. Riot has more than enough data by now for each role and elo bracket to make this hotfix from live data. PBE data is not reliable enough to pre-emptively make meaningful balance changes and Riot wouldn't make a champion intentionally weak to hotfix later.



Originally posted by BobDaBilda

I don't have a clue how his new r works, but wouldn't this require undying enemies too?

Something like that