League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

03 Feb




Originally posted by dieyoufool3

Rare to catch such a famous Rioter commenting in the wild.

You won't remember this, but we played against each other 7 years ago in top lane. You played Ryze and at the start of the game all chatted "gg ez".

I thought you were so cool back then so it really hurt my feelings to have that bm, to the point I remember it still today.

I thought you should know.

Well I’m still a horrible person so at least you got the falsehood out of your head early!

But I feel like ggez at the start is much less malicious than at the end.


Originally posted by ObiMemeKenobi


Upvoted for engaging with the content.

Downvoted for your views.


Originally posted by NahDawgDatAintMe

Not all laneswaps were boring. It was the 4v0 iteration that was terrible to watch. 2v1 situations and 2v2 featuring a support and top together vs a support and adc while an adc and top went 1v1 was kind of cool to see.

Removing the current fortification implementation and replacing it with ramped plate armor per champion in proximity would help reduce the chances that we get a 4v0 base race meta again.

The problem with what you're mentioning is that 4v0 became the solved version of lane swaps. NA/EU were ahead of the meta in lane swaps and that proved out in international competition where all the games eventually became 4v0 until Riot hard nerfed it.


Originally posted by Aemius

Was the one in the video yours? Be honest.


02 Feb


Originally posted by Caenen_

Well, at least Mikael's stuff it's a talking point on the table now. Have a nice remaining day!

Yeah theres a chance we can clean it up now that we have a new CC type to implement. No promises of course.


Originally posted by Caenen_

Mikael's doesn't work because it's still hardcoded about which buff types it removes. It doesn't even remove nearsight because that buff type is younger than Mikael's spell script.

Pls fix sometime, maybe. Wiki is currently up-to-date on what it removes and doesn't remove (note; not what it's intended to, just what it does) with the exception of berserk since we don't want to confuse anyone with PBE bugs.

Alright well, thanks to you we are gonna go fix it not working on berserk, can't speak towards everything else though.


Originally posted by PhreakRiot

That was genuine disgust at Azael attempting to break up the Dugduo. Acting was not involved.

That's true this ain't acting this is real life for Phreak.


Originally posted by firewall245

At this rate imma just make a twitter account with a weird af name so that I can ask a question to Dash lmfao

Please do this, this is very important to us.


Originally posted by Iodolaway

Why not just remove fortifications entirely and let the meta redevelop?
It’s far too difficult to push towers early so you have champs just sit there mindlessly clearing waves.

Because lane swaps made pro league nearly unwatchable, which were solved via fortification.

You'd have to do even weirder sh*t like making top lane not have turret plates for the first 6 minutes or whatever.

Edit: I think you could shorten fortification a bit, to be fair.


Originally posted by sowydso

Phreak is a legit actor wtf?

That was genuine disgust at Azael attempting to break up the Dugduo. Acting was not involved.


Originally posted by NahDawgDatAintMe

This is almost entirely due to bounties and the fortifications on top tower to stop lane swaps.

Honestly, I think it would be kind of cool to see them flip fortifications to bot lane. It fixes the problem of having no way to punish an afk roaming top. Furthermore, it spices up pro by reintroducing a non 4v0 lane swap back into the meta which will diversify picks and strategies significantly.

I'd like to keep bounties a bit longer because I think people might eventually stop trying to ff at 3 minutes after one death.

If you swapped fortification you'd just duo top lane and play roam Janna from bot lane instead. People don't really play for dragons that much anyway.

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BOESNIK

still crazy that you got that username

Had it for 14 years ;)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Shyvadi

Hi Reav3, just curious but if shyvana was the winner of the rework poll how much would you change her abilities?

Probably a lot. I think we would try to keep her play pattern intact (though can't guarantee that) The goal would be to sell the fantasy of transforming into a dragon, and make that feel awesome, not sure how much we would have to change to accomplish that goal, because she is pretty far from it now.

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TomShoe02

Jatt's Power Rankings:

  1. TL
  2. 100T
  3. EG
  4. C9
  5. DIG
  6. TSM
  7. IMT
  8. CLG
  9. FLY
  10. GG

Important to note that these rankings are trying to project spring split standings at the end of 18 games. If they were based on who will eventually be the better team (like to win a playoff series) or who is strongest right now they would look different

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Aydnie

Disappointed Renata's bio didn't mention idk Silco or Arcane events or even Shimmer despite her purple theme, and btw will new zaunite champions get their green theme turned into purple in future asu like cait ? (Singed ww jinx twitch)

No, as Chemtech gets more refined it turns from green to pink/purpleish. Renata uses really expensive/refined chemtech hence the more purple/pink colors for her


Originally posted by Over-Ad1334

Ever since the W cd nerf, you put 3 points in Q first, then max W after, you can still waveclear because of demats.

Interesting, I've just been running the standard Q max. I know strats like this have been common in the past for other champions like Ryze, didn't expect TF to be running it too.


Originally posted by TPO_Ava

I was gonna ask you which departments are located in the dublin office... until I realised you meant you were working from home facepalm

There is a Dublin office in Ireland, and I work in security. There are a few others teams here :)


Originally posted by mikemart6

Could I use Cleanse, QSS or Mikaels to get rid of Berserk as well?

I assume yes to QSS but Cleanse and Mikaels have a few things they don't get rid of.

You can use all of those as well.