League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

08 Jan


Originally posted by Wiskersthefif

I wonder if she can follow Taliyah on her ult...

I want her to, but it's not so easy to make this kind of dash work with player created terrain ;(

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Oh shoot, hope you feel better. I don't want to bother you while you're sick but are you able to share what was the unique thing you guys wanted to hit with Zeri

The Q being a skillshot and your main AA basically

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Terrible-Ask-2233

Hi Reav3! I know you probably can't say, but gonna ask anyway just in case. Do you know how many patches are gonna be between Zeri and the support? I think the roadmap mentioned a few of them, can we expect the support soon? Have a nice day!

The support will come very soon yes


Originally posted by 100WattCrusader

“Hecarim, hold on just a second, need to get to this one spot… okay, let me just aim it… got it, LOL CANT GANK ME”

As someone who does this on Bard too one thing you don't appreciate until you try it yourself on Zeri is that you can fail the E cast and dash two inches into the wall, while Bard's portal won't cast if it's not a valid angle.

Signed, someone who dashed two inches into the wall and died.

07 Jan


Originally posted by Moonboy65

where's the one for Sona?

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by facbok195

Apologies, but I want to make sure I understand -

So there’s a theoretical 2 VGUs (Udyr + x) for 2022 but the other one is still getting off the ground? Or is it confirmed Udyr with a potential for a second one on top of him?

Potential for a second one, we have landed on a strong enough hook yet to be confident we will ship it

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RoarkeST

When can we expect to learn who is the next VGU this year? Did they get iceboxed or are they still being worked on?

It’s not currently iceboxed but it’s not in a place we’re we are confident to talk about it yet

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zarathielis

Hello Reav, I know you probably can't say too much yet but can you confirm or deny if the teased champs (Zeri, villanous support, overwhelming jungler and unusual botlaner) will be all for this year? Are you still aiming (pending any delays that might happen) for either a new mid or a toplaner this year?

And could you tell us who is working on the new botlaner in terms of art and gameplay? Thank you!

They are all currently planned for this year. Hopefully they won’t be all for this year. The bot laner is being worked on by Squad5, Sojyoo, and CarnivalKnights

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Wow that was an awesome season start vid, would you happen to have high res versions of your teaser pics

I do and I was planning on sending them out when this went out but then I got horribly sick with Covid and can’t really get out of bed right now. I’ll send them out later though when I’m feeling better


Originally posted by whitters97

It's not an August ADC without a beam that stuns or slows the enemy

I just copy jinx W onto every champ i make


Originally posted by JumpscareRodent

The Youtube video link sends you to the Varus vfx thread instead of this one :)
Non Vayne related; Urfrider Corki ult should get a clarity pass compared to Astro its way less noticeable. Similar to the Jinx ult pass. <3 love your work SirHaian you are a blessing to old champs

wwwoooooppss!! Good catch, will fix asap, thanks!


Originally posted by Runmanrun41

One of these days I need to Riot record a bunch of footage of them doing champ design stuff and release a full on documentary.

It would never happen, but being able to follow a full new champion through start to finish devolpment sounds nerdy and great.

This would be a dream! Time to pitch it to the Editorial team lead. :D


Originally posted by Kapix52

You should make the circle under her during the ultimate tick down, to know how much time you have remaing. Imo it will be better to play and know how long you can be invisible.

That's a change that would require some gameplay approvals, and that's a little out of scope of this update, sorry!


Originally posted by Rooxstart

Hi! Love this update for Vayne! She feels so much smoother now. I like that her stun is much brighter and easier to see. Some feedback:

  • The aa could use a bit more of a trail particle, I feel like it's too 'solid' right now.
  • Love the transition effect into her ult, but the buff indicator beneath her feels a bit too obscure. I think that restoring some of the colorism that she had before could help (just making it pop a bit more would be better imo - for the skins you showed).
  • Also, something that I feel could tie really well into her thematic: her ult is called "Final Hour", and I always imagined this signified Vayne's only chance to finally eliminate her enemy before midnight/time ran out; something like that. So I thought her buff indicator could be similar to a clock ticking. But maybe it's hard to do (or no budget/time) so I don't know.
  • Finally, I feel like her Ult aa could use some extra pop of color as well, since before it really felt...
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Thanks for the feedback! I'll have a look at some of these points!

You know, I did try a clock-type effect under her feet for her ultimate, but it always felt weird, no matter what I tried. I just couldn't make it feel "Vayne" for the scope of this update.


Originally posted by Luminite204

Yeah I did, but so is the case in the current system too. You get tokens from your milestone missions and free missions as well, in addition to the weekly missions.

However, the infinite token bank mission is in parallel to these sources of tokens, which doesn't seem to be the case given the information that we have seen so far.

Again, we obviously don't have all the information at this point about how the whole system is balanced but based on how you guys have nerfed the overall loot and event system throughout the years, I don't really have high hopes.

It seems more like the whole event system is repackaged with a better UI and more sneaky nerfs. I could be wrong but I would love to have some comment from you in terms of overall value increase/decrease. But again, like before, you are not going to comment on this and all of the effort I put in my comments/posts will be in vain since you'll likely just ignore

The infinite token mission will be retired. Level 51+ repeats forever and awards only tokens. The token payout each level from 1-50 includes the amount of tokens you'd have gotten from the infinite token mission today already, in addition to larger token amounts on some of the levels to match today's free token mission payouts.

No nerfs have ever been intended, and we've tried to make it right with the 150 tokens and an orb, releasing perhaps later than today.


Originally posted by Diradell

So she has no way to get a shield on her own, that's a good thing

Yes she does. Just buy shieldbow or take barrier 4head


Hello everyone!

Similar to the previous VFX updates we’ve made in the past (Syndra, Zilean, Malzahar, etc), we're working on updates to the Visual Effects (VFX) of champions whose spell effects are in need of some love. Our aim is to get their VFXs to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity. This time, it's Vayne's turn, for 12.2's PBE Patch! To note: this one particular VFX Update is of a smaller scale, as Vayne does not have a ton of VFX opportunities in her kit. We have mainly focused on cleaning up and modernizing her kit, removing some of the old noise that was present.

Just like all the previous ones, and since these are smaller updates geared toward sprucing up some of the oldest members of the roster, they aren't in the same prioritization conversation as to how we decide who gets a VGU (where we take model, gameplay, and thematic into account too!): they do not affect any other timeline, and are s...

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Originally posted by Rafaap

so we can buy mythic essence instead of 100 prestige points with event tokens?



Originally posted by bz6

I like how exclusivity and prestige are getting a bit more attention. Are there any plans to truly make some content unobtainable ever? I feel this notion of truly exclusive content has gone from gaming. Maybe due to a shift in societal perspectives, idk.

But I would love to see stuff rewarding veterans, people that have invested in content, or god forbid exclusive skins or content or achieving landmark gameplay milestones. Reaching a certain level, different skins for higher tier ranks, Clash specific skins, reaching some specific mastery points on a champion; stuff like that.


Well we have the end of season skin (and chromas) for reaching different ranked tiers, but that's all I know of as far as gameplay is concerned.


Originally posted by PM_Cute_Ezreal_pics

Tbh i dont mind if its done right

It's literally the same shit we have right now but it looks like a normal pass. You still need to do the quests to get the rewards, and still need to farm tokens to buy the Prestige Skin, borders, chromas and orbs, they're not even added into the level progression as rewards.

One would think the Prestige skin would be the level 30/40/50 reward, but nope.

Some people don't want the Prestige skin, so those players get to spend their Tokens on whatever they prefer!