League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

25 Nov


Originally posted by Bblackzuko2499

That also sound like a good idea thanks to you as well 👌

Jinx is in Wild Rift and Wild Rift has turntable models that are high fidelity, so the tattoos are higher resolution for reference. :)


Originally posted by fatyellowcat

Ekko. Goes in. It was at this moment, he knew he fked up. Ults back out.

Agree with this. Parallel Convergence also potentially gives Ekko players a shield and stun at best with a slow at worst. Between that and his ult an Ekko can engage, assess, then press eject if needed. Timewinder is also a great oh no they’re chasing me tool that has a pretty short cooldown and can slow folks tracking you down.


Originally posted by gigZ2g

"Everything he did, he did for his people" aka fill the streets with Drugs and let Kids produce it.

That's my point. He did really awful things, and at the end of Act 3 you could see why it all made sense in his head, how he justified it to himself. He wasn't someone doing evil things for the sake of evil. Act 3 made me understand his motives a lot more, and it's really hard to be like "well, yeah, he has some valid points" when someone is acting so obviously evilly


Originally posted by Risicoco

I don't think you sympathize with Hitler. I just think it is weird to sympathize with Arcanes al-Baghdadi.

Being able to empathise with a villain is really important. Otherwise, they just come across as Generic Bad Twirling Moustache Dude, which doesn't lend itself to a compelling story and makes you lose your suspension of disbelief.

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Originally posted by mystireon

Out of curiosity, if you could redo the Ruined King event, is there anything you would chance? and if so, what?

And if not, will you take the overall fan reaction tot the lore event into account if or when another lore event happens and what would be done different then?

Of course, their are many things I would have done differently and we will 100% take player feedback for future events. We are currently working on a devblog retro of the ruination campaign that should go into a lot of details on this. We are trying to get it out before the end of the year

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hope it's not too much of a necro but now I finished playing RK, are you able to talk more about Ruined MF

Depends what u want to know

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Originally posted by deathspate

Living on Runeterra just seems like f**king misery lmao, maybe Ixtal is fine, everywhere else you have a chance of just randomly getting offed.

Well compared to the Warhammer universe it seems like paradise. In that universe gettin randomly offed is probably the base case scenario


The thing I loved (and hated) about Arcane is at the end of Act 3 it was very difficult to say I hated Silco. Ultimately, his goal was the same as Vanders, he just went through very reprehensible means. Everything he did, he did for his people (and for Jinx), and he mostly had to take that route because the route that Vander took just wasn't an option for Silco (Vander had charm and strength, Silco just had intimidation and cloak & dagger)

24 Nov

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Originally posted by Zernii

Hey Reav, is Jared working on upcoming jungler?


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Originally posted by MaleQueef

Babe wake up new Void lore and Jared is writing this.

God help us all

23 Nov


Originally posted by bz6

Any thoughts on Ability Haste and Axium Arc?

I remember when the team introduced AH to replace CDR, one of the goals was to reduce CDR (AH) creep across the item system. With this new pre-season up and running, do you feel you have injected a lot more AH especially with an item that like Axium. Just makes proper SR games feel like URF.

one of the goals was to reduce CDR (AH) creep across the item system

I don't think we ever said this. The change was to make it so that even if there's a lot of AH in the system, it doesn't cause a balance issue, because it doesn't stack multiplicatively. As for whether we've injected more AH; it depends. I would say overall, things are in a pretty good spot, we're monitoring Axiom to see where it settles long term.


Originally posted by Excalidorito

This ranged/melee lever would favor ranged champs over melee champs, I assume (and hope)?

yep lol


Originally posted by EnMeed

This is very understandable looking at it from a long term point of view. I am just desperate to not have the first counterplay I get in years to consistent problem champions ruined, but it seems like it's not even a huge issue - most replies from people who play the champions like Kat, LeBlanc etc. have mentioned for them it's not worth the damage tradeoff.

it's a pretty bad item on them. The only assassin it's good on is kassadin


The proposed change is a pretty suboptimal anti-pattern to put on an item. Players shouldn't be having to worry about using their kit interacting poorly with an item in very unintuitive ways.

The only champion that is building Crown optimally that I wouldn't prefer to balance around is Kassadin. Champions like Sylas and Lillia have some reasonable choice points against other mythics with Crown.

I didn't want to put a melee/ranged lever on the AP/Damage Reduction CD before ship, but will do so long term if necessary.


This is freaking insane! Awesome job :)


Originally posted by Letwen

I wish the effects were more darkin like. More red and less purple. And also i couldn't see the rain effect on Project's E. Is it still there?

Yes, I haven't touched Project much. The rain is still there. Likely got compressed by my recording and YouTube. :(


Originally posted by Galdinow41

i loved this VFX update

Thanks! Glad you liked it. :)


Originally posted by vanillaisagoodflavor

The VFX update looks amazing but I was wondering if there can be a VFX for blight being proc'd like an explosion or a sound knowing it got proc'd. It would mega satisfying for the player and it would be so nice since proccing blight right now feels like I do nothing to the enemy, especially in team fights when both the enemy and player can't tell

There is an effect! I tried to keep it at the same level as before the update, so it still won't be a huge explosion. But it should at least be noticeable. :)


Originally posted by Serawa

Hi! First of all, thank you SO MUCH for the VFX update! I'm so happy that Varus was the next one on the list, he really needed an update and you did an outstanding job!

In case of his base skin, I REALLY love that you tinted the colors towards purple, some people like reds more but I think purple-ish tones fit Varus better and make the abilities far more pleasing to look at. I love how his Q now looks as powerful as in his recent skins, and E looks soo much smoother!

The one thing I wanted to ask - I wondered if it's possible to change the W blight stacks? Or at least slown down their animation a bit! The major problem for me in his old VFX was that his base blight stacks felt really distracting with how fast the tendrils moved. It could be just me though, I prefer when the marks are more simplified (Arclight, Cosmic, even something similar to Evelynn's Q mark!)

And for some R feedback:

- I'd add a fade-out effect to the "binding" VFX that appears ar...

Read more

Thanks for the detailed feedback! I'll see what I can do. I'll very likely tweak the Heartseeker E AOE.