League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

14 Apr


Originally posted by Burpmeister

You can poggy or you can woggy but surely you can't just poggy woggy from one pun?

Oh the exchange rate is like 3.3 poggy woggies per pun.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Magnaha23

Thank you for taking the time to respond! I do agree that the client is in a much better state now. I just thought it was weird that the updates just kind of disappeared out of nowhere. It is good to hear you all are still working on it behind the scenes!

Is there any thoughts on the custom lobby issues? I am in a few smaller competive leagues and it seems like the lobbies break a good deal of the time for multiple people. This can be anything from lobby chant disappearing to some players not showing champ select has started and they are still in the lobby.

Again, thank you for responding!

Custom lobbies are owned by another team here. I know they are pretty busy with some upcoming launches but will check to see if they are planning on addressing anything in this space


Originally posted by Hammershank

He did during the Fly vs EG series... Josedeodo got out of a risky situation was Volibear, and Captain Flowers cast it as him "bear-ly getting out"

Exactly. So I get one back.

13 Apr


This is a known problem that should be fixed in 12.8!


Picking for team comp or physical/magic damage split is way overrated outside of pro play, pick champs you're good at.

Mages are almost always better than ADCs to have in your bot carry role.


Originally posted by Turbulent_Diver8330

Yo, a comment from THE Phreak. I just Parks and Rec pogged

Poggy woggy!


Originally posted by 123bababooey123

Did you get your ticket?




Hope I see you there!


Originally posted by pro185

u/Riot_Riru any update on the nexus bug where the hitbox extends out to 2x the size of the nexus making it impossible to kite or move near it (over 2 weeks) or the bug where standing in certain spots near nexus and throwing a skill shot towards fountain will throw it 90 degrees opposite you mouse (over 2 years) ??

Thanks for letting me know! I shared these internally and we're looking into them

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Hazel-Ice

Poor reav3 getting notified everytime someone has some league question

u/Reav3 how are you? how's your day been?

Good so far


Originally posted by bz6

Good. I like that stance.

Something that really scares me about the team when they make changes to champions is the siphoning of skill expression. Removing mechanics from champions especially ones aimed to ‘dumb’ them down, really are anti ethical to the design pillars of League. There was a dev blog when Scruffy was on the team about balancing new champions for the longer term. And in that article there is an emphasis of the team avoiding the removal mechanics. But when I see sylas e-Q and Akali e-Q removal, I ask myself, why even publish articles like these? Where’s the accountability?


I ask myself, why even publish articles like these? Where’s the accountability?

This just really stresses how important it is for us to get our new champion and VGU launches right. I don't believe we can make Ryze players happy - we're either going to have to seriously rework him, which will make some of them very sad (every update makes some players sad) or we're going to have to leave him quite weak for solo queue.

We're not infallible (I know you know this, but we know it too), we're going to mess a release up again, and the follow-up to one of those mistakes at some point is going to be that we have to strip out mechanics or 'dumb down' a champion. We have a principled belief that this should be a last resort, but we're going to need that last resort again sooner or later.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey, Appreciate the feedback,

To summarize, no we have not disappeared :). After looking at our data internally, post our CEF upgrade, the client is in good shape, but I know this opinion varies vastly across the player base globally

We are still addressing bugs that are more commonly raised through our player support channels, but we have shifted our team to focus more on improving the developer experience working in the client code. We have a strong hypothesis that if we improved the ability to quickly find and triage issues, improve our automated testing, and share best practices with all the engineers that work in the client, it will ultimately result in fewer issues our players see. We also know that updating CEF is the single biggest impact we can make to players, but we have to work through unblocking some things before we can do another one.

That first bug is not a bug, we actually auto-close the client in some circumstances to prevent issues in play...

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Originally posted by DocJeckle

Hi there ! Just wanted to say first of all that I am really enjoying the changes so far.

A couple of bugs I have noticed, on the new ultimate:

  1. The draining-screeching sound effect will abruptly dissappear after 15-16 seconds when continuously draining the same target. Sound effect resumes if target exits then re-enters ultimate area.
  2. Depending on skin, the R area radius becomes much less visible or even invisible around 12 seconds after casting R2. my findings so far :
  • Dragonmaster Swain, Tyrant Swain and Northern Front Swain : around 12s after casting R2, R aura dims then become completely invisible
  • Base Swain, Bilgewater Swain : R aura dims and is barely visible
  • Crystal Rose Swain : No change
  • Hextech Swain : Unable to test on PBE

Nice catches! We have those noted down and will attempt a fix before he goes live. Thank you!


Originally posted by Reinhardtisawesom

when are these swain changes planned on being shipped out? would like to see him at MSI

12.8, I believe Swain will be enabled for MSI


Originally posted by raphelmadeira

Thank you very much for your time u/RiotAxes! I just played with Zilean and found a nice example of aura VFX that I was trying to say with words earlier. Zilean's E (Time Warp) creates exactly that "enlarged" aura effect giving volume to Zilean's body, but in Zilean's case it's not a shield, but a speed buff:


From the VFX artist - that approach is generally cool but won't play nice with his R. If we were redoing the champion more comprehensively as a VGU (which he still needs imo, but he's not going to be in the next few), we could probably find a better overall solution.


Originally posted by defenestratethis

Yelling at the person who writes patch notes for a living for...fixing the patch notes is probably not as compelling an argument as you think it is lmao.

Like I have grievances too, but wrong person to be yelling at to fix bugs.

Hey there! You pretty much nailed it, I try to focus on comments about the notes themselves (something very much in my control at Riot)—if that comes off as neglecting the harder hitting questions I do apologize! I do read the vast majority of the comments on the patch notes threads and take them all to heart though, and we can at least send stuff over to the devs if we think they probably haven't read it themselves (like if a comment is buried deep in a thread or something). Some comments are insightful and help us level up patches and patch notes, even if they're aggro in tone, though if someone's venting there's not much of a specific suggestion for me to pass along.

Always appreciate the folks who help try and soften the tone in these discussion threads—thanks!


Originally posted by raphelmadeira

This is a feedback post, I will give my feedback about Olaf's shield here even though I know that nothing will be changed.

Visually speaking, this circular shield looks very strange, and out of the place. I know it's the easiest and most practical solution, but with so many circular champions/items shields within League, Olaf could be given a more unique shape.

The blame for this strangeness comes a lot from Olaf's silhouette. Olaf's stance in the game is very hunched forward; the axes are outside the shield; there is a lot of shield-free area behind Olaf; That is, it is visible that this shield does not belong to Olaf\*.

You guys could see the possibility of changing this VFX to look something like an aura shield-like Sejuani-Bristle (Fury of the North), Malphite (Granite Shield), and Olaf himself in his ultimate (Ragnarok), but instead of ...

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Passing this to the artists. Not sure whether they're going to change anything, but they'll see it.


Originally posted by sonebrm

I have a pretty simple question I hope you will be able to answer. I want you to know it isn't loaded or anything and I am just doing it out of pure curiosity. Why haven't you focused on changing "problematic" champions for you yet? I am talking about Azir or Kalista here, just to give you an example. They are the way they are because of the fact they are way too oppressive in competitive setting so why haven't you tried shifting them towards the general playerbase instead? In Kalista's case, I find it super bizarre that she is the only character that deals 90% of their damage at all times. It just feels silly.

So the goal for the mid scope champion updates as a whole is to serve players of that champion, which means we're going to be pretty hesitant to do things that make players of those champions sad (we will not always get it right - but that's what we're trying to do with them).

Like, we might be able to let Kalista have a 1.0 AD ratio on her basic attack again and have all her spells feel good, but if it means we have to make her dash windowed instead of a passive, is it worth it to Kalista players? If we have to delete Azir's dash entirely, is that worth it to Azir players?

There's certainly some simple cleanup we can do on Kalista and Azir and they both are candidates for mid scopes at some point, but it's going to be really hard to solve the things that make them 'problematic' with these tactics.

(And please don't ask me about Ryze...)

12 Apr


Swain Pog. I forgot to check this subreddit but I have a bunch of discussion and further context in /r/swainmains if anyone is interested in learning more