League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

27 Dec


Originally posted by alpacamegafan

Riot doesn't care about Academy

Just straight up, huh lol.


The import restriction as it regards academy was in part written by the teams.

Personally, I defend the idea that there are 3 starting import slots (from major regions) per team (2/1 or 1/2) if the goal with academy is to help promote native talent.

I think it's reasonable to hold a different opinion and want academy to mirror LCS more closely; that's just not the opinion I hold.


Originally posted by PhoenixAgent003

And how much of that 0.6% is just Captain Flowers?

It only measures solo queue, so none :(

My man hit D2 (well done), got a job at Riot (well done), and then hung up the claws.


Originally posted by Chocohalation

Why isn't Jeweled Gauntlet a problem in TFT? Don't some champs only get their ults off once? If that crits, suddenly the entire team is gone. (I don't play TFT so I'm ignorant but Cho'gath Q for example looked like it would be problematic if it crit)

TFT is innately more random and crit damage is 1.3x baseline. Even if you crit it’s less damage than an item of similar power (Deathcap) unless you build into more crit.


Originally posted by RenegadeExiled

there is literally nothing wrong with building the same items as every other champion in your class. It should be about how the champion uses those items. Otherwise, you end up with old Ezreal who basically had his own dedicated items because he was the only one that properly used them.

All champions within a class (Bruisers, ADCs, Mages, Assassins, etc) should be building roughly the same items as one another, with a couple to differentiate their strengths. Outliers can exist, like the windshitters, but even they start to trend back towards stuff that is in the Fighter category if they don't snowball super hard.

The way I see the game is that players don’t actually mind individual champions having fairly predetermined builds. What’s more important is getting to build different items overall across a day’s games. Darius, Garen, Gnar, Irelia? All different builds despite the player getting 4 straight top lane games.

This appears to be what players actually respond to. Because there IS a lot of diversity on an individual champion level outside of stuff like Sterak’s but individual players refuse to pick alternate Mythics even if the power levels are comparable.


Originally posted by shrubs311

what about giving it reduced crit damage, but it also scales a little off base crit? so if you build crit you get some guaranteed extra damage but you can also high-roll a proper crit (the idea being the extra damage + crit would hit as hard as current gp with a crit)

AFAIK it functionally already does. Maybe it changed but I thought the base damage and sheen never crit. So you crit your AD and the base damage is unchanged. Pushed slightly toward haste and lethality.

Though as I wrote this I feel like I remember something about base damages critting. That should probably go away if it exists.

26 Dec


Originally posted by Basherra

Crit feels like it was designed for auto attack based champions, with higher attack speed.

On GP it's basically a coinflip, whether your barrel basically deletes the enemy backline, or does minimal damage

I think this is pretty accurate, yeah. There was a Crit AP item (functionally Jeweled Gauntlet from TFT) that got tried out many years ago internally. Made spells like Nunu's Absolute Zero feel pretty wonky.

One could argue that GP certainly uses E+Q more then than Nunu presses R, which I think is quite reasonable. There's also an argument that there's been glass-cannon creep among damage roles and that solving that issue is the better solution.

After all, we didn't have huge crit GP problems years ago IIRC and you risk losing something really fun about the champion if it doesn't crit anymore.

Overall, yeah I don't really like how crit GP functions in the game right now but I'm not 100% on making it scale like Xayah E.


Originally posted by Shrrg4

Come on dude i figure he has at least 2 brain cells. No offense meant to the few garen mains that can read.

U say Garen? I love Garen! Garen good!

24 Dec


Originally posted by Dyynamik

Looks awesome buddy! They did a great job packing the color into her hair! Makes me even more stoked for my Vi piece at the end of January! Hope yours heals up clean!

Can't wait to see your Vi tattoo 👀


Originally posted by superworking

Roadmap to not regretting your tattoo is pretty much - have good quality work - avoid hate symbols. You should be good to go.

Aligned! Good art is good art 👍


This looks amazing! I'm so impressed with the application and style. :)

23 Dec


Originally posted by IronLionZionMon

Do you know if there will be another pass before the prestige points expire?

There will be one more Pass before Prestige Points retire. It will have the same Prestige Point offerings as Debonair - 25 in Milestone Missions, 100 Prestige Point offering in Token Shop.

22 Dec


I’ve been playing a lot of normals recently. My friends and I are largely plat-diamond and level 200+ and we run into sub-30s frequently. I always assume they’re just strong players or alts or smurfs and their MMR is in our range and they’re not actually new.

I assume similar things are happening to you: the game is confident in your skill level and matches you with people who, despite their increased experience, are at your skill level.

21 Dec


Originally posted by RawStanky




Originally posted by Riot_Gunlap

If you're playing with a Rioter, always camp their lane.

If you're playing with a Rioter, always ask "real Riot member?"


Originally posted by Riot_Gunlap

As long as it ends up on the enemy midlaner to complete the buff transfer.

well yeah that's because the other rule is if playing against a rioter, camp their lane


Originally posted by riotdanhonks

i'll settle for blue buff

As long as it ends up on the enemy midlaner to complete the buff transfer.


Originally posted by Riot_Gunlap

If you're playing with a Rioter, always camp their lane.

i'll settle for blue buff


If you're playing with a Rioter, always camp their lane.


Every game significant action is processed on the game server. The game server runs game logic at 30 fps. And it batches some visual updates to send back to clients together, including stats and health updates. In addition, there's a small client side delay to updating health bars (perf reasons).

You can get an effective 1 to 3 server frame delay from just that (0.033s to 0.100s). In addition to regular connection latency for each part to receive the packet. In addition to client processing. Some things can just send whenever and don't deal with batching. E.g. Smite particle will have at most a 1 server frame delay.

If you hit Smite at the same time, it'll get processed with the same game server frame. And in the order the packets were received. Failing smite contests are still on you (/ your latency)

18 Dec


Originally posted by CornFGC

This is why you don't take winrates serious

Yeah because unlike what you feel it actually measures who wins the game. How dare you let any evidence contradict your very scientific intuition.