League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

01 Feb


Originally posted by Caenen_

He helps make the game,

He sustains the game,

He nurtures the game,

And he plays the game.

Maybe he even has fun doing that.

I should rename my account to u/BadMorningPoetry.

Such a way with words


Originally posted by Thothowaffle

Thank you for answering.

I was more curious if you knew how champions are decided to be put in certain size brackets if that makes sense. Either way the question does not matter that much.

They're bracketed intuitively. Tanky champs are large. Almost all ranged champs are small. Fighters tend to be medium.


The best part was the cascading worsening of the dragon-themed jokes.

IDK what you were talking about otherwise. Cool custom skin or something I guess.


Originally posted by APKID716

The version I grew up with was,

“All I wanted was a chicken wing

From Burger King”



Originally posted by Excalidorito

Okay you got me, I didn’t actually realize 325 as a base MS Stat was fairly uncommon.

Point still stands though, quite a few of these champs do feel sluggish when they don’t have access to their mobility or MS steroids and that honestly just doesn’t feel very good imo.

Kiting and letting Zeri have that “big moment” ult where she’s zipping across the teamfight and being hard to pin down is a pretty good design idea imo, but I feel she might become overly reliant on it if she loses base MS.

Well, FWIW she permanently has +20 ms because of Trinity Force rush, so she's still the fastest ranged champion in the game :)


Originally posted by Thothowaffle

Sorry this is only slightly related, but I am interested how the concept you mentioned with speed might inform how champion sizes are determined.

Clearly some champions are larger are smaller then their base model makes them appear like Warwick being the size of most yorbles, or Neeko being as large as Nautilus.

To my knowledge, which may be incorrect:

There are functionally three champion sizes: Small, medium, and large. Champions are hand-placed into each one. I don't remember the size of each bracket. Items that change size (e.g. Elixir of Iron) then modify that value.


Originally posted by SnooSquirrels9389

Are you riot employee games employee? Are you do make the game can you make the game?

Yes I am a Riot Games employee! I do indeed help make the game :D


Originally posted by poroofvoid

if I ask nicely can you make remove the restrictions on building stacking items or building items with overlapping passives. i dont see why i shouldn't be able to build 6 cosmic drives if i wanted to

Not in the near future with the current items, sorry :(. They'd have to be tuned around the possibility of getting multiple of them, so individually they probably couldn't be as strong, so you wouldn't get to experience the 6 cosmic drive fantasy you want anyway. Having those restrictions lets them be cooler.


Originally posted by poroofvoid


you have successfully identified one reason we kept it red :)


Originally posted by MrTankerson

Unironically still loses to fiora with a kayle ult, so probably need to buff it a bit more.

% HP damage looking pretty nuts here


Originally posted by TheWarmog

August: Think of Zeri like Ezreal, the best builds for her are alike

Playerbase: finds the build

August: Nerfs runaan interaction, nerfs her damage with that build, forces her to build crit

Playerbase: Well, this was worthless _(°-°)_/

FWIW, I'm expecting her optimal builds to still clearly be Trinity Force. Hurricane is likely overtaken by Titanic or Cleaver, but is still a top-3 item in the slot.

One thing I wish Reddit would do more is actually view things in grayscale instead of black-and-white.

Trinity Force is like 6% win rate above any crit item in the game. August could move Zeri a TON and Triforce would still be best on her.


Originally posted by DanielDKXD

Really don't think ori belongs in 325 speed tier, she basically have no mobility and have very limited movement speed options, ziggs is in a kinda same-ish position.

Orianna is a special snowflake (especially with her skin, am I right?!) where she doesn't have to stop to cast any of her abilities. She's deceptively faster than every other mage in combat as a result.

So I'd argue it's defensible here.


Originally posted by thekobbernator

If she's ALSO always faster than you, what exactly are you meant to do against her?

isnt that kind of her entire philosophy with using r and building hurricane lol

Yep. And that's what the idea of "windows of power" is for.

She isn't ALWAYS faster than you. She's faster than you when she uses her ultimate.

31 Jan


Originally posted by SpiritoftheSands

Man, when someone like you replies to a post like this it feels so nice as a player because it really does remind people that the people working at riot are infact people. Its impossible to please everyone but yall are likely doing your best to do just that.

As someone who has played for almost ten years, I want to thank all the skin designers for providing us with so many stellar skins over the years.

(also, KDA gragas when?)


Originally posted by IWillNameMyChildZoe

what is so bad about 50% winrate? Why can't they wait until it actually goes to like 54%? I don't see how is she broken

she has literally no damage and is next to useless without that ult

She's already there in higher ranks. Average winrate is a misleading metric in a champion's first patch because the first ~ week of people not knowing what to build or how to play the champion weigh down that average. We usually look at winrate by day by MMR bracket (Normal, Skilled, and Elite when there's enough sample) in the first patch.


Originally posted by GrumpyPan

Maybe people would confuse it for spirit visage or warmorgs if it was green.

Yeah I recall this was part of the consideration. There were a lot of different factors involved in all of the item icon updates, like consistency with function (like you identified that anti-heal is green), overall clarity, and keeping callbacks to the old icons so that you didn't feel totally lost as a veteran. In a constraint-free world it probably would be green today.


I think Vi is a great starter champ for Jungle, personally!


Originally posted by Excalidorito

I know they’re effective but I really wish Riot would stop putting so many champs at a sluggish 325 base MS.

I’d rather them target the ult MS if I’m honest.

If by "so many" you mean fewer than at 330, 335, 340, or 345, then yeah there are a lot.

Almost every 325 champion either has some kind of absurd range advantage (Cailtyn, Corki, Ezreal) or incredible mobility tools (Kalista, Aurelion Sol).

I think it's wise that Riot actually uses the full range of tools available to distinguish champions. Zeri gets a 2500 range dash over walls and an 800 range basic attack. If she's ALSO always faster than you, what exactly are you meant to do against her?


Originally posted by Querccias

Thanks for the response! Just felt that the skin was really underwhelming and that compared to all the other great Legendaries you people constantly pump out, it just feels like a 'cashgrab' in my words. I love both Academia and Pulsefire Ezreal thematic wise and Ezreal's original character in general, so Porcelain is just a huge miss for me.

Just wanted to randomly throw out my criticism out there since this skin felt really odd to me for a really long time now and heard no one talk about it. I have no shade to throw or ill intention against any part of the Riot Team right now, it's just the skin that bugs me.

All good! No ill intent taken! Keep giving us feedback, it’s how we can lower those “missed opportunities” feelings from happening. 🔉


Hey there! Its your friendly sfx designer here! Before anything I want to preface myself and let you know that I appreciate your post and I’m not here to try and change your mind on the skin itself, but instead, hopefully give you a different perspective on the creative stuffs.

If there is one thing, however, I’d love to maybe poke with a stick a bit is things like the “calling it a day” line. Personally, Ezreal was tough and it was a fun challenge to try and find the right sound palette to match his gameplay and thematic. I know I wasn’t the only one on the team that shared this feeling with respect to their respective craft. It sucks when sometimes things don’t hit the mark for players but we try our damnest to learn from those moments to level up for the next thing cuz I’ll tell you we LOVE giving you guys hype stuff. I know firsthand the amount of care the team individually pours into their work (from concept to anim, to vfx, to production, QA, tech, even audio!) and e...

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