League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

04 Apr


Originally posted by TheBluestMan

Omg they're finally nerfing moonstone. That item is oppressive since it is giving too much value with little downside.

Zeri getting nerfed isn't a shock (pun not intended) to me since she has so much bs in her kit that it ends up being unhealthy.

Ryze needs a rework.

Although Zeri is looking (comparatively) reasonable on live, her pro play presence still sits in the stratosphere, hence further adjustments/nerfs.


Originally posted by Zarathielis

I can already feel the rage at Yasuo/Yone buffs...

But yes, Kalista and Gwen buffs!

I just wish they would do a mini rework on Sivir and Kalista like they did for Ahri etc...they really need and deserve it

I wanna see if we can get some QoL stuff for Kalista some day, she certainly could use it. Sivir I agree could use a larger scope change similar to Ahri, her play-rate sits low pretty permanently and is frequently a risk of stale pro play.


Shield nerf to Locket is a tooltip bug, nothing is changed from Live.

Also probably not following through with an IE nerf, just something we're experimenting with.

03 Apr


Originally posted by Lather

The real losers of the series are us for having to witness whatever god awful ensemble Quickshot is wearing.

Well this is very strongly worded. 😀 Maybe it's my age showing.I am interestedto know what specifically didint work.


Originally posted by Geosaurusrex

What the f**k is with this hoodie + suit jacket look??? Quickshot now too...

I really liked the look.I'm so surprised it got so many comments


Originally posted by Skall77

It was hilarious to see Caedrel and Quickshots trying to praise Misfits during the entire serie while they were getting absolutely stomped

It's so hard to find the right tone. It's also hard to continually praise G2 without risking repetitive and somewhat biased cast. We tried to make it clear MSF weren't delivering and we expected more while highlighting what was going wrong.I didn't want to go all in because I think it has a significant impact on the entire series viewing experience. I think we straddled the safe and fair tone mostly, You can bet yourholton dollar I'm reviewing and bootcarping other available options soI have More awareness for the next time it happens


Surprised to see so many comments about wardrobe today ,but I'm grateful because we are always trying things, learning, reviewing and adapting if necessary.Today I thought Ender was bold, but I liked it and I loved my hoodie jacket. Maybe that'.s my age.

side note We always try mix things up jn playoffs and wardrobe is part of that too


Originally posted by R_for_Robija

Quickshot is an embodiment of midlife crisis

Not too far from the truth. Let's hope I come out the other side stronger!


That was such a tough series to cast and trying to be honest and clear about the mismatch, but not overly so because it makes the game even harder to watch for viewers. Ultimately MSF were outclassed by a focused G2 and I'm sure they are disappointed but I hope they find systems and tools to develop. There is real potential there.

Now let's get hyped for next weekend! G2 FNC rematch on Saturday and Rogue waiting for whoever is left standing.

Ps. For guldborgs first playoff series, he got a super tough set of games but I'm stoked with how he performed and integrated with caedrel.


Originally posted by FutureDrHowser

Misfit do it for Ender pls.



Originally posted by 4716202

Ender playing "Strip League" where every time MSF's botlane dies he has to lose an article of clothing

im boutta get fired


Originally posted by sAnn92

Haven’t watched Lec in a while, but how much better is it that the casters are dressed casually instead of those ridiculous suits.

f*ck suits


Originally posted by Kloudiez

Say what you want but I really like this Ender dude. And this coming from me who at the begining watching LEC find him soooo f**king annoying. Dude just un-hateable.

i love you

02 Apr


my jetlagged brain literally imploded that segment LOL. need some redbull #ad


Originally posted by Nitrox0

why's Ender wearing chain mail armour?

carlos slapped me yesterday, i need the protection


Have to agree on every front. It was ultimately quite simple, but my word it was executed well. History, stakes, respect, legends, and leaving space to allow viewers to populate their own memories, look for names and years and faces they know. It literally brought everyone together to celebrate a decade of Korean dominance. Exquisite.

Ps. I want dat AR


Originally posted by AskTribuneAquila

Didn't she make it clear she doesn't want to play with u Ender castS



Originally posted by xsilr

Cool outfit btw

thank u :)


Originally posted by sjokz

anyone wanna play some cards?

im sitting right next to you you couldve asked me


Originally posted by BarackProbama

Posts like this are why I keep you autofilled.
