League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 Jan


Originally posted by Whats_Up4444

So it looks like she has a passive similar to ashe Q or Kayle passive, her Q is probably just a normal skillshot, like Jinx W? Her E looks like a normal dash, probably gives her a shield or something. W let's her scale walls like Talon. Ult is just, idk, blitzcrank R? It probably gives her a buttload of stats and is probably gonna be like a Vayne R where it's your "go time" button.

Her second passive is probably like "oh, attacks mark the enemy champion. Attacking them detonates the mark and increases movement speed. Scales with AP"

Normal? :3


Originally posted by TheTruexy




Originally posted by RiotPhlox


this guy...


Originally posted by RiotRayYonggi

August is a genius. I've had the pleasure to support him on this project and it's always a blast working with him.

ty Ray <3

Is this confirmation that Viego was a good idea?



Y'all haven't guessed how her attacks work yet :3


Originally posted by GalaxySmash



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Originally posted by Really_Wendi

The art that was on your universe page? That leaked art?


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Originally posted by pogoleelee

maybe she’s filipino like neon

She is inspired by Filipino culture yes

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Originally posted by Nutzori

Eh, kinda heard it too, makes it seem like she is intended to be kind of Filipino, like the simultaneously releasing Valorant champion with the same looks and abilities?

Her voice actress is indeed Filipino


Originally posted by RiotRayYonggi




Originally posted by asiantuttle

Both Zeri and Neon were designed by Riot August

August is a genius. I've had the pleasure to support him on this project and it's always a blast working with him.


Originally posted by Reav3

Like Jerry but with a Z


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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/reav3 are you able to share if Zeri has any cultural influences

Yes, she was inspired by Phillipino culture

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Originally posted by pyromanniacc

Shes cool. Cant wait to hear her theme. Btw how do you say her name??

Like Jerry but with a Z

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Originally posted by Mythik16

Good to see that the splash art posts were seriously just overreactions she looks way better her and the champion looks like fun.

That leaked splash was a old unfinished splash art FYI


Originally posted by Papaya_Dreaming

I'm not legally allowed to work in the United States.

I had a job at Foot Locker, floor sales. Got news of a shipment of new shoes coming in that's rather irregular. Only seen once by each manager, it was so irregular. Usually, shoe supplies are provided on a basis. But light-up sneakers... they sell so rarely that they just refill all at once. 150 pairs, all in one truck.

I learned how to design an RFID spoofer from Google. I called in sick from work one day. Dressed up as an elderly man, makeup and everything. Went into the store, nervous as hell, and used my best rehearsed rasp to demand my manager, who did not recognize me. As he helped me slip on some shoes, holding me close to support me and my "shaky joints," I got the spoofer close enough to his clearance pass.

Then, I asked my manager to go fetch a pair of shoes from the back. While he did so, I furtively put on latex gloves and pulled some old shoes out of my bag. Sometimes, when customers buy n...

Read more

Man... What a truly blessed day. A Papaya response.

I have so many questions.


Originally posted by QueerQuerying

Role selection when making a game is a lot harder now. The buttons are very small and harder to click. And the shift from a radial selection menu to a flat one with the roles all in a row makes it harder to quickly and easily select your roles. It's not a huge deal, but it's a pretty noticeable drop in QoL, which can be frustrating.

Overall I like most of the other changes though. I love having ranked borders for our icons that don't cover up my beautiful champie neeko icon.

Thank you for the feedback. We're exploring alternative options for role select.


Originally posted by ChristiansenSka

Just out of curiosity, what are you honking, mr Riotdan?



Originally posted by Aquillifer

Nah, you using internet explorer? Turbo Mode is old news, we going Ultra Mode now.

f*ck my age is showing