Is the new cc Berserk affected by tenacity?
Yes it is
Is the new cc Berserk affected by tenacity?
Yes it is
That's because you never got gapped by AD Triforce twisted fate with maxed E
hard to get gapped when you're this good
Walk down the hall and tell someone to fix Azir pls.
I don't think anyone from the balance team works in my Dublin apartment building
Hey u/Reav3
I have a question (unrelated to the VGU poll): Could you reveal, if Renata Glasc was inspired by any specific culture(s) or region(s)?
No specific place or region. We wanted to do a mixed race character from Zaun/Piltover to show how those cities have people come from all around Runeterra and live at them. She's meant to be a mix of many different ethnicities and cultures growing up in the melting pot of Zaun/Piltover
You should learn Azir
absolutely not
It will be out later this week
This is such a weird nerf to me.
I just checked changes between 100 AP, 300 AP and 500 AP from lvl 9 on (so maxed Q): it's a difference of -15, -5 and +5 damage - how is this significant? Is it aimed at earlier laning waveclear, especially at lvl 6?
To be fair I took arbitrary AP values but as far as I can tell this changes basically nothing?
Not on balance team, here's my read:
-10% attack speed on E is significant. You rank this one last. You're losing half the passive value of E which gives you a lot of wave control in the early game from level 2 or 3 onwards. Since you max E last, this is also a significant reduction in attack speed throughout the entire game.
The base damage nerf is TBD, but it might affect TF's ability to Q the wave twice with little AP. You'd need 400 AP to break even at level 9. With 3x demat on the caster minions and two Qs, right now you just about oneshot the backline without a red card as long as you are on-curve with AP. This might change that, but I don't know. If it does, that's a pretty big nerf because it means you need to spend more time actually hitting minions and less time running around the map, which makes you more vulnerable. Keep in mind that a minus 6% damage nerf (-15 at 100) is still a strong nerf.
It's entirely possible that these changes don...
Read morelooks amazing!
Why doesn't Rito focus on breaking champs out of pro-play prison seems like a pretty sad state to leave them in all the time + clearly its possible to do , look at Sylas and Pantheon for example.
I think this should be a focus for the balance team, every patch you should adjust a pro play prison champ to break them out. Start with Azir.
not on the balance team but my 2c is that there are always going to be mechanics that have a place in the game that are also just fundamentally going to be taken advantage of more in pro play, and trying to avoid that is going to limit potential design space a lot.
So now you know how it feels when proplay ruins the game for everyone else, once again 😒
given my champion pool this is not a new feeling to me
Go check out r/ryzemains, folks over there are contemplating getting rid of professional sololaners so that Ryze can be buffed.
mfw my top 3 champions are in order Orianna, Ryze and TF lol
TF will still be playable but I'm going to lose so much CS having to re-learn my muscle memory with that missing 10% attack speed. T_T
Pros can you stop playing my favourite champions pls
EDIT: Also, I hope not, but that Q nerf might mean that TF struggles to clear the caster minions with two Qs with demats now
Or is Swain, whose movement speed got nerfed in a patch that claimed to make Swain better in Solo lanes and high elo, but actually did the exact opposite.
Yeah I think Swain at 325 was a miss.
I've been playing a bunch of Soraka lately and her 325 ms is pretty painful. Obviously she has conditional ms from her passive and q, but they're highly gated, and trying to chase down an ally at 50% hp while they run away from you is incredibly frustrating. Any thoughts on why she's so slow?
Probably the ambulance move speed.
IMO Riot could put more champions at 325. It’s also not a hard science.
Why would riot nerf Zeri like this. I have a 20% winrate on her.
It was bigger before xp was tied to jungle item, and Sion could get level 2 off the camp.
Yeah, I think now it's much more about setting the enemy jungler way behind than about getting a big lead in lane.
If you were interested, I put the Vi tattoo up!
I love it!
Read moreTrinity Force is like 6% win rate above any crit item in the game.
Where do you see that?
At least the data we have available from third party sites like suggests that shieldbow performs well on her, too. See e.g.
And that's still skewed towards Trinity Force since there's a selection bias towards less knowledgable players among the players playing crit builds on her right now.
Wouldn't Essence Reaver + Shieldbow have similar synergies on her as Trinity Force? Especially now that her ult on-hit damage can also crit?
Edit: It's obviously a low sample size but Shieldbow + ER (and vice versa) currently sit at 57.74% and 58.31% WR according to, not far off from Trinity Force's ~59% two-item WRs. It also makes sense that her builds would favo...
So sure, it's not 6% in some specific cases; it's more like 3-4% if you hack for the 2nd highest WR build you can find. Trinity Force is still far better.
Touché, but are they also not encouraging less Triforce and more Crit itemization with these changes?
Yes, and I think that's good for there to be healthy competition.
I wouldn't mind if long-term Trinity Force was the faster build and crit was higher DPS. But right now Triforce will remain dominant.
It’s that time again Reddit, shower me with your hot takes to be potentially invalidated in two weeks time, I’m ready