League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

10 Apr


Players like you make it all worth it! :)


Originally posted by TheMineA7

Quickshot smurfed that opening ceremony. LEC Finals MVP



Originally posted by Galbatross

Quickshot really needs a haircut. He looks like an 80s door to door salesman

I'm trying to grow it out. I know it's in an awful phase rignt now, but I'm trying to get Matt Mercer length as I've never grown my hair ever.

09 Apr


My intro was a stronger performance than their game. FNC can pivot, I believe in the Yamato pep talk.


Originally posted by Suizooo

2021, right? Or am I tripping.

LOL MAN numbers are f*cking impossible. I meant 2019 for the League of Legends 10 year anniversary sh*t

08 Apr


Originally posted by Gameipedia

holy shit please boost this shit, keeping a discourse on your own closed forms is just as/more important to like off sourcing that shit to basically reddit/discords

I very much miss comments on Nexus, and it's something I wish we still had. Being able to speak directly (in all languages) to players on the content was highly beneficial imo and something I desperately want back.

Reddit and other social channels can be scary places for a lot of Rioters (and many more don't go on them!), and there's something more comforting about talking on a platform we own.


Originally posted by Shadowarcher6

No wait wasn’t there another spot where you’d guys this sort of stuff?

Maybe I’m thinking of thosr most commonly asked questions posts


Originally posted by Shadowarcher6

Why did they get rid of it anyways?

2011 when we revamped leagueoflegends.com!


Originally posted by Gradeientt

Please stop using Quick Gameplay Thoughts to talk about things that don't have anything to do with gameplay. I'm sick of getting baited into thinking you'll talk about GAMEPLAY and then it's cosmetic shit which I don't really care about.

Sir, this is a Wendy's.

I don't work on Quick Gameplay Thoughts.


Originally posted by theuwudragon

Yes, it is me. I am the Rioter you've been talking to yesterday. I am locked out of my Slack account, could you please tell me again which upcoming champ we prepping for again? I forgot...

Uhhh don't you know? It's the Hessaire MC37V 3 100 CFM Evaporative Cooler.


Originally posted by chaser676

Yeah am I missing an inside joke or something

I have been talking for years about how much I miss Nexus, as one of the editorial writers whose content lives on that site. I legitimately didn't think players remembered it because no one ever talks about it.

So I was saying that this must be one of the Rioters I regularly talk to about it (because I talk about it at least once a week.)

Edit: Please talk about it more so I can make the case to bring it back :')


Originally posted by JPLangley

I miss the Nexus website. Now they're stuck using Quick Gameplay Thoughts for their weekly blogpost.



These guys have been an absolute pleasure to interview and make content for. They show such genuine dedication for each other and I hope everyone sees that in this video.

07 Apr


Jhin players who always have their camera focused a screen away


Originally posted by RoloSaurio

No problem and I'm very glad you liked it. Would you mind if I tag you again when I get around to make another sound mod?

Absolutely!! Please do, will give you a lengthy feedback next time around :D


Thanks for the post -- would it be possible to shoot over your logs to me in a DM? We're not able to reproduce this on our internal accounts, and recognize that this is potentially a bad blocker for players.


Originally posted by Epheremy

You're contradicting yourself.

Azir is played mainly by those who main the champion since his pickrate is abysmal, the average Yasuo player does not. And yet, Azir has storically had lower stats than Yasuo. So do many others. Interesting.

Pick rate does not imply mastery rate. Why have you assumed it does?


Originally posted by RoloSaurio

u/RiotKDan can I have some feedback pretty please?

Sorry for the late reply!! All I can say is:
I LOVE it. Great usage of assets from the game. I think I'm definitely hearing ENEMY CHASER in my sleep tonight.


Originally posted by jokekiller94

According to one riot engineer, people like us are the reason why they can’t work on the backend of the loot system lol.


06 Apr


Originally posted by Epheremy

That makes no sense.

He's been averaging 50% winrate across low to high elo despite the high playrate. Compare that to Azir, Syndra, Ryze and other pro play champions and tell me who's tuned down and who isn't.

Yasuo has fancy mechanics, but in the end he's another mobile champion with muscle memory combos that gets to autoattack you to death even when failing everything in 1v1; gets ridiculous virtual tankiness through itemization, sustain and passive reset with the additional power to make any projectile champion useless for seconds; gets ridiculous free engage because he can press R on any champion's fart. Many other champions require more micro and macro than him, includes those i mentioned above.

Stop with the Yasuo waking, you're not fooling many of us anymore. We know you guys can market him for millions of profit, but it's getting old.

If the average Azir player had as much experience as the average Yasuo player, Azir would have like a 53% solo queue win rate.