League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

10 Jan


Originally posted by SpiralVortex

Do you know if the shieldbow changes from PBE are going through or were they just something being tested and not confirmed yet?

I believe the PBE changes were just tooltip changes that didn't get submitted in time for the last patch. There arent any planned changes for 12.2.


Originally posted by Wontfinishthesent

Samira lost 2,5% winrate on lolalytics but I guess you have better statistics at riot. I still think she needs some love though.

Samira was definitely someone we talked about. She definitely fell as much as the windbros, but is still at a slightly better winrate overall. She is on our radar since she is definitely weaker.


Just since there's understandably going to be questions about Yasuo/Yone. We are touching them because 1) they fell quite a bit due to shieldbow nerfs. 2) their overall winrate is lower than other champions after the nerf. 3) we are also adjusing Lethal tempo for melees to be weaker, which is another nerf.

Some champions (like Samira and Quinn) took a hit as well, but either aren't as low overall winrate and/or aren't affected by Lethal Tempo as much.


Originally posted by zoe_is_smol

why does it not scale with her souls, i love that i scales with ap tho

An AD ratio means it scales with souls


Originally posted by Robator

I love that Vayne is getting some love, the VFX update helps her a lot but in my opinion, the floating bats are a relic of old league desing. I know they have been there for the longest time but I never understood what does she have to do with bats. I would be okay with them being gone for good. They never really made sense to me and they look out of place and silly.

I thought about removing the bats, but they're pretty iconic, and I thought players wouldn't really like them gone. I did reduce how many bats spawn though, so it should feel a little less overwhelming.


Originally posted by JANGO-

Are you guys updating her character model like cait? She really needs some love

Not in this update, sorry. This is only a small update for her VFXs. :)


embracing cringe one day and banger music the next. get you an esports league that can do both

I am getting wild LP vibes from Drakos' rapping in this song, it's so good


if you are having issues using this tool, make sure to disable uBlock origin


It should still be there. Let me check with our team. It’s there on my client, so it might be hidden because of a bug. If you can send in your .log file for the session to player support that would be helpful. Thanks for raising the issue!


Holy hell. That’s impressive. Not only are you going to be the first challenger, but you did it before anyone else even hit GM.


If you time it perfectly, you can press P within like 3-5 seconds of getting into game from the loading screen and when you load in your shop will be open. All about the early game time saves.


Originally posted by TheNumber1GoodBoy

I thank god every day that the balance team isn’t made up of redditors

Hey wait a minute...

09 Jan

Originally posted by Linyoa

There's no universe where lethal tempo gives 75% attack speed per melee auto at level 18 right? I'm misreading that, yes? And this is coming from a yi main. Someone tell me I'm just an idiot.

yeah i a number


Originally posted by RussellLawliet

Why wasn't it released in November then when it was actually relevant...?

It takes time to edit them and capture all the gameplay footage and then localize the script for all languages.


Originally posted by -Ophidian-

Do we still get gemstones (mythic essence) by leveling up? Do event passes still contain 2 gemstones worth of mythic essence?


08 Jan

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by NinjaGaara

I guess Zeri was the South East influenced champion?



Originally posted by ferdinostalking

Grandpa Quickshot is 34, I want to sit on his lap and listen to stories from his youth, back in the medieval times

If you ever meet me at a show, show me your Reddit account, this comment, and it shall be done.


Originally posted by DepartmentOfCynism

I will die on this hill, no matter what: Yone got released because riot is a dick.

"Oh, you all hate our edgelord prizepony yasuo and ban him a ton? Here is his brother who is even easier to play and just as stupid"

Yasuo's kit is incredibly overloaded with the passive shield, windwall, and a ton of mobility. Yone's kit is a little less overloaded but the champ is a TON easier aswell, especially with LT and shieldbow "abuse".

I honestly just pitched making Yone because I saw he used two swords in the LoR card and thought "That would be cool."