Whenever my group of friends play and lose a game, we often say, “Hey but we we’re winning right up until we lost tho.” Absolutely epic quote.
Whenever my group of friends play and lose a game, we often say, “Hey but we we’re winning right up until we lost tho.” Absolutely epic quote.
Genuine question, how many times has Zeri been on the "Nerf" section since her release?
Whats the point of having Karthus Q doing 95% damage to camps just remove the damage penalty at that point its just silly.
Also those Jayce/Lee Sin nerfs are harsh, f**king 22 base armour lmao
It retains the lever should we need it in the future (also 5% damage on a spell like Karthus Q can be a big deal)
Please explain how you plan to do that because he already has a crazy 57% WR bot lane and he's no fun to play against either. This seems like a situation where you do a buff nerf and buff his jungle while hard nerfing him in bot lane otherwise it's going to be a major issue.
The solution is fairly straightforward, you adjust the jungle damage mod for Q or E and his bot lane is almost not at all buffed while his jungle can be.
Would you happen to have any insight as to why mages bot have such low pick rates, given that they're actually quite good?
Hard to say. Player preference is likely the culprit. The big example here is Seraphine, we designed her to be a mid laner, her strongest lane was and still is mid, but players clearly preferred her and player her in support instead. Sometimes players just really want to play a certain way or style and they aren't always the "optimal" way to play.
This patch is compétitive focused. So yeah, its understandable why galeforce and TWT are nerfed (less safety mean more actions > bloods).
Galeforce provides a lot of safety and contributes to a lot of why the meta dominant ADCs are picked in pro, and TWT is similarly a popular pick that provides a lot of anti-dive protection in pro.
I'm very worried about Karthus bot lmao, it's already a decent pick.
A lot of mages are really good bot, this will be an entirely jungle-focused Karthus change however.
May I suggest considering a sheen legendary more geared towards fighters? That way their class, and possibly assassins too, could be separated from essence reaver, possibly making it easier to balance.
Not a bad idea. Would be a bit confusing with trinity and sunderer existing though. Lots of sheen options for one class.
could just finally make Urgot count as a melee champion, so he stops taking collateral damage for literally everyone else abusing what he just barely makes work?
Yeah this does other stuff like makes red buff and conqueror better, makes Bork better, and makes it so he can’t buy runaan. None of these are gigantic problems but still considerations that have kept us from flipping the switch instantly.
Talking about seraphine, is there any chance she gets buffs for support since you are nerfing moonstone? She is already sligthly underperforming as this will probably leave her as unviable as before
Riot employee-sama, Promise me if these Lillia buffs make her good in pro play that you don't nerf her to a worse state than she is right now. Just revert the buffs if she's too good. I hate when the champs i love get a buff but then get nerfs that are more impactful than the buffs.
This is my promise
Have you ever played against Lilia top as a tank?
No. She. Isn't.
Yeah she is pretty dumb to play against top, agreed. I spent a ton of time working on adjustments for top vs jungle in development and post-ship. If her top ever picks up play-rate we would likely make more adjustments cause I agree it's super lame.
I have an idea : what about making Titanic Hydra Melee Only so Zeri can't abuse it ?
Ah maybe bad idea since Urgot neither neither couldn't use it then ?
Yeah urgot would be collateral in that case. In addition, it's fairly nuclear for one champion. But with that said, could be an option for the future.
Probably? But it would require a lot of inelegant work. And even so, her mid win-rate sits above her support win-rate historically and the play-rate does not match up with the viability, so it seems players want to play support Seraphine. Even as of writing this, her mid is above 50% win-rate and around 1.5% more than support.
In addition, mages typically just have high win-rates in bottom lane. They scale similarly to marksmen and serve a similar teamfight DPS role, so it's very difficult to make them better mid than bot.
Another question: is there a way you can shift Seraphine to the mid lane while nerfing her APC role and doing minimal nerfs to her support role?
Probably? But it would require a lot of inelegant work. And even so, her mid win-rate sits above her support win-rate historically and the play-rate does not match up with the viability, so it seems players want to play support Seraphine. Even as of writing this, her mid is above 50% win-rate and around 1.5% more than support.
Is there any plan to look at Essence Reaver? Imo that item contributes heavily to the sivir and xayah build issues at the moment with both so frequently preferring lethality.
We don't currently have a plan but I'll note it's on the radar. There's just a lot of collateral for this item (Fighters, Assassins, Draven, and Ezreal all benefit similarly to Sivir/Xayah). May need some shape adjustments in the future.
I understand she needed nerfs because of her bruiser build, but at what point do nerfs do if she still has the same problems? Wouldn't just removing an unhealthy mechanic or removing an unwanted interaction be better overall? Just my question, not an attack.
Oh yeah definitely. But this patch is the first patch she had a reasonable win-rate in SoloQ, which gives us an opportunity to analyze what exactly contributes to pros prioritizing her. It's possible she's just doomed to sit below 49% (like Ezreal and Kalista tend to be), but if even then she is 100% p/b for organized play then we could look at individual mechanics.
I main both Kalista and Lillia and I'm scared... As two previously meta/pro-play -defining champions I really don't want them to become too strong and then nerfed even harder because of that
It's always a risk, hoping to hit soloq more than pro with both these adjustments.
cancer buffs
Lillia is cool ok
Yasuo Yone buffs need context, is this compensation for last patch healing nerfs?
Not excited for Karthus buffs, dude already does way too much damage, getting global nuked for 80% hp mid/late is not fun.
Ryze needs adjustments not nerfs, the champ is still too pro bound.
Confused at Umbral Glaive buffs because its already ridiculously strong for the few champs who can use it. Maybe widening use case?
Moonstone nerfs are good, hopefully that takes a bite out of enchanters.
Galeforce nerfs are also confusing, is it really so strong that it needs a targetted nerf? My impression was that Gale and Kraken were pretty even.
Cant remember the last time I saw an abyssal mask, buffs will be good.
Also good to see Time Warp Tonic nerfs, that dumb rune defines pro midlane with corrupting pot.
Galeforce is contributing slightly too much safety to hypercarries, causing (especially in organized play) them to be too difficult to punish, especially compared to its pure defensive counterpart Shieldbow